poues??? what does that mean?
@ Roxas1423 ahh you don't get t i mean on his abilities and xarkmX3 cool vid^^
you have to un-equip the limit from riku and if you un-equip all blue abilities riku does ground combos
does the infinity jump code for riku work?
oh and you need that crashes fix code so the riku code work with infinity jump
here the crahes fix code 5Q7R-A4GF-9KRZB 3TN9-8V6V-31HBT and i port codes with delta maker but the codes don'twork itryed it right now we need a dump so we can port it correctly
i dunno but you have to active both codes the sephirot and random crash fix sorry i ported the sephirot code wrong here the right M3PZ-XTDU-FAK11 Q20H-2DAY-9JRXU
ported by me infinity jump for riku CR14-3R9F-96YJ0 UVRA-KXMN-UEN0H Sephiroth as "ally" TZDG-Y0R3-TUYHQ CPZ2-ABDC-V61RJ Random Crashes Fix: WJ5Y-24ZQ-3V5RQ B319-H20M-KWFF8 please can any1 test those for me
infinity jump for Riku i ported that can any1 test it i don't have time to AR MAX 063Z-RBFY-CH533 UVRA-KXMN-UEN0H RAW: 21C95844 05050000
so isn't the code ported yet to have anti form outfit? or mikael can you post the right code then here i mean the code so sora looks normal but has the animation from anti form???
they sure work? EDIT: i tryed and it worked ^^ it's cool does any1 have ot for anti
hey evil do you ported the code that sora has anti forms outfit?because my porting don't work Jlhack said i need a dump so it would work i use delta maker to port codes
i think no right?
Normal Sora in Final Form Outfit 7EEY-PU96-J5386 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 97TT-XFWP-YY41W Valor has Final Form's outfit 1AC2-GRAX-7HXZW 732X-KHC1-JMVN4 W3MP-PEKX-TQZHP PORTED by Sasuke240 have fun i try the codes too
now there was just a black screen
i think yes @mikael thank you
yeah it would be cool a hoded DW Roxas
is some1 working on giving him dark aura?
those codes don't work i tryed to be normal sora with anti's animation. didn't worked VMWB-XHKF-DKM7H PUE0-HH0T-G4UQT NR64-F8GD-ZE3YB