Yeah, it was patched like a week or two ago.
It's okay to be a boytoy But no I mean for real if you're into her you might want to find out exactly how old she is and get to know her a bit better, you're almost 22 so if she's in her late 20s it's not too weird imo
Bruh I got that PS4 season pass I haven't played my PS4 in ages though, full-time student + part-time job is hell. ;c Part of me is really tempted to name it Knives Chau but that's weird right? It's weird.
Sending me this like I didn't already copy most of the build from it, you so cute Haya
Oh yeah I say wireless card out of habit, I'd just get a USB adapter. If I wasn't already a bit over budget I'd consider stepping up the GPU but the 750Ti is still a really respected card as I understand it. Like I said I'm not really planning to do much of any PC gaming. If I do one day decide to start, I'd upgrade to a better one. SSD would be the first upgrade I'd plan! This list is like, what I need to get up and running (plus the monitor I guess). Probably a few paychecks down the line I'd drop in an SSD when I catch a good deal on one. Yup, I plan to replace the stock heatsink when I see a good deal on a cooler. Oh god I hate this I'm terrible at naming things
Damn, that's rough then. And just having one base doesn't cut it I'm guessing? There's no way to earn in-game currency by playing?
lmao good luck with all that My bookshelf is teeming to the point where I've stopped buying books (one of my great joys in life). And, well, money. But I still buy comics and frankly I have no place to put them so they've either in the backseat of my car or piled next to my bed. It's bad. I need to move out just so I can store all my ****. I really need to take them out of my car too. I have a really nice Sex Criminals variant that I want to keep nice.
This has happened to me also! I'm pretty sure it was when 1.5 came out. I didn't preorder it because why but they gave me the Limited Edition anyway, I guess because I bought it the day it came out, but I thought it was meant to be a preorder-only bonus. I don't think the average Gamestop employee cares that much if it's not a more expensive package. I'm hoping to do an episode on the physical vs digital debate one day! I'm wary about buying only digital copies myself. I'm actually surprised @libregkd didn't bring up Skullgirls because I know he's a big fan lol lbr there's a lot of bad things about Evolve lmao I read a little about the microtransactions in the game before this episode but didn't feel there was enough to bring it up in this episode. The way I understood it they're not very intrusive or unfair, but I'd love to hear your experiences with them (I'm pretty sure I was reading on Kotaku). I only noticed janky animation in Kill la KIll sometimes but I know a lot of people dump on it for it (which is unfair given Trigger's budget and time issues). I actually think the animation, even when it's bad/weird, is part of the charm of the series. At the very least it's not Sailor Moon Crystal level. Ooooh boy I have a lot of feelings about this. I feel like I might have ranted about it briefly on a podcast during user-submitted questions? If this wasn't a gaming oriented site I'd have loved to do an episode on it, though. I'm not into To Kill a Mockingbird so much that I was going to rush out to the store to get its sequel / another book by Harper Lee, but I'd have considered reading it eventually if it wasn't for the **** surrounding its release (mainly if Harper Lee had ****ing decided to publish it for herself).
I know we have a few system builders here, figured it wouldn't hurt to post up a thread. My laptop is dying a slow heat death and I'm planning to replace it with a custom built PC. I know how to build a PC and know a fair bit about specing out a build. I'm comfortable with $600 as my budget, give or take a little. I don't need an OS because I can get Windows free through my school, but I would like to get a monitor (I have one already that I use as a second display for my laptop when at my desk, but obviously switching to a desktop would mean losing my laptop's display and I've gotten mighty used to a two-screen setup). I have other peripherals already (keyboard, mouse, speakers, headphones, microphone, the whole shebang). I do need a wireless card too. I was going to add an optical drive but I can probably snag one from the four broken computers laying around my job (I'm pretty sure there's a SATA one somewhere that I can clean up). I know you can install an OS from USB but I like making mix CDs because I never really moved on from 2005. I'm not planning to do much beyond light gaming on here. I already don't get to play my PS4 enough. The most will be older games (Mass Effect, probably, and ancient games that I can run even on my ~3 year old laptop) and indies. I'm not expecting 1080p 60fps AAA gaming, hence the 750Ti. I do do some audio stuff and video stuff currently on my laptop and it runs okay, so I imagine it'll run fine on this build (even if I could benefit from a beefier system, I just don't have the $$$). For this reason I went with AMD because I'll be using some applications that take advantage of multi-core processors. Blah blah blah enough talking here's my part list PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: AMD FX-6350 3.9GHz 6-Core Processor ($119.99 @ Amazon) Motherboard: ASRock 970M PRO3 Micro ATX AM3+/AM3 Motherboard ($63.89 @ OutletPC) Memory: Team Elite Plus 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($35.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($50.89 @ OutletPC) Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Superclocked Video Card ($129.99 @ NCIX US) Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($43.99 @ NCIX US) Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($44.99 @ NCIX US) Wireless Network Adapter: Belkin F9L1001 802.11b/g/n USB 2.0 Wi-Fi Adapter ($8.99 @ Amazon) Monitor: LG 23MP57HQ-P 60Hz 23.0" Monitor ($134.99 @ SuperBiiz) Total: $633.71 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-11 20:41 EDT-0400 I've posted on /r/buildapc and was just advised to switch the PSU (I originally had a Corsair CX500). I'll be buying over the next few weeks, keeping an eye out for sales & what have you. If y'all have any advice, please do let me know!