I only get the feeling of things crawling on me when im covered up, relaxing, the room room is hot, but the worst i've had is a slight insomnia, where i stayed up all day, all night, and all day again, until i passed out around 8 or 9 PM o3o
I would destroy/cripple the Templar organization.
And remember kids, Always eat your veggies!
You must be magically able to get a massive abundance of posts, anyway, when i first saw this thread, you had around 2,000 post count, and if you do the math, half of 3,000 is 1,500, so if you want to be technical, at the time, you were 2/3's of the way there.
That we do, And luckily there are emulators :3
Im 15, a little after being amazed with the game cube in my youth, i was outstanding by some games on the N64, was around when very few games were on the GC at the time.
Ok, im glad i only have five, all i've got to say is DAYUM.
How many roleplaying characters do you use in your... roleplays. Could be just 1, or 2, maybe even over 20, for me, i use 5, yes their ponies but thats not important right now. Their all part of a family, and i have names for all of them. ThunderWing - 56 years old - Pegasus - Thunder element FrostBite - 57 years old - Pegasus - Water element (Prefers forming ice instead of water) ShockFury - 35 years old - Pegasus - inherited mothers power NightRose - 32 years old - Pegasus - inherited fathers power (Uses water mostly) AyannaGateau - 7 years old - Pegasus - Daughter of Rose, her power over water is weaker, and makes it much harder to use
I actually prefer it on the N64, no offence, but the old, not so smooth graphics are what i'm used to, and the gold cartridge exploits are always fun to do
It looks like a pretty good game, i've played the demo it had, and its not that bad of a game, the fighting's fluid, it has that nice mortal kombat style [hold the blood] and is something that i'd be able to get into.
I usually don't try to introduce myself to people, i'm a bit of a distant person, and i like being alone among family members, a bit of shy feelings toward other people. I might have slight claustrophobia, i don't mind trying to make friends with a small group of people, but if there's a whole lot of people, i'd maybe be finicky, and staying around one of the corners of the room.
The grand theft auto series is a good series, i actually though the game was better with 3, GTA SA, vice city... but when i was playing around in IV, i was a bit disappointed, it wasn't the fast paced, fun free roaming shooter i remembered, to me it was a bit... eeh, it peeks others interests though, i'm not a real hardcore gamer, or one who likes to much realism, a lot of people enjoy going to a game to basically see funny, goofy physics that could never happen in actual life. I am looking forward a bit to the newer SR that's going to be coming out though, but GTA isn't entirely my cup of Tea.
Make a new thread that says. "Today is my B-Day" xD Buon compleanno.
Sounds kinky.
Here's a step guideline to follow. 1. Get up from computer chair 2. Leave computer alone 3. Work on your project for 5 hours 4. ????? 5. Profit
Yeah it is, but like most fighting games out there it usually gets stale very quickly, sure you can take hours, days to learn every character best you can, but other than that, its just a bit redundant, basically the same fights, over and over, just in another characters shoes/armor.
It honestly sounds like it would be a good game, but its still going to have a slight relatability to modern warfare series of CoD, and i really never enjoyed it, hopefully there is going to be a black ops 3, and when it comes out, it should be better than this game, i know most people would eat my heart out reading this, but i hate the modern warfare's EXCEPT for the 1st one, which was inexplicity also used under the name of CoD 4.
The single hoovingly most amazing thing I've ever done in a single video game would have to be jumping from the highest place in steelport city, smacking face first into the ground, and getting up afterward, walking away as if i did nothing at all. Another was when i was playing prototype, i did practically the same thing, but instead of a nothinghappenedfacepancake, i ended up causing a massive quake, that sent out a shockwave, and made a crater in the ground, after, tearing off a couple heads, and having tentacle arms.
I didn't think you'd actually do that... now be the creepy guy from courage that always went. "...Naaaaaughty!"
I cant really say i have a favorite wii game, but if i'd have to choose it would be brawl, all i mainly have is about... 4 or 5 wii games, and 10 or 15 gamecube games, so i usually just play the GC games on the wii console, the favorite game i have for the GC right now is Twilight princess.