ooh it always drives me nuts when people say like "those were the best years of my life" or like "yeah this is probably the happiest i'll ever be" like !!!!!!!!!! outlook is everything y'all. if you're not committed to, and believe in, your own happiness, it's not going to happen. be happy where you are, of course, if you can, but tomorrow can be equally awesome if not more. there's a lot of happiness and great stuff out there in the world for you to find
ya it's really uncanny if you're talking about audrey tautou i am extremely flattered because amelie is my absolute favorite movie (though i don't really see the resemblance ha) i need a haircut but i have been wearing it a bit longer [out of laziness]
Holiday sale just went up. Nothing too good, but Journey and Resogun are probably worth a grab if you don't have them already. Telltale games are also pretty good discounts. Text list of sales for the lazy (stolen from reddit) Spoiler Prices (w/ PS+): Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX - $2.25 (PS4/PSV) Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - $2.50 (PS4) Attacking Zegeta - $2.50 (PS4) Back to the Future: The Game (30th Anniversary Edition) - $11.99 (PS4) DOA2: Hardcore (PS2 Classic) - $2.50 (PS3) Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal - $27.99 (PSV) Echo Night (PS1 Classic) - $1.50 (PSV/PS3/PSP) Evolve - $16.00 (PS4) Farming Simulator 16 - $24.49 (PSV) Game of Thrones Season Pass - $5.00 (PS4) Game of Thrones Season Pass - $6.25 (PS3) Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved - $4.95 (PS4/PSV/PS3) God of War III Remastered - $23.99 (PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - $35.99 (PS4) Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card Bundle - $39.99 (PS4) Grow Home - $2.64 (PS4) Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational - $3.38 (PSV) Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart - $11.99 (PSV) Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth2 - $6.00 (PSV) Invizimals: The Resistance - $7.99 (PSV) Journey - $8.99 (PS4/PS3) King's Quest Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember - $4.89 (PS3) Lost Dimension - $27.99 (PSV/PS3) Monopoly Family Fun Pack - $9.99 (PS4) Monsterbag - $4.99 (PSV) Olli Olli 2: Welcome to Olliwood - $3.75 (PS4/PSV) One Upon Light - $8.39 (PS4) Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy - $10.00 (PSV) Paranormal Pursuit: The Gifted One Collector's Edition - $3.00 (PS3) Persona 4: Dancing All Night - $34.99 (PSV) Prismatic Solid - $2.50 (PS4) Quiplash - $4.99 (PS4/PS3) Rabbids Invasion - $8.00 (PS4) Resogun - $5.99 (PS4/PSV/PS3) RISK - $2.50 (PS3) RISK - $3.75 (PS4) Rollers of the Realm - $2.00 (PS4/PSV) Sketchcross - $1.60 (PSV) SpongeBob HeroPants - $14.69 (PSV) STARWHAL - $3.00 (PS4/PS3) Super Stardust Ultra - $5.19 (PS4) Syberia - $3.00 (PS3) Tales from the Borderlands Season Pass - $3.75 (PS4/PS3) Tales of Hearts R - $11.99 (PS3) The Escapists - $9.99 (PS4) The Jackbox Party Pack - $7.49 (PS4/PS3) The Jackbox Party Pack 2 - $12.49 (PS4/PS3) The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (PS1 Classic) - $1.50 (PSV/PS3/PSP) The Muppets Movie Adventures - $5.99 (PSV) The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure - $29.49 (PS4) The Telltale Games Collection - $27.50 (PS4) Thomas Was Alone - $2.50 (PS4/PSV/PS3) Tina's Toy Factory - $1.75 (PS4) Tower of Guns - $3.75 (PS4/PS3) Wander - $6.25 (PS4) XBlaze Lost: Memories - $12.00 (PSV) Sale is good until the 14th, at which point the second week's holiday sales will go up.
in denial of the passage of time, mish?
i'm 21 bitches
rightfully, Alex is an afterthought
generally business hours on monfay
imma be real with you Alex I did not know about it but I will listen eventually. glad to hear that tho I like first love way more (tho, Edward ep...
happy birthday cal i miss you
sexii i'll dump some more snapchats and **** because i know you guys care a lot Spoiler View attachment 43775 View attachment 43776 View attachment 43777 View attachment 43778 View attachment 43779 View attachment 43780 View attachment 43781
I don't have particular feelings for or against releasing the game in parts, especially if it's enabling them to release a more complete remake (as in, have everything that was in the original, within reason). I don't think FF7 is suited to an episodic format like with Telltale Games but that doesn't seem to be what they're talking about here. It's definitely a unique thing they're proposing here and I'm interested to see how it will work out. It would actually explain why the game appears to be in such a finished state according to this trailer. I agree though that people should wait until they release more explicit details before getting all worked up. Thankfully we don't have any nutso fanboys here (for ff7).
I'm being picky, probably. Like I said, I know the game is in early stages and that this isn't a final trailer. I just checked out the one direct from the press site and it was a bit better but still seemed to lack, to me, the sort of... I don't know. Life and depth of FFXV and other games this gen. Maybe it's just the light in Midgar -- I'm hoping other areas might look differently. The episodic thing is really weird too.
guy with big collar? it's ****ing auron y'all fourth guy from the left has a similar silhouette. it's nothing
Oh I understand that but this doesn't look to have the detail of FFXV either, I'm not crazy impressed by the visuals in that game either but I'd expect Square's other releases to be at least on par with it.
I'd like to see a proper (non-stream) upload of the trailer when it goes up because graphically I'm a little disappointed. A lot of the character models look... well, like character models. Granted the game is still obviously far off and this is way more than I ever expected from the game in 2015. I just hoped to have more wow from the visuals (though I do love how Cloud's buster sword catches the light when he's shown running around Midgar). Maybe The Order 1886 just gave me unreal hopes for graphics this gen. No thoughts on the combat change. I like real-time and I like turn-based.
dude let me tell you about napping I never used to nap. Like, ever, unless you count as a baby. Out of necessity I would sleep in my car between classes a few semesters ago, but I don't count those as naps really because my car is small and not really comfy to sleep in (I love my car, just the backseat isn't spacious. by choice. I don't want a big car). This year though, in May, I was going to a friend's birthday party after a 9-5 shift so I caught a nap while I waited for my boyf to get off work and holy **** it was ****in' awesome, I have been missing out my whole life now I nap on the regular
I have mentally checked out of both school and my job
Still awesome news. I guess I understand why discs and PS2 classics don't automatically work because they're advertising trophy support and upscaling which would need additional attention. I don't own any so it doesn't particularly bother me, but then the selection is pretty limited at the moment (though I do love me some Twisted Metal). Excited to see what other games are in the pipeline. Give me Primal or give me death
I think the Bat Nipples are ****ing fantastic I already hate Ryan Reynolds, no CGI suit can make it worse