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  1. Vagineer
    Thanks for the advise. I don't really know much about this kind of stuff anyways.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Vagineer
    Banned for having a broken signature gif.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Vagineer
    Dang, that's a nice video card. Tell me, what is the difference between AMD and Nvidia video cards? I'm Planning to get an AMD A10 Radeon video card for my laptop.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Vagineer
    You are lucky that you can get a new PC. What graphics card will your PC use?
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Vagineer
    Banned because you agreed with me.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Vagineer
    I agree with Makaze. The personality should be believable, should not be offensive to some people, easy to like, and she should be one who female gamers look up to.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Vagineer
    That's a long interview, but it's also fun to read it. Thanks Stephen!
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Vagineer
    I can understand, given that GTA Iv's PC port has terrible optimization. But I am positive that since Rockstar has done a great job with Max Payne 3's optimization for PC, GTA V for PC will be great. Only problem for me is that it might have similar minimum requirements for Watch Dogs.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Vagineer
    I specifically like the FFVII and Chrono trigger one.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Vagineer
    I agree with the others, the screenshots of the game look great!
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Vagineer
    Which makes me glad that I haven't bought the game yet.
    Now that I like so much. Hopefully the framerate drops will lessen.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Vagineer
    It's okay to buy it if you don't have the game yet, as it has increased draw distances, traffic, people, wildlife, and for the fact that the textures, lighting and shadows have improved. I'd say it's an okay improvement compared to last gen's graphics. It may not be noticable at first, but the differences are there if you lopok hard enough. I mean look at that grass!

    Thread by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Vagineer
    As much as I am tempted to buy a Wii U so that I can play SSB4, Bayonetta 2, and the new Zelda games I will not buy another console for now. I'm currently satisfied with my PS4.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Vagineer
    My uncle usually keeps one of his legs uncovered so that he can breathe easier.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Vagineer
    Banned because it's not my fault that my parents want me to go out with them almost everyday.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Vagineer
    Like Hayabusa, I will not add any PS2 ports to other systems (Like Tales of the Abyss and MGS3, even though I am very tempted to add it.)

    Tekken 5 - This is the game that got me hooked to fighting games.

    Need for Speed Most Wanted - Racing game that I used to play a lot when I was a kid.

    Gran Turismo 4 - One of the first games that support HD, which increases the experience.

    Kingdom Hearts - Of course I'm going to add this...

    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - I recently played this on the PC, but it's the PS2 version that got me hooked to the GTA series.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. Vagineer
    Marluxia and Larxene? I doubt it, I mean they tried to rebel against Xemnas during Chain of Memories. Demyx? He's a coward, hates fighting and the only use that he has might be intel. Luxord? Maybe he might be in the reformed Organization.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Vagineer
    To be honest, I'm having difficulty on which final world in the games is the best, but I would say that The World That Never Was is my favorite. A city-like area that is full of heartless, The castle which is the base of Organization XIII and is full of nobodies, the adventure going to the highest point in the castle to face Xemnas, and the music.... No wonder I kept going there when I want to level up more.

    That doesn't mean that End of the World is lame. The eerie atmosphere and music, and the number of strong heartless makes me scared to go any further because of it.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Vagineer
    I was expecting for this to happen, but only in Japan? Why does the Japanese always get the good stuff?!

    Anyways, I hope that the same package can go to other countries in English. My uncle will fix his PS3 so that we can use it again.
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Vagineer
    Banned for us not seeing each other in a long time. (Even though I rarely go in KHV now. But I'm trying my best to go online everyday.)
    Post by: Vagineer, Jun 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground