Amaury, your avatar is so lewd.
If I was gonna get a ring I'd want something like this. Spoiler Something personal, at least. But I'm not a fan of jewellery so I'd be good without one. Honestly, I'd hate a big expensive wedding. It seems like such a waste of money for something that lasts only one day. Folk can eat their sausage rolls, after that they're out. They should consider themselves lucky they even get sausage rolls!
Ordered it once I saw it. It's a nice CE and very much SE in terms of price lol. And like you I ordered the LE OST when it came out so it not including the soundtrack isn't a bother.
Parcel deliveries and only during Christmas.
We had the postman chapping at our door at 7:30 this morning...but it was cool since it was for me. :'D
World tour in 2015
Is that boob hair?
Typical American response. Shoot first, ask questions later. VIOLENCE ISN'T THE ANSWER, HAYABUSA! I just realised your name almost has Abuse in it.
Of course he does...did.
You disgust me and everything pure in this world.
Eye see .
Aye...except the Japanese.
The last order I made on an Amazon store was And yet my order arrived quicker than an order placed on my native UK store lol.
This counts as indecent exposure, aye? ...Naw? I mean, she's covered...but in paint. Where does the law stand on this? IS THIS RIGHT BANG ON THE MIDDLE OF DECENT/INDECENCY?
You made this so you could show folk your desktop background, didn't you?
Cause you can never have too many Cooks.
I refuse to hire anyone that's American.