OOC:NOW the bird sides with us?!XD
"NO!"Sora and Riku gasped at the dark firaga. "Protect!"Roxas tried casting a shield to block the attack to the gummi, only to be hit with the full force. "Roxas!"Kurix gasped, seeing Roxas being blown back by the dark firaga. "Oohhh, we're fudged."Valerie squeaked.
OOC:Very nice gesture to the keyblade master, dude.XD BIC: "Is it over...?"Valerie edged closer. Riku nodded, holding the injury on his side. "Are you okay...?"Sora asked. Riku nodded, taking some bandages from his bag. Valerie watched in awe as Riku tended to his and Sora's injuries. "So what do we do about Gexln...?"she asked. "I dunno... I don't like whats been happening though. It reeks evil plans."Sora said. Riku said nothing, just gave a small groan as he bopped Sora in the back of the head.
Sora held in a hiss at the strike to his leg, but responded with a good blow with Oblivion in return. Since he didn't want it to be fatal, Sora tried aiming for a weak spot that would knock Gexln out but not kill him. Valerie looked at the battle, shuddering at the sight of blood.
"No!"Riku jumped in, trying to block them both. Sora gasped in shock as Darkness' Sorrow struck Riku in the side. "Riku!"he frowned in concern. Riku winced at the pain, but striked a good blow at Gexln with Way to Dawn. "Riku!"Valerie was suprised how bad the blow was. "Equius.... please, Gexln's not himself. You have to help us...Please..."she was pleading, but she knew the chocobo wasn't understanding her.
"Craaap..."Sora dropped the barrier for now, Riku and Sora both joining Valerie in going after Gexln. "Fira!"Sora shot a medium fireball at Gexln, trying to distract him. Riku launched a Blizzara, Valerie trying to calm down Equius still.
"Equius, please!"Valerie dodged the chocobo. Riku growled, cutting off the protect spell and leaving it to Sora. "Bind!"he tried to cast a bind spell to keep the bird at bay without hurting it too much.
Valerie broke out of the barrier first, firing a thunder spell at Gexln. The plan to go in a cycle to weaken Gexln more to the point of where they could take him down easier.
OOC:Video game logic fail, I guess.XD BIC:Sora and Riku winced, but kept up the barriers. Valerie gasped, using magic to draw back her daggers. "Okay, that didn't work."she remembered that Gexln had fought Blaige. He certainly couldn't keep the spink for long. "protect!"she tried to help Sora and Riku hold the barrier, hoping it would last until Gexln was low on energy.
"Protect!"Riku and Sora teamed up in a barrier aroung the three of them. "Light!"Valerie's daggers glowed white, the girl throwing her daggers at Gexln.
"Equius, no! Gexlns the bad guy this time! Please..."Valerie knew she was talking to a chocobo, but she had to try to reason with the bird. Sora hated that Riku wouldn't let him fight. But Riku was there to protect. Gexln probably still didn't like the things Sora said back during the Mark of Mastery exam. The powerful of revenge could take over and if Gexln used darkness to his advantage, Sora would be doomed. Riku could never let that happen. Sora saw the look on Riku's face, seeing the silverette in his 'loyal' mode.
To be honest I think Derpy is best pony. But for the mane six.... I can't choose between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Fluttershy is one of the sweetest ponies in the show. But I also love the moments where she's brave and sticks up for herself. She scolded a dragon to tears, stared down a cockatrice, kidnapped the royal pet, went bat crazy in the royal garden, basically beat up a bear, and she's supposed to be the SHY one? Not to mention I love her 'yay's. Pinkie Pie is...pinkie pie. Her songs were always fun and peppy, and one of them even started a war. She is constantly breaking the 4th wall, and she grew up on a rock farm. a rock farm. she was able to chase away the parasprites with her one-pony band. You can't look at Pinkie Pie without breaking into a smile. Even when she went psycho in Party of One, you couldn't help but laugh at her fake friends. Even when she was discorded you knew that Pinkie Pie would still be Pinkie Pie in some way.
Sora huffed when they wouldn't let him fight on his own. Valerie got tackled by Equius, shaking her head. "oof..."she huffed. Riku summoned Way to Dawn, getting into a battle position. Sora shook his head, summoning Oblivion.
"Hey! Hey! No way are YOU taking Sora without a fight!"Valerie rushed out of the gummi, getting her daggers. "I can fight him myself..."Sora said. "No you can't..."Riku, Valerie, and Roxas said at once. Kurix gulped, hoping this would turn out well.
OOC:Oh boy, this is juuust greeeeat.*mega sarcasm* BIC: "You're not taking Sora. You'll have to go through me first."Riku snarled, summoning Oblivion. "And me!"Roxas snapped, summoning Oblivion and.... "what?!"he gasped when Oblivion and Oathkeeper didn't materialize in his hands.
"and what if I say no...?"Sora gave a small growl, not liking where this was going. Riku looked at Blaige, then at Gexln. This is not turning out well...
OOC:yeesh, this is getting violent....XD
"Hey, guys! Stop!"Kurix yelled, trying to summon a weapon. He stopped, not knowing exactly what he was trying to summon yet. Roxas got into a battle ready position, ready to gaurd those in the gummi ship. "Gexln, don't!"Sora said. "Blaige, stop!"Riku said, not liking where this was going.
"eeeeeep!"Valerie immediately squeaked at the motion, hiding in the gummi ship. Riku and Sora rolled their eyes, both summoning their blades just in case a fight broke out. Roxas and Kurix stayed put, Roxas looking ready to summon his blades to defend the gummi ship.
Sora and Riku saw Gexln come up to them and Blaige, Riku overly cautious. "Hey dude."Valerie gave a small wave, Roxas quickly stopping her with a quick hush.