i have a good idea why don't we try the reaction command sky scaper and active the xemnas replaces donald or goofy maybe we could deafet him then
sorry but can you do that plz so i convert it to AR MAX and try it myself okay EDIT:ahh thank you sooo much mikael:D does bushido do the limit this is duel stance is this the reaction command where roxas fights axel?because i don't have the english version E003FDFF 0035BA5C 21c892d4 00000000 21c892d8 012D0000 21c892dc 00010001 6Z8V-NGHJ-Q0YKW 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V 7AJW-7MTV-5KDXH 1WWC-WY93-NU0U1 J7QK-804Y-MQTYU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
oh and can you fill in the ??? because i don't have the digit's can you fill just any digits
i think it's because the paradox cup but if you already tryed then could you use final form or other thing s just with tringle?
could you make a video how terra is fighting for you or screenshots
just click till end then tell me what you think about that http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=9644 c'mon does no^1 want to try it???it's cool does no1 want to try it
yeah the code i wanted to get ported that's one of the best codes ever
you don'T need to ask one person for the code we could help you exept me i don't have the codes can any1 port this to PAL if he has the time Reaction Command Mod E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C ????0000 21C5FF50 00010001 Jokered for R2.
yep that'S the reason and he used the code for castle oblivion
you have to make a new kh code thing you go to 'add new game then type somthing like kingdom hearts 1.2 then use the master code it'll work you just didn't know how this works
does any1 know if it's possible to change the reaction command from roxas to sora i mean the one where roxas fights axel so sora can do that?
RAW mean how the code is AR MAX looks so MP67-KMG7-VWJN2 KPVW-BZ78-17GZK and RAW looks so 21CEF60C 00000074
okay kool and i do a mickeys keyblade code video this time it's better then the last video i made because now it's clearlier and the sword doesn't dessepear
offtopic:antiwaepon can you make a video of the code please
here:AR MAX Kingdom Key = Mickeys Darkside Key MP67-KMG7-VWJN2 KPVW-BZ78-17GZK Oathkeeper = WTD (unequip all blue abilities before attacking) 35P6-GEZH-59PCN 3CNV-GUZY-C9BUF i tryed the mickeys keyblade code it works perfectly
it only works on emulators not on normal ps2 sorry :'[
you use the german master code you need the uk i think that's the best just use this master code 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W
it works 100%! what for a master code are you using?
oh im sorry didn't know what does that code???
can some1 convert this to PAL Ability Master [Normal Sora] 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050505 Ability Master [Everyone Else] 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050000