I love my camera. It's a Sony NEX-3N. Bought it used for something like $230, some of the best money I've ever spent. I've taken some real nice photos with it. Dude I can't tell you what a mess I made. I thought I was being overly cautious laying down the cardboard to work on but I'm so glad I did. The photos of my hand don't show how bad it was, if only because I had to wash them at least ten times through the process. I don't know how I accomplished it. I had to lotion my hands up for the next like four or five days. I got some on my rug, too. That wasn't fun to clean out. It's massive. Aesthetically I... don't really dig it. My case doesn't have a window so it's no big d, but I didn't expect it to be this large either. I only just installed Steam today and the only games I own on it are from that Star Wars Humble Bundle ages back ;( I'll tell you when I do get to use it lol
I finished my build [a while ago]! I put together a little build diary here ( quietly tags @Hayabusa )
not me
I took a decent number of pictures when building, I probably should put together a build diary finally
sell it
would this family friend ask you about it if/when you see them again?
If you have the model name and number of your PC, you should be able to find a page with driver downloads. You should reinstall the audio drivers from there.
Oh yeah, Redmayne's outfit definitely resembles Matt Smith's during S7 of Who:
Really like the logo, not digging much else about the screens. The outfits aren't quite as thrilling as I hoped and I'm upset by how white the cast seems, especially considering it will be set during the 1920s (and therefore hopefully go into flappers and jazz).
I built a new PC recently. Haven't played with Rainmeter or hooked up my second monitor (idk if I will) yet. Spoiler View attachment 43493
I'm still upset with the new Sora model. It just looks very flat. I guess we haven't seen it in many different lights and environments yet, and it's possible they're still tweaking it, but the model of him in his black outfit was much more detailed (here's a screen we've all seen a million times by now). The hair has much more dimension and variation in color and the clothes look less like plastic. The Riku and Kairi models look junky too but I suppose they could still be works in progress as well... if those are even their outfits for the bulk of the game (that scene seems like it came straight out of the Dream Drop Distance secret ending). It can't be the jump to UE4 either because the young Xehanort model has the individual hair strands detailed and at least some texture on his clothes. You'd think that the main player character would have the best model. It's disappointing because the environments we've seen thus far have been gorgeous, but the characters look like poop.
There's something bizarre going on with Riku's crotch.
i want to see some ****ing halloween costumes & pix Spoiler View attachment 43480 View attachment 43481 View attachment 43482 i had to work but i was still cute
Haven't watched the new trailer yet (waiting until my theater gets it so I can see it on the big screen) but I love that everything I've seen this far has Daisy Ridley with some sort of vibroblade rather than a lightsaber. Rep those non-Force users yeah
i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february
candy month -> birthday month -> christmas month
working an 8.5hr shift & effectively being at work until 3:30am **** the rocky horror picture show. sorry fam
not a fan of ios and the iphone design tbh. love my xperia
definitely fable legends
a true hero