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  1. Misty
    The parental spying thing can be toggled during installation. I understand people's concerns over it but, firstly, most kids have their own PCs from a young age today and probably can turn off any tracking so long as they're aware of its existence. Secondly, if a parent wants to spy on their child's online activity, many of them install other Nanny programs that do things like block sites, disable their internet connection after a certain hour, close ports, and so on. Windows 10's tools are much more passive. I don't agree with parents spying on their kids' online activity (monitoring is one thing, snooping is another) but I think it's a larger issue independent of Windows 10. Definitely something to be aware of but it shouldn't prevent most people, especially those in the age group of the people on this site, from upgrading.

    The Cortana stuff iirc has to be turned on manually, I didn't want to use a Microsoft account with my OS and so Cortana is disabled for me. I agree with Haya that it's weird that Cortana is so all or nothing -- I don't think you can use her web search abilities, for example, without giving her access to your location, which is bizarre.

    As for the browser thing, I clean installed W10 on a new PC so idk how the upgrade process works (or doesn't work as it were). Microsoft did get in trouble a few years ago for forcing IE on people though.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    I like it
    Post by: Misty, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    This is really important. If a Wii U version was in the cards, it would have been announced by now. Dev kits for the NX are out now which I guess theoretically means KH3 could appear on it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. It's already a surprise that KH3 is coming to the XBOX One.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 21, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Misty

    it's october
    Post by: Misty, Oct 18, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Oct 18, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    I missed out on a Los Campesinos!/Johnny Foreigner concert a few years ago and I'm still upset

    But Perfect Pussy is playing with Potty Mouth this weekend ayyy
    Post by: Misty, Oct 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    bruh does rise against still tour? I'm going to concerts these days and they'd be cool to see

    seeing perfect pussy for the third time on Saturday ayyyy
    Post by: Misty, Oct 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    running away together?
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Misty
    ahh I feel that. It definitely takes time and I still worry sometimes that i'm bugging my boyfriend too much, but we've established that we're both needy and obsessed with each other and want to hang out every day

    it's a ***** being in school and having a relationship too, I feel that. idk your campus but it's nice to just chill outside and do some homework together sometimes
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    ahhh I feel you. but generally speaking, people like hearing that ish and I think it's important to establish in a relationship that like... you don't really care if yr just wasting time together, you just want to be together
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Misty
    That's some lovely cable management you've done. Are you overclocking at all? With a liquid cooler it shouldn't be a heat issue and you can probably push yr CPU a bit further.
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: Technology
  12. Misty
    it hurts
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  13. Misty
    That's weird, I assumed GPU overclocking was controlled by the mobo but I dunno.

    Stock coolers are, in my experience, pretty easy. I have a Hyper 212 Plus and just... could not figure out the mount. It turns out you had to be surprisingly forceful to screw it down. I was being pretty delicate with everything so that frightened me.

    I should really write up my build diary though, I took pics and everything. Would love to read about and see some pics of yrs
    you CAN
    Post by: Misty, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    Glad you got them sorted. What was wrong with the gpu? Just curious.
    The only part I had trouble with when putting mine together was the CPU cooler, i've never installed an aftermarket one before. That and installing the mobo but that's just because I'm ****ing terrible at putting in the IO shield
    Post by: Misty, Oct 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    I don't drink but apparently there are root beer flavored ones now
    Post by: Misty, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
  17. Misty
    I've been sitting on these for a while now, but I figure now's a good time to share them with everyone. Back in the day, fan sites would use overly Photoshopped banners rather than the simple logos that head off the page. Most of these you guys will recognize, because we used them for a long time, while others are some nice little bonuses I found in the depths of the staff section.

    The original phpbb forum banner, from December 2005 to September 2006.
    View attachment 43222

    Our first vBulletin banner, first went up in September of 2006, not sure when it went down.
    View attachment 43223

    This banner belonged to what was probably the most beloved version of KHV, design-wise. For some reason Deathspank really liked that graffiti font.
    View attachment 43224

    The infamous Funky logo, which we had for something like two years. One person described it as a children's coloring book. I was always fond of it.
    View attachment 43225

    This was the first banner or logo I ever did for KHV, circa I think 2009 (the Dark Days skin). I first made it just for laughs then mocked up an entire site design based on it, which poor @Sanya then had to code. I intended to clean it up and make a final version before the skin actually went live but I never did and I felt bad asking RvR to update it (remember when I used to be afraid of you?). There's a few pixels under Axel's chin that shouldn't be there and that I can never unsee. The text is god awful, too. This banner haunts me to this day.
    View attachment 43226

    I could dig up some more but I feel the rest were in recent enough history that they won't really feel like throwbacks for anyone. Instead, I've got some goodies...

    This banner DS posted in the staff section, I think it had a corresponding skin that never went live too. It showcases once again his weird obsession with this font.
    View attachment 43227

    Same story as above.
    View attachment 43228

    And finally, my personal favorite...
    I don't recall the dates on this but DS at one point posted in the staff section asking if anyone would like to try to make him a banner because he didn't consider himself very good at Photoshop. Cin was on staff at the time (and this reflects his gfx style at the time) and posted this little number. I think he was serious about it.
    DS never asked for banners again and I like to think this is why.
    View attachment 43229
    Thread by: Misty, Oct 7, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    Oh I still think I'll be around in some way here for the rest of forever. You'll always be KHV's grandma, Mish, but maybe now I can be an aunt or something.
    The pink is going to take adjusting! Or maybe I'll start another movement to change the Premium color. Just kidding, maybe. I'm fairly certain I have you on Skype.
    Thanks Amaury, keep on bein' KHV's cheerleader.
    Ahhh Lexi you are one person I definitely forgot to specifically list in my post. We didn't talk a ton one on one but we have been like... in close proximity to each other for so many years that you've just kind of become embroiled into my every day life on KHV. I'll definitely miss your Megaman rants in the staff chat, and I hope you get your MAME cabinet one day.
    Thanks Roxam! You've single-handedly given me a positive association with Jar Jar Binks which I never thought could happen. You've been fantastic to work with.
    I waited specifically for you to log out.

    It's been a trip Alex! It still is. Come down to NYC next weekend, Perfect Pussy is playing a concert at a car wash and I am so ****ing there. I'mma definitely keep sending music yr way.
    Thanks a bundle tale, I know I wasn't really present for most of your time on staff but it's still been fun working with you. I'm glad I've inserted myself into your Pokemon conceptions.
    Like I said, a kidney might be up for grabs!
    I've definitely thrown my share of BS at you too Luxord, I'm really happy we're in a good place these days.
    Thanks below, I really admire how convicted you are about everything you love and I'm so happy to see you meeting new people and branching out in college now. Keep dropping life updates in the community thread, I want to keep up with them.

    To everyone else: thanks a lot! Just because I didn't reply to you doesn't mean I don't love you <3
    Post by: Misty, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Misty
    It is really addictive and really, really good
    Post by: Misty, Oct 4, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    They ****ed the ending too I think? It's been a long time since I saw the movie or read the books, but I remember them ending the movie in a way that would make a second movie difficult. I don't think the first film did well enough to warrant an Eldest film tho
    The Fast & Furious films are the ****ing bomb. Still haven't seen 7, I'm not ready for the emotions
    Post by: Misty, Oct 4, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone