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  1. AnimeGirl104
    I got through Victory Road and am about to take on the Elite 4
    I have Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Sharpedo, Walrein, and Lanturn.

    My team is going to kick some butt and take some names.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. AnimeGirl104
    "Ow!"Valere caught Terra's heart as it hit her, shaking her head. "We did it!"Sora cheered. "It appears so.."Riku said. "yeah, high five!"Roxas turned to Kurix, holding up his hand. There was a brief silence before Roxas put his hand down. "sorry. got...carried away."He admitted. "Wow. that was the first really happy thing you've said since I've met you."Kurix joked.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AnimeGirl104
    OOH! Me! me, me, me, me, me! I'd love to have my team drawn!*starts flailing arms*
    *calms down*
    sorry about that. got alittle too excited.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. AnimeGirl104
    Sora put more energy into his light spell, focusing on the rings together. Riku was suprised at how serious Sora was, putting more effort in himself. Valerie shut her eyes tight, expecting some blinding light once it was complete.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AnimeGirl104
    Gawd, and I thought I was making fast progress at first.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. AnimeGirl104
    "Eden!"Kurix and Roxas frowned in concern, Roxas readying a cure spell or anythign to aleviate the pain. "No, we're almost done! We can't lose focus now!"Riku said. "What makes you think we're almost done?!"Valerie asked. Sora kept his full concentration.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AnimeGirl104
    Sora and Riku saw the hearts, putting more effort into the purification. Valerie saw the hearts trying to escape, keeping her focus though.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AnimeGirl104
    OOC:WTF Gex?XD
    "Light!"Riku shot a light spell into the rings. "oh! uh..Light!"Sora shot his own light spell in. "Uh..."Valerie looked at her daggers, not wanting to risk throwing them in the circle.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie took her daggers, giving them the Light attribute before aiming towards the middle ring. Riku focused on the inner ring, raising Way to Dawn. Roxas and Kurix held out their arms since they had no current weapons, both aiming to the outer ring. Sora aimed on all three, maintaining focus.

    OOC:*obviously has no idea about how the process is going to go*XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AnimeGirl104
    OOC:Can we get on with it already?XD
    Riku looked at Eden with a small look of concern. "There's no way I'd let that happen..."he said. Sora and Valerie looked at eachother, giving a small shrug since they didn't really understand the dark language just yet.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AnimeGirl104
    Beat Wallace. Same Roster, but all of my pokemon are now at level 40 with 3 being level 41.(Lanturn, Pelipper, Ludicolo)
    I'm at Ever Grande City about to enter Victory road, but I'm going to grind my team more.

    Gawd, Wallace was a breeze with my team. My Ludicolo did most of the work. Horray for Giga Drain!XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. AnimeGirl104
    "Lets do this!"Valerie said once Riku translated what Eden had said. Roxas pinned the hearts with a quick bind spell, still able to use magic at least. Sora took a deep breath, waiting to begin.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AnimeGirl104
    I found a shiny Poochyena while searching for my wingull. It is resting forever in my PC since I only need one HM slave.XD

    and I didn't play Sapphire allll day. I am proud of myself for resisting temptation.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. AnimeGirl104
    "Ready."Sora and Riku summoned their keyblades. Valerie nodded, alittle excited herself. "So um...anyone know how this is going to work?"Kurix asked. "Point keyblade at hearts, those that don't have keyblades help out. Thats my assumption."Roxas tried to summon Oathkeeper and Oblivion, giving a small groan when they didn't materialize.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AnimeGirl104
    "Do you have a room where we can do the purifications?"Riku translated for Eden. "This sounds difficult, but it's worth a try..."Roxas smiled. "It sounds cool, thats what it sounds like."Valerie said. "This is gonna be exciting."Sora said. Kurix couldn't help but smile at the idea of pulling his weight in the group.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AnimeGirl104
    Oh my, that is trouble.
    Um...I'd say use Marshtomp or combusken but you chose Treecko so... I think you're stuck.XD

    and I lied about stopping playing....didn't mean to.XD
    I at least wanted to get the gym badge with Tate and Liza since I was already in Mossdeep. and I finished my roster and started grinding up my new recruits, Spheal and Chinchou which are now evolved into Sealeo and Lanturn

    So basically-UPDATE
    Location-Pacifidlog Town
    Roster-Swampert(Level 39), Ludicolo(Level 39), Pelipper(Level 39), Sharpedo(Level 40), Sealeo(Level 35), Lanturn(Level 32)

    Okay, going back to taking a break to let everyone try to catch up.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. AnimeGirl104
    Riku translated for Eden again, earning attention from everyone. Pure light and Pure Darkness? so a Princess of heart and...what would it be, a Lady of Darkness?Valerie gave a quiet chuckle. If keyblades can purify hearts, it'd be great to have known the information sooner...Sora was bouncing Kisa a bit in his lap, the little one cooing at the action.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AnimeGirl104
    Riku said the translated speech word for word for Eden, Sora listening in interest. Valerie was finnaly pleased with her tea, taking good sips. Roxas and Kurix were quiet, letting the others explain.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AnimeGirl104
    The group sat down, Valerie immediately tasting the tea before pouring sugar to make it sweeter. "We haven't gotten much done. Kind of pathetic to say that. We haven't gotten much done on our sides, and with us being seperated from Gexln and Eden...their progress is probably the more entertaining."Riku said. "So to put it simply we haven't gotten much done on our side just yet, but we are planning to."Sora said in a simple matter. "We did run into someone... I think her name was...Xi something?"Kurix looked around. "Xikari. But she had been defeated by the time we met her."Roxas said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AnimeGirl104
    "We're heee-oh wow."Valerie was first to enter, seeing Eden and Gexln. "Got here as fast as we could."Riku and Sora entered, Kisa being awake but calm. "Sort of. The puppy was a bit of an annoyance."Roxas said. "What puppy?"Kurix asked, looking around. "Quiet, guys..."Riku shushed the chatter.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home