Something Yuri related, naturally.'re not really boycotting them, are you?
Good thing no one liked the Harry Potter series.
You mean this one? Enjoy the wait.
Spoiler You should get one of these.
Precure .
The big burly man who's truck you hit will want to give you a proper spanking.
I'm getting a lot from hot Asian women...though, I'm pretty sure they're Korean transsexuals.
Wall mount.
I've paid more for less. It's a lot cheaper than buying all twelve episodes from Japan.
Next for what?
I stopped watching as soon as Maka opened her mouth.
The Japanese government can't take down any of these websites down. They'll contact the sites and request the content be taken down, perhaps threaten legal action but that's about it. Sites like MF and RS awready remove content on request (In particular to serialised content) so it's not something that's totally new, it's just on a much larger scale. Will it force sites to close? Probably, but new ones will take their place and there's still a good selection of decent sites out there. Even then, you could download from the scanlators site. Nyaa is number 5 under the Pirates Bay, though I can't see that going down.
I'm thinking that too but I can't see any of their current FF games that could accommodate a prequel trilogy. Then again...this is SE we're talking about and they do what they want. I'm just a bit wary of what they'll come out with. Crisis Core was a fantastic game but I disliked how they changed some of the events that happened in FFVII to fit into Crisis Core.
I've been to Gamestop in the US a few times and, on the whole, I found their service much like dog poop.
You're 14. Give it another 14 years and you'll see what they mean.
I could maybe see two games for FFX at a stretch(The original war and then Jecht's story) but three is a bit much. Three is a bit much for any FF title, so I'm thinking it won't be FF but one of their other franchises. The Mana series comes to mind but I think it's had enough prequels.
I wouldn't have a problem with a FFXIII prequel (As long as it has Fang fufu) but if anything, I could see them making a FFX prequel if what they're referring to is FF.
An Elsa nendoroid was announced as well. Pretty sure you'd like that.
GOODBYE FUTURE WAGES! For those wondering what WonFest is.