can any1 give me this code in PAL pls it's dark sonic or this one OMFG watcht this you won'T believe it's like an infinity jump code
hey mikael can you port this cause my porting think was deleted for an unknown reason >_>
:(:(:( do u still do them???
the main road from the islands it's in the video of Antiweapon where kairi and selphie goes btw can any1 port this to PAL and give me play as auron everywhere pls -sora XF6B-3MEE-1KKVY AN7N-MCAT-8526R -sora's moveset 6TKX-JJD8-CEMGF A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF X5RF-B4U2-NKTRP 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CDDP-BE00-YBDUR 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N -sora wielding something 2H9V-VY15-7RNYM K0VT-876K-HX2FC
hey Antiweapon can you give me the code for tat xemnas
wow awseome did any1 ported it yet to PAL????
but there are just the sheet music to buy not to download or something like that oh no sorry i forgot that there is that thank you^^
when i try there is just a black screen i mean the main road thing and do i have to active all at same time i think so right`? and can you pls fill in the ??? because i dunno what to put in there
oh no sorry i read not nightmare i read signature i'm just tired that's why sry
cool thank you evil and for some reason the code for the main road in the islands where Kairi goes with slphie isn'T working can you give me a working one plz or any1 else thanks in advance
kitty never had such a signature right??? i'm not sure i never seen it
does any1 know where to get riku's theme sheet music if you know a site PM me and plz don't say (google it) thx in advance^_^ or say it maybe here>_> and sorry for DB
he didn't post anything
are there any codes to test
good luck guys and girlz have fun killing spammers
good and you 32975
oh i'm sorry sis i didn't know believe me i'm very sorry plz forgive me
32973 okay kool
32971 hehe XD till now it is :D
but then this is very ugly if you hit the spider