Nothing is true, everything is permitted. o3o
Well make a decision for EZIO'S life, hes the only person so far in the series to get three games about him, and i don't see Conner having that.
Ezio's life, not connor's
Y u tink i maeded it multiple choice?
This thread was made clearly to see what peoples opinions were on the life of... [May contain spoilers for people who haven't played.] Ezio Auditore Da Firenze And i wanted to know what was your favorite part of his long lived loyalty to the creed? Assassins Creed 2 - A bit of a young and more free roaming spirit, who was more into girls than his work ethic, but after being enacted into the creed, he swore to do what was right, under the code of the assassin. Assassins Creed: Brotherhood - In the middle of his years, he was more inclined to his work, but still a bit of a charmer when it came to the ladies, his stay was in Roma, unlike in his earlier years, when he traveled around. Assassins Creed: Revelations - In his olden age, was now seen as a mentor, but still had much he could learn as he was taught a lot of things, such as using a hook blade, and the crafting of bombs, but he was still a bit of a charmer, as he found a signore that had come from Roma as well, aboard the same ship, after getting into Altair ibn'la'ahads library, he had found a piece of Eden, another apple, but, he instead started taking off his hidden blades, and armor, and actually talking to Desmond himself. [Yes i know i could have said more about the other games, but i haven't played them in a while, can't play 2, i need to get it again.]
I'e been posting pretty frequently actually, but i need to be posting more in actually post count threads, cause im tired of my name, mainly because my OC has a new name now.
No, the sims let you play god. But anyway, minecraft is so popular because its a mining and resource gathering game, but unlike most where you just look at a screen and click on building, you get to walk around, making mine shafts, craft weaponry, enchant your armor, make your own custom skins, a lot of things, i only got rid of it because my craptop doesn't have enough processing power.
Not a Hack, its taking a mod off of the pc, and transferring it to the xbox, and with Bethesda's actual permission, Xbox is letting players use specific mod's without being penalized in any way, so its not hacking at all. In myth busters lingo: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
It isn't a hack, but more of a "Modded Save" So to speak, which starts you out in a room with chests that contain every item in the game, right at the beginning, and after leaving said room, all you simply do is complete the little begging area, and progress like normal.
After forever passed, i opened the dusty case, and pop the disk into the console, and when i was looking at the two saves i had, i completely forgotten that i had a file where i was level 255, with a nordic named Odin. Upon loading said save, i remembered i had an incredibly overpowered daedric sword, and greatsword, both doing over 400k damage, and well worth over a few million, with enchantments that make them do a little above 1,600 fire and electric. Along with an armor rating of over 500k.... I rather strip down naked fighting alduin on master difficulty with my fists.
When i was younger, that confused me so badly, here i thought when i was at a resturant. "Fish and chips" i thought it was actually fish and chips, but i got chicken and fries. o3o
In all honesty, football in america should be called "Hand, sometimes kick, but mostly throwball" In short. "Handball"
I don't wanna be "That guy" But in america, we call that sport soccer, and for some reason, call a oval shaped ball that we "Throw" Football, sure we kick it sometimes, but we mainly throw it.
How many people have had a WhatChaMaCallIt?
That technology is..... AHEAD OF ITS TIME
Spoiler 1= I 2 = II 3 = III 4 = IV 5 = V 6 = VI 7 = VII 8 = VIII 9 = IX 10 = X 11 = XI 12 = XII 13 = XIII 14 = XIV 15 = XV 16 = XVI 17 = XVII 18 = XVIII 19 = XIX 20 = XX 21 = XXI 22 = XXII 23 = XXIII 24 = XXIV 25 = XXV 26 = XXVI 27 = XXVII 28 = XXVIII 29 = XXIX 30 = XXX 31 = XXXI 32 = XXXII 33 = XXXIII 34 = XXXIV 35 = XXXV 36 = XXXVI 37 = XXXVII 38 = XXXVIII 39 = XXXIX 40 = XL 41 = XLI 42 = XLII 43 = XLIII 44 = XLIV 45 = XLV 46 = XLVI 47 = XLVII 48 = XLVIII 49 = XLIX 50 = L 51 = LI 52 = LII 53 = LIII 54 = LIV 55 = LV 56 = LVI 57 = LVII 58 = LVIII 59 = LIX 60 = LX 61 = LXI 62 = LXII 63 = LXIII 64 = LXIV 65 = LXV 66 = LXVI 67 = LXVII 68 = LXVIII 69 = LXIX 70 = LXX 71 = LXXI 72 = LXXII 73 = LXXIII 74 = LXXIV 75 = LXXV 76 = LXXVI 77 = LXXVII 78 = LXXVIII 79 = LXXIX 80 = LXXX 81 = LXXXI 82 = LXXXII 83 = LXXXIII 84 = LXXXIV 85 = LXXXV 86 = LXXXVI 87 = LXXXVII 88 = LXXXVIII 89 = LXXXIX 90 = XC 91 = XCI 92 = XCII 93 = XCIII 94 = XCIV 95 = XCV 96 = XCVI 97 = XCVII 98 = XCVIII 99 = XCIX 100 = C
I need to be sure that Im not afraid of Heights first to ensure i don't have a panic attack before assassinating the templar's that I've been assigned to kill. I would also need to have incredible finger strength to hold myself up, and an iron grip.
I've already beaten the game, a day after i gotten it in fact, and all I've got to do is try the side missions, the more tedious things such as finding animus data fragments, and getting 100% synchronization on missions that are a pain in the ass.
Right now most guild challenges involve open conflict, but since its gonna take a bit for me to get the Master Assassin armor, I've no choice but to wear an unbreakable set of highly defensive armor, that sometimes deflects projectiles, but aside from that, it shouldn't be to bad to do mission with the armor, and its hilarious seeing guards run away.