"Woo! This is going to be so coool!"Valerie said. "You know we can't...stay in Port Royal for long, right?"Sora asked. "So? I'd love to get to meet the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow!"Valerie gave a triumphant laugh. "Yeah, infamous. and I'm a great white shark."Riku rolled his eyes. Valerie covered her mouth, holding in a laugh. "what?"Riku asked. "Oh, nothing nothing."Valerie lied.
Alright, after a few days of consideration, I decided to go through this again with a different type! Name: Amelia Self Proclaimed Title: The Telekinetic Beauty Username: AnimeGirl104 Type Chosen: Psychic Sprite Picture: Same Sprite picture as going through this with Water Types. Starter: Turtwig! HM Slave: will decide later on those.XD Game Cartridge: Platinum version Roster: Turtwig Location: Twinleaf Town
OOC:I know that but sometimes your posts make it sound like they're on the same gummi.XD BIC: Roxas out his katanas away, stretching out. "This is going to be different..."He said. --------- Meanwhile Riku was getting ready to take off. Sora was watching Valerie in the rest area... practicing her pirate talk. "Avast, ye scurvy dogs! If I catch ye touchin' me booty, I'll make the lot of you walk the plank!"Valerie was obviously having way too much fun. Sora covered his mouth, trying not to laugh.
OOC:so wait....are they on two different gummis or the same gummi...? BIC:"So...Port Royal could still be a place?"Valerie asked. "actually...that WOULD be a great place to restock..."Sora held in a laugh, knowing what Eden was doing now. Riku shook his head, looking at Valerie. anything to keep her calm...
Kurix and Roxas had stayed in the gummi ship, Kurix fidgeting alittle. "Hey, we're going to be fine. she seems to know whats going on."Roxas said. -------------- "So are we really going to follow them to...wherever they're going?"Valerie asked once everyone in her group gotten to their individual gummi. "We don't haaave to. I actually wanted to let you guys see Port Royal before we start getting serious but..."Sora trailed off. "Port Royal... I remember that place. It had all of those pirates. I think one of them had a wooden eye...?"Riku asked. "or a glass eye... but either way it was fake."Sora said. "wait... I thought those two weren't in the-"Valerie paused when she saw Sora and Riku look at her. "Nevermind. Are we going there first or not?"she asked. "We should probably do...whatever Eden was saying."Riku said. "but you didn't even understand a word. what are we even going to do?"Sora huffed.
"yes sir, Yen Sid."Sora and Riku said at once. "Oh snap, smoke balls!"Valerie seemed to cheer up slightly at the smoke balls. "Well she cheers up fast..."Roxas muttered.
"Whats do you have...?"Sora was alittle confused. Riku looked over to Valerie, who was muttering something about Port Royal, some kind of 'link', and whatever an 'okami' was. Kurix and Roxas peeked out through the window to see the complaining girl, Roxas rolling his eyes.
"Wait, no traveling between worlds?"Valerie asked. "um...apparently not."Sora said nervously. "No."Valerie left Sora and Rikus gummi ship. "Now what..."Riku groaned. "The most fun about adventuring is the thrill of seeing new worlds, meeting new people, fightning new enemies! if we're not traveling between worlds anymore, then I'm staying here."Valerie plopped onto the grass of the area, refusing to move. "Valerie..."Sora gave a nervous chuckle. "you're not changing my mind. I want to keep adventuring the way we are now."Valerie said. "But we're getting NOWHERE with it!"Riku snapped. Valerie just stuck out her tongue.
"around the world and home again."Roxas said with a small shrug. "So um...wh-what theory are we doing?"Kurix was alittle scared. Sora and Riku were in their gummi, looking at the now gray Chester. "Oh, poor baby..."Valerie had the creature in her arms. "One-that is not a 'baby'. Two- what is wrong with it?"Riku didn't seem amused.
Valerie was speechless for once, not understanding a word. Riku and Sora shrugged it off, Sora going into the gummi ship their group was going to use to get Kisa settled. Kurix and Roxas headed to Eden and Gexlns gummi ship, Roxas still swinging one of the katanas for practice.
"We have no idea WHAT you're talking about, lady."Valerie said simply. Riku rolled his eyes. "I think she's asking if we're going to revisit old worlds or see new ones."Sora tried to explain. "ooooh...maybe a mix of both."Valerie said. "This is going to be great..."Kurix said. "Probably. but remember that we're on a mission."Roxas said. "duuuh."Valerie and Kurix said at once. Riku gave a small sigh, glad to know he would only have to deal with one puppy.
"I have an idea. It'll include hot sauce, some lemon juice, a bucket or two of paint, and some peanut butter...the peanut butter is for when we get hungry."Valerie said. "We can still hear you!"Riku called. "horseapples..."Valerie went ahead down. ------------ "Don't worry. If anything, you could be our healer of the group. Cures, Es...esunas, protects, reflects-" "she gets it Kurix. I didn't know you knew about magic already."Roxas was somewhat impressed. "You learn fast experiencing it personally."Kurix said.
"I think he was..."Valerie whispered that. "and what would that be...?"Riku couldn't help but overhear the two. "Allons-y!"Valerie said, giggiling afterwords. "It did kinda sound like he was about to say that..."Sora said. "Huh...anyway, we should go."Riku said. "You love birds try not to stay behind nooow."Sora teased, making his way down with Kisa. "Like you should talk! and its not like that!"Valerie snapped. Riku rolled his eyes before following Sora. "Yeesh, one kiss and they think they have the right to mess with us like that..."Valerie didn't see the irony in her statement since she teased Sora and Riku like that alot as well. ----------- Back with Roxas and Kurix they had made it to the gummi ship where the weapons were stored. Chester was passed out, now an offiical gray color. "Well, what do we have here..."Roxas pulled a pair of twin katanas from the pile of weapons, giving one a swing. "These will do nicely..."He smirked. Kurix had a nervous expression seeing Roxas with the katanas, looking into the weapons. He pulled out a pair of daggers, most likely not attributed like Valeries daggers but still nice. He also noticed a bow, picking it up. "You're taking that too?"Roxas had a doubtful look on his face. "what? Its kinda cool..."Kurix said, slinging bundle of arrows around him along with the bow. "whatever."Roxas put away the katanas, officially prepared.
"Well, we still have our bag of weapons in our gummi. Right Ri?"Sora looked over to Riku. "Yeah, they can take their pick before we head off."Riku said. Roxas gave a small sigh. "Might as well until I can find out why I can't use the keyblade."he said. Kurix looked alittle excited now. "So thats it? preperation talk over?"Valerie asked. "Yes..."Sora couldn't help but chuckle at the impatient girl. "Alright then! Lets go!"Valerie said excitedly. "Al-"Kurix was about to say something, but covered his mouth. Roxas gave Kurix a confused look, but started downstairs to get his gear.
"Kairi still has a keyblade....You're traveling with her too, right?"Valerie asked. Riku nodded. "Oh wait, we're leaving Kairi with them?"Sora asked. "Well we have to let them be able to seal worlds too, Sora..."Riku said. Kurix looked to the two girls, alittle nervous.
"So we have six. Sora, Kisa, me, Chester and Valerie, and Blaige.... and guessing by our puppy, I suppose we'll be taking Jeffrey."Riku said. "Hey! That kiss was to mess with you! We're not like you and Sora!"Valerie protested. But then she turned a bright red at how she worded it. "I mean as in we're not in love. we're like, best friends!"she said. "Riiiiight."Sora couldn't help but chuckle. "So the rest of us are going with Eden and Gexln?"Roxas asked. "As long as I get to stay with Roxy."Kurix said. Roxas gave Kurix a small look, a mix of anger and confusion. "Roxy...?" "Er... well, we're friends now so I thought I'd give you a nickname..."Kurix explained. "A nickname, yes... But... Roxy is too feminine."Roxas said. "Ahem..."Riku got the duos attention. "I suppose we should go since we have our groups together."He said. "Alriiight."Valerie said.
"Cornerstones....? Plural...?"Roxas asked, not knowing there was more than the cornerstone of light. "Lets get to the gummi ships. I think at this point we can travel together. Now, before we leave we'll figure who'll be traveling with who."Riku said. "Well theres me, Kurix, Valerie, Jeffrey, you, Sora and Kisa, Kairi, Naminé, Eden, Gexln, Blaige, and Equius."Roxas listed their group off. "and Chester!"Valerie said, reminding everyone of the Shadow hiding away in one of the gummis. "So we have.... 14 even!"Kurix said. "Sora, Kisa, and I have to stay together, so we just need four more."Riku said. "2 more. Chesters not leaving your gummi and I'm not leaving Chester."Valerie said. "Eden and Gexln will have Equius...and I suppose you guys will be taking Blaige too?"Sora looked over to Eden and Gexln. OOC:Preperation time...XD
Well I used the traditional method of doing it via gameboy(went through a pair of batteries and nearly killed the secons pair.XD) so a snapshot would be...highly unlikely.XD Basically I would if I could but I can't.^-^;
Wooooo~The end! I beat Steven. Took two or 3 tries but I did it with all of my Pokemon being around level 50. Roster Torrent the Swampert- Level 53 Colero the Ludicolo- Level 51 Accacia the Pelipper- Level 52 Blue Bite the Sharpedo- Level 53 Wilamena the Walrein- Level 53 Iliana the Lanturn- Level 52 Gawd, Cradily and Metagross were haaaaaard! Stupid Giga Drain and Psychic and Sludge bomb and Hyper beam... But yaaaay. done.@-@
"Well obviously we gotta get this back to Terra."Valerie was holding Terra's heart. "and figure out what to do with the others."Riku said, looking at the rest of the purified hearts. Sora plopped down, alittle woozy. "wow, that takes alot out of you."He said, giving a small chuckle.