(terrifying) banger
"hey babe take my pc scraps" (i'm playin that's nice)
take me out to dinner i was gonna say come on the podcast but i am no longer the queen of khv this book is so much fun i've been meaning to buy it i'll count up my booty later
Hi Mari I'm still here kinda
Updated OP with another item (KH1.5 Hardcover Guide) and an imgur album with pics of everything. I'll give everyone until Jan 1st to put their name in for stuff (if you already said you were interested please just post again now that the pics are up). If you're the only one who wants it, it's yours. If there are multiple people I'll just randomly select one. We'll work out shipping and everything after that.
I don't have a 3DS (might get one for New Leaf someday). Not buying the remaster. Haven't watched basically any of the cutscene but I know what goes on. If y'all have not noticed my interest in KH has waned lol Since the bag and the Ultimania seem to be popular I guess the best way to handle it would be to put you all in a pool and randomly choose a name for each (giveaway style). We can work out shipping costs after yr picked (I have to weigh everything and get zip codes to calculate postage). Will take clearer pics when I get home tonight, unless Dave & Busters closes early in which case some other day
I'm pretty sure there are shipment calculators out there but I'd probably just send it out and let you know how much it was. For stuff like this I imagine it would be $5 - $10 if you're in the US.
They weren't really, though. Dedicated superfans like the ones who lurk in KH communities, sure. But that represents only a subset of people who actually buy Kingdom Hearts games. In my experience it's pretty easy to avoid spoilers for KH games, and that's coming from someone who ran a KH site for like five years. Like @libregkd said, there's no reason for them to hold back a finished game just for release date parity. The development and release of FF games absolutely relates to and informs analysis of KH releases. See but we've veered pretty far from your original post, which seemed to be upset with the news cycle for KH3 -- not the Final Mix releases over four years ago.
I think Luxord really nailed why there's so much negativity in the KH fandom when he said that, unless it's "KH3 is out and go play it," people are going to be upset. Really good point there. I still hate the character models. I was spanked as a child. I don't dislike my mother for doing it, but I would never hit my children.
Hi guys, I'm planning to move out next fall and part of my preparation for that is cleaning out all the **** I've built up over the years. I'll probably be selling some stuff, but for some of my KH items I figured I'd offer them up to you all. I'm willing to give it all away since I don't think any of it is worth much (aside from my action figures but I'm keeping them sorry y'all), I'd rather give them away to fans than sell them. Just cover packaging and shipping and it's yours. First come first serve I guess. Can provide pics if anyone wants. Bradygames strategy guide for Kingdom Hearts II. Okay condition, maybe 10 pages have fallen out (this is a problem a lot of people have with the guide, the pages are really easy to remove), but I still have them all. Bradygames strategy guide for Dream Drop Distance. Like new condition, just a little dusty. Bradygames strategy guide for Kingdom Hearts. Okay condition, some pages are a little loose, the binding has wear, and there's some rips/parts missing from the cover. Still functions as a guide, just a little worn (I've had it for like 10+ years leave me alone). KH3D Ultimania (it's in Japanese). Like new condition, includes dust jacket. KH3D bag I got at the launch event. I'm holding it in this awful dark picture from 3.5 years ago. A bunch of these postcards. I stole a bunch on the way out of the store. 17 available. KH1.5 Hardcover strategy guide. Includes unused code for digital eGuide. Imgur album with pics of everything Upon reflection I have a lot of KH3D stuff considering I have never played it
Except that it won't. It's in development for the PS4 and XBOX One and remains in development. KH3 didn't skip a console generation in the sense that FFXV did; there was never a PS3 KH game in development (that we know of I guess) that was pushed to next gen. FFXV was, but that's for a different reason (Square mismanaging the **** out of their FFXIII line of games). They would never push KH3 to next gen, even if another generation comes out before KH3 (which I doubt it will -- 2017 is a conservative release window for KH3). There's no way KH3's release date would be anywhere close to 2020. That's just hyperbolic. Nomura (or maybe Tai Yasue, I don't recall) said in an interview that they released the announcement trailer for KH3 way too early and that it has built a premature fan expectation for news and release. By all means criticize them for that, but it's not as though they can magically accelerate game development because of it. And if they did, would you really want a rushed KH3? Whoever it was concluded by asking fans to be patient while they give the game its due time to cook and create the final product that they want. It's extremely disrespectful to the team to make these demands, especially when, for a game still in early or perhaps middle stages of development, we've had something like two or three KH3 trailers this year alone. There's absolutely no proof that BBS Vol 2 was canned because Disney told Square to put KH3 out. Disney would be happy with any KH release because they'll make money even if it's not KH3. You're speaking as, and represent the views of, an extremely marginal part of KH players and consumers. The average fan of KH certainly wants a Kingdom Hearts 3, but only a few of them feel entitled to news, trailers, and other information about the game this early into its development cycle. And I get it, you're a big fan of the series, but as a big fan you should have a level of gratitude and respect for the people who create it, even if you disagree with Square's business practices. Which is what they are doing now and have been doing for a while. There was only a four month delay between Japan and worldwide releases for KH3D. That's totally reasonable, and it will probably be even thinner for KH3. Nobody asked for it, but a hell of a lot of people still bought it. I'm sure a large number of people here did. Its sales figures certainly weren't great, but it still did okay and probably made Square some money. It is probably the worst selling game in the series (aside from the Final Mixes and Re:CoM, since that was only released to NA), but it was also probably one of the cheapest games in the series to develop. You realize your thesis in all of this is "Square hates fans and especially Americans," right? Do you not see how absurd and unlikely that is? No, it doesn't, but you're ignoring the point here: it's easier, cheaper, and more financially viable to release DLC than it is to do a physical re-release. It's why a lot of indie games release digitally and only see a physical release if they do really, really well. Digital is cheaper, and one doesn't have to drum up the resources to press and distribute a physical release. Square has the resources, but are more concerned about their bottom line. That's why it's more likely that any "Final Mix content" in the future would be released as DLC. Hell, Nomura even said that he's done doing Final Mixes. Again, Final Mixes being Japan only isn't just "we hate America." There's been rumblings over the years that the first Final Mix didn't leave Japan because Sony said no to it (whether because they felt it wouldn't sell, that it didn't perform to expectation in Japan, or both), and Japan is much more likely to buy multiple editions of a game than the NA market. The Final Mixes are a remnant of a different era of gaming that's no longer viable and that Square has moved on from. Continuing to invoke them when they're a thing of the past and when Square eventually did bring them to the rest of the world is just holding a grudge. There certainly won't be a Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Mix, but you can bet your butt there will be KH3 DLC.
If you look at the way Square promotes FFXIV now, they're very open about their ideas and upcoming content. They're receptive to fan questions and issues with the game and have something like monthly events where they explain everything they're fixing and adding. Of course, that kind of transparency and those regular updates are sort of demanded by the genre being an MMO. They need to have and maintain an active player base, as well as draw new and old players back in. They also failed to listen to fans for 1.0 and that's one of the many reasons why the game went as badly as it did. There's now a great team behind FFXIV that strikes a good balance between being too open (which I'll get to) and letting people know what the deal is. But for starters, that's in part dictated by the game's nature as an MMO. For a game like FFXV and KH3, they don't need to do a big marketing push until towards the game's release -- if anything it hurts them to promote too early, because then fans get invested and impatient (which is what's happening right now with Kingdom Hearts 3). And when something goes wrong with the project and something has to be scrapped (which happens more often than you'd think in gaming) or at least delayed, it looks bad on the company if they have already promoted it (see FFXIII Versus and Star Wars 1313). I don't mind secrecy in game development, or in general for creative projects. It allows for a level of thrill and surprise when the thing actually comes out -- minimal details or promo images were released for The Force Awakens and that really added to the experience for me. I didn't enter into the movie with (too much) hype or expectation, two things that can slaughter a game (see The Order 1886). I think on some level it's necessary for the team to be secretive in order to maintain an objective and focused vision. Since Tabata took over FFXV, a lot of their Active Time Reports have been spent saying "fans want ______ so we're adding it in!" Of course they're not taking everything and listening to fan input is a good thing and it may just be a show of "look at how receptive we are now" but it makes me fear for the end product of FFXV, that it will perhaps feel as though things were haphazardly added to satisfy fans rather than maintaining the core team's vision. Square also knows with KH and FF that they don't have to worry as much as someone with a new IP to build hype and interest early on. It's already there because they are established franchises with a large fanbase. Of course it's about striking a balance. Square's exclusive theater events are a separate beast we talked about in another thread recently, how it's only really happening with KH and it's a Disney thing. Overall though people just need to calm the **** down, especially the KH fandom right now with all the trailer shenanigans lately. I understand they're hungry for information and it's partly Square's fault but if it's causing distress in your life to not have screenshots from a video game or whatever you need to reevaluate your priorities and learn to be patient and not so entitled. Give the team time to create the game and wait for them to release news in their own time. Go outside, play a different video game, I don't care. Compared to news cycles for other KH games (except maybe KH3D), that of KH3 has been very generous especially considering how far off it still is. Relax. The team knows what they're doing. You also have to consider the role of Disney in all this, who have say in what news comes out and seem to be taking a more active role in the promotion of KH3. They're not about revealing too much information or showing half-finished material. Also think back to the days before gaming news was all over the internet -- we had to wait for events and magazines to do reveals. It wasn't almost daily or weekly updates from fansites and other news sources. I apologize if this is harsh but the entitlement of the KH fandom these days is a huge turnoff.[DOUBLEPOST=1450986000][/DOUBLEPOST] Adapting and localizing a game takes a LOT of work. A few months is a reasonable wait, and anyway with the KH series right now they seem determined to close that gap. With the HD Remixes, it wasn't just "haha **** the Americans, only Japan wants pretty versions of these games," it was "I don't know if an HD collection would be financially viable in that market." Square is and always will be a business first. They won't do something unless they feel there will be a significant monetary return on it -- and they did eventually bring over the HD remixes. The Final Mixes are also a way separate issue. What happened in each of those situations was that the game released in Japan. They tweaked some things, added some new bosses and other content, then released the games elsewhere. The Japanese audiences of course missed out on all that new content, and so they go back, add some more, and re-release as a Final Mix in Japan. It's not a **** you to Americans, it's a gesture to their Japanese audience (as well as a financial move). They must have reason to believe that few fans in NA or EU would purchase the game again or some kind of issue with Disney. Furthermore, recall that there has not been a Final Mix since 2010 or 2011. Now that DLC and online infrastructure are a thing, content previously added to these games can be released to everyone as DLC. That wasn't on the table back in 2006 with Kingdom Hearts 2, and we eventually did get all that content in the HD remixes (albeit years later). Also when something really significant was added with a Final Mix -- Re:Chain of Memories -- they did bring it to NA at least.
I was like this in high school but my first semester of college I got a C+ in calc and my expectations for myself have disappeared ever since also my work ethic
FFXHD is nice especially if you haven't played it yet. Currently selling for $25. The Last of Us, again if you have not played it yet The Order 1886 got a lot of bad press but it's gorgeous and $10 now which is a fair price Pretty sure GOTY Shadow of Mordor is like $10 rn It's available on a lot of platforms but Life is Strange Never Alone, it made me cry a lot Contrast is a couple of bucks, great atmosphere and art direction Sportsfriends because Get On Top I'm enjoying the hell out of Battlefront, if you love Star Wars I'd say give it a shot since you can find it for $30 these days. It's not a deep shooter and it's def another EA scam but Star Wars I'm sure there's more edit: PS+ is kinda necessary
Yes, you can be super overpowered for the whole game. I once stayed on Destiny Islands for a while just fighting Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka to gain experience. It just makes the rest of the game a bit easier. I also modded a save once to get me at max level from the start. It made boss fights go by pretty damn quickly. Whatever works for you really. I find deflecting the ice easiest, especially because your MP eventually runs out.
catch me on the bottom of the battlefront leaderboards for blast and heroes vs villains
Now you guys have no excuse to not play Primal. I'm really excited to replay it actually.
east of west has nice covers but I am forever a sex crims girl
nah guess what I just watched for a third time