After their lunch at the park, they all relaxed, and played a few games with Anna, although it was starting to get a little dark outside, and shock get up, starting to pack everything up in the pic-nik basket they brought. ShockFury - "Aah... everyone ready to go home?" He asked his family, the basket on his back, all packed up and ready. NightRose - "Uugh... yeah, i couldn't eat another bite..." ThunderWing - "As good as your cooking is shock, i just cant eat anymore." FrostBite - "It was a very delicious and expertly cooked lunch, and im sure after we rest for a bit, Rose is going to make the most delightful desert." He say with a slight giggle. NightRose - Yeah, maybe dad, but after a little rest, like you said." Slowly getting up, she stretch out her back, and wings. All of their stomachs full, they begun to walk home, although their calm walk home would be interrupted when mistakenly, they walk in the path of a race they had no idea was going on, Shock finding himself on the ground, and the basket on its side, he hadn't known what happened, but luckily most ponies in the town knew him, and treat him nicely, even some foreigners. ShockFury - Holding a hoof at his side, he get himself up. "Uugh... Hu- Pinkie?" He shake his head a bit. "That hurt.." He say at her, not knowing of the other mare pinkie was racing against.
A gentle, warm breeze blowing against the green grass, that coated the ground of the ponyville park, colts and fillies playing, other ponies enjoying a warm summers day lunch, all was peaceful for now. ShockFury - The stallion smiling, sitting next to his sister on a large, pic-nik quilt, aiding in setting up the food they had, he reach into the basket, pulling out many assorted foods, and setting them down on the serving plates. He soon started handing out the plates they'd use for their food. "Alright, go ahead and try the food, i did my best to make everyponies favorite. NightRose - Smiling, she take a couple triangle cut sandwiches, and a few carrots, with a couple celery stalks. "Wow Shock, this looks like a really good meal you made." ShockFury - "Well, i try, do you like it, Mom? Dad? ThunderWing&Frostbite - Both already having a plate set up, would take a bite from their sandwiches, smiles on both faces. "Its very good shock." "Yes, very." ShockFury - Smiling, he set his own plate up, glad that he was able to spend time with his parents, who were usally so distant, protecting the castle from threats. NightRose - "So shock, if any of your friends come and see us in the park, would you let them eat with us?" The mare asked her brother, before giggling, with a hoof over her muzzle, from her daughter Ayanna popping up from behind her. AyannaGateu - A couple carrots in her mouth, she have her eyes crossed. "Rawr!" Eventually, she had the rest of the family laughing, Rose gently setting Anna down at her plate, so she could continue to eat her food, All of them enjoying their time together, glad that they all took a week of vacation time.
Alright, what im thinking right now is a role play that starts out peacefully, but eventually the changelings want to try and conquer equestria again. If i could be so bold, i could start us off.
Im online at random hours, but im good to roleplay, we've just got to think of something to roleplay about, either peaceful times, or a darker, changling trying to take over, kinda time.
Yeah, im sure that would be fine considering BG characters maybe wont be used that often, unless the 10th wants to have doc whooves as a permanant role. x3 BTW: I enjoyed your pony avi and sig better :<
I would share the fruit with myself, because im hungry.
This is where you may list all characters you will be using, down is a form with some needed things, and some optional things you may add. Name: Self explanatory Appearance: eye color, coat color, mane, tail, Ect. Race: Pegasi, Earth, Unicorn. Alicorns are also able, but as long as their not godly powerful. Age: Self explanatory Powers: Fire element, can teleport, Ect. Bio: Optional Work Status: Optional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ShockFury Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 35 Powers: Lightning Work Status: Head chef Bio: Whenever he clocks out, he always go home, and have time with his family, his family bond very strong, he would be devastated if anything where to happen to them. Name: NightRose Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 32 Powers: Water Work Status: Head baker Bio: Teaches all of her bakery secrets to her daughter, she soon retire from the bakery, letting Anna take up position as head baker, while Rose herself went on to go back and sell her flowers, in her flower shop. Name: ThunderWing Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 56 Powers: Lightning Work Status: Royal guard Bio: A litte after Shock was born, she looked down at him with tears in her eyes, and a big smile, knowing he'd grow up to be a big strong stallion, that when faced with challenges, would adapt easily and come through. Name: FrostBite Apperance Race: pegasi Age: 57 Powers: Ice Work Status: Royal Guard Bio: Using his power of water, he trained and honed it for many years, until he was able to freeze water, to a frigid 324 bellow 0, but hes happy that his daughter Rose, can control water like he does, and hes even happier, that she learnt how to heal broken or hurt limbs with her water. Name: AyannaTorta Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 7 Powers: Water Work Status: None Bio: Through the years, her mother, NightRose, teaches her everything she knows about baking, and soon Anna takes her position as Head baker. (I know, not that good of Bio's, but i'll eventually make a whole fim fiction for my OC family.)
Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man, he was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds.
Yeah, of course, just call pinkie first, which you pretty much just did. @ 10th doc: would you like me to make a thread so we can list our characters, the way they look, any powers if any, Ect.
No thank you, thats when my roleplaying skills were... less than good, i rather make a new one seeing as, far as i know, theres no character limit, yeah, that big of a post is to be expected from me.
Its both Oc's and cannon characters, but once an actual character from the show is taken up, they are no longer available to others, that's at least how i would run a role playing thread in this wonderfully pony-rific group.
I've got to say its a very good game, the area very expansive, the game play good, and the killing animations very nice, but my only problems with it is the combat system, i think its a bit bad, its much more of a pain in the ass to kill whoever your in open conflict with, and i much rather enjoyed the old combat systems better, along with the usage of medicine instead of healing over time after a fight. I enjoyed all three games taking you through Ezio's life a bit better than the main character's in ACIII, but its still a good game in its own respective view.
The impossible game. Edit: Sorry, that's only good for anurism. A good Multi game is pretty much everything you don't want.
And a happy giorno dei morti to you to. (Thats italiano for Day of the dead.)
Just a little suggestion, but i should know if we do need one or not, so i can sparse my time between here and other places.
In this thread will be disscussed what characters your going to be using in most of your role-playing. Name: Insert name here. Appearance: Mane, eye color, muzzle, Ect. Likes/Dislikes: Optional Back Story: Optional Powers: Magic, incredible speed, elemental power. Current job: Baker, librarian, Ect. Age: Anywhere between just born, to the maximum 130 years old. (Princess characters are taken once called by someone.) My characters. Name: ShockFury Appearance Power: Lightning Job: Working as a head chef in ponyville Age: 35 Name: NightRose Appearance Power: Water Job: Head baker in the ponyville bakery Age: 32 Name: ThunderWing Appearance Power: Lightning Job: Royal guard Age: 56 Name: FrostBite Appearance Power: Water (Uses Ice mainly) Job: Royal guard Age: 57 Name: Ayannagateau Appearance Power: Water (Has hard time using) Job: When of age, takes mothers place as head baker Age: 7