Well for me compared to the games before the Room, The Room was meh. And no wonder I see a lot of people hating on The Room...
Maybe I guess....
You forgot The Room.
Oh gosh, this is a pretty hard one for me.... I love the simple melody on the KH1 version but the Birth By Sleep version sounds the best for me since i just love it how there are multiple parts on that version plus for the face that it fits with the secret ending of BBS....
And I am wondering if it is really good as a lot of people say....
I read about this before. They served this about a few years ago.
Dude's unlucky.
I'm still planning to play Tales of Xillia and Symphonia. The only Tales game that I ever played now is Tales of the Abyss.
Thanks. At least someone remembers me.
Hello Kevin! Welcome to KH-Vids! If you have any questions about the site, please ask any of the staff members or look around the FAQs Hope we can see each other around the site!
Since you like reading, you should go to the literature section or the Writer's Nook if you want to post some fanfics. Also, welcome to KH-Vids!
I'm not sure if I could do this at all!
I agree that Earthbound and the Donkey Kong game are worth getting.
I joined and became active when I was 14 on February 25, 2013. So.... yeah.
Pizza Hut for Pan Crust. Dominos for thin crust. I usually order from the two if I am in different countries.
Yeouch. Are you okay?
I actually managed to defeat him recently with only one Curaga spell. XD Even though it took me two retries since I completely forgot how to avoid the boulders move. I just mainly used Block and Counter Hammer since he usually uses the Dark Haze like attack, Ars Solum and Dark Impulse. If not that, then I counter with Mine Square or Quake.
I'm not sure if I should take that seriously.... But thanks anyway.
Yeah. Good thing the heavy rains and winds stopped for now.
.... The only reason that I can access the internet now is because of a generator. And the batter will almost run out of juice... 2 days without electricity..... -______-