Riku nodded. "Good decision, since I am obviously the most experienced in sailing."he said, rather proud of himself. "and modesty, don't forget that."Roxas rolled his eyes. "That'll be enough out of you, sailor. Hoist the saild, anchors away!"Riku started directing who should so what to get the ship out to sea. Kurix couldn't help but chuckle, following along.
"Alriiight...."Riku groaned, moreover to the fact that Eden took the wheel. "Lets go!"Roxas said. Kurix just nodded, not wanting to have a near slip-out like last time.
"I still say we should wait...just alittle longer"Riku said as the three boarded the ship. "But Val might get in trouble."Kurix said. "Psh, how could she possiblt get into trouble out there?"Roxas asked. --------------------- Meanwhile, Valerie was trying to see if Riku had any duct tape in his bag. She had discovered a small leak in the ship, the duct tape obviously to patch it up. Luckily the boat was still far from sinking, so Valerie wasn't panicking. She quickly sneezed before correcting her direction afterword. "Am I there yet.....?"she gave a small sigh, looking around for land.
OOC:I blame Jeffy. I gave him the cue and everything.XD BIC:"Where are they....?"Riku was suprised not to see Jeffrey or Kairi or at least Namine. "Maybe they got lost?"Kurix suggested. "Maybe."Roxas shrugged.
"Well, Riku says he got a ship."Roxas said, not believing it at this point. "and I meant it. Big enough for all of us to sail on...."Riku said. "Unfortunately..."Kurix said in an almost inaudible mutter. "Now come on, it should be in this dock..."Riku took a quick look to find the ship. "Oh, this I gotta see."Roxas smirked. ------------- Its turns out that the ship was actually quite impressive size wise, definately a decent pirate ship. "Whooooa...."Kurix was amazed. "Well, I'm impressed, cap'n."Roxas said, looking at the ship. "Now, just to find out where Jeffrey and the girls are and we'll be ready to set sail."Riku said.
"she'll be fine. she's too stubborn to die that easily."Riku commented. "Riku!"Roxas harshly shoved Riku. "Lets just go find her..."Kurix said. "Before she gets herself killed...."Roxas said. "She's probably just antagonizing drunken sailors for her adventure kick..."Riku tried to reassure them. --------------------- "Woo-hooooo!"all Valerie needed was a wooden bucket for any leaks, a wind for the sails, and the bag she... 'borrowed' from Riku-and she was off into the waters. "This is easy! well..."Valerie took a peek at what she dubbed a 'boring' compass. "easier than driving a car, probably. But hey, maybe I can make it..."she smiled, taking hold of the ropes to fix the sails so she could change directions. she then realized...she forgot to pack water with the food she stowed away. "aw, crap....well, no stopping now..."she wasn't far from Tortuga, but she wasn't going to come back without someone coming to get her.
"Well, its going to suck that this is the only time you'll get to use those."Riku smirked. "That was so cool!"Kurix said, excitedly. "I was expecting to hear that from the pup as well."Roxas chuckled. "Yeah, what gives, Va-"when Riku turned the group realized the brunette took the distraction to her advantage. "Tell me she didn't..."he groaned. "Way to go, Riku."Roxas said sarcastically. ---------- Meanwhile, Valerie had found....a ship. She would be able to navigate it herself, but it wasn't a pretty sight. Plus, she didn't exactly have her sea legs. "Okay, I can do this. I can go through an adventure all on my own!" Thiiis was going to be interesting.
Valeries group and Riku had seen the whole thing, all watching with wide eyes and jaws open. Riku was the most suprised, but tried to keep a calm expression.
OOC:Oh, forget this, adventure time.XD BIC: Valerie saw Riku approach the group. "And just where have you been?"she asked, hands on her hips. "Getting you your adventure craving over with before we do nothing at all for a while. I was following the only sober guy in this port and found out that theres a ship with black sails abandoned on an island. and you know what a ship with black sails means."Riku said. "Pirates!"Valerie and Kurix said at once. "and just how are we getting there?"Roxas asked. "I managed to get us a ship. With the four of us and Jeffrey and the girls we can take the ship ourselves."Riku smirked. "What about Eden?"Kurix asked. "We'll be back before she and Gexln know it!"Riku said. "Yes!"Valerie jumped in excitement.
Valerie was close to just looking on her own when they passed by a tavern where a drunken idiot was thrown out. "Whaddya mean the rums all gone?!"The man reeked of alcohol. "Ye drank it all, you rotten bilgerat!"the guy that tossed the drunk out was furious. Valerie couldn't help but giggle as they passed the scene. "Why is the rum always gone..."she smiled at her little joke.
"I told you it was a dumb idea."Valerie said. "Hey, I tried."Roxas huffed. Kurix was still shaking off the slap. "I tooold yoooou."Valerie said. "Oh, real mature. what are you- 10?"Roxas shook his head. "If you two are done fighting, we still have to get supplies."Kurix said, looking around. "So where did Riku go anyway?" "Beats us."Valerie said. "Don't know, don't care."Roxas stated.
Valerie had Roxas and Kurix, walking on her own to find supplies. "Maybe we can ask someone..."Roxas suggested. Kurix nodded, going up to one of the women. "Um, excuse me-"The lady scoffed before giving Kurix a clean slap across the face. She gasped at her mistake, Kurix hissing in pain. "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else!" "no problem..."Kurix shook off the slap. "Miss, could you tell us where we could find some fruits or herbs at least?"Roxas asked.
Valerie sighed, but then realized something as they were about to follow Eden. "Whats wrong? nervous around all these pirates?"Roxas asked. "We don't have any money..."Valerie said. "....and?"Kurix asked, tilting his head. "we need money to buy supplies...right?"Valerie asked. "Well, we could catch it ourselves, trade, gamble for it..."Roxas shrugged.
"ah, of course." "An' let ush know if you need some'in more 'en a tour, pretty lady!" "Well, this is degrading."Valerie said. "I wonder why we had to land here..."Riku said. He saw someone that looked sober going around the port, alittle curious. "You go on ahead. I'll get supplies myself for our gummi ship."Riku he said. "But what about me?"Valerie asked. "Behave until I get back to you guys."Riku said, then respectively went off. "Where's he going?"Kurix asked. "Heck if I know."Roxas said.
"ah, of course..." "So where are we?"Kurix asked, looking around. Roxas took one look around, only to yelp in suprise as two drunken sailors landed in front of the group in a drunken brawl. "My guess? Tortuga."Valerie said, eyeing the drunken sailors and the... 'lovely' woman walking around. "Ugh, why did we have to land at this port..."Riku groaned. "hey, we can still get supplies."Kurix said optimistically.
Valerie came out, dressed in a white undershirt with ripped sleeves and an orange-ish vest and a brown bandana covered her head. "Gah, I look like one of those pirates that woudl run the crows nest."she huffed. Kurix came out dressed in a simple navy vest and pirate pants, Roxas coming out with the same design but a tan vest. "well, this is interesting."Roxas said. Kurix just looked at his outfit, not really impressed. "So, do we have a heading?"Riku gave a small chuckle when he saw the group. He was wearing a long black coat with a long sleeved white undershirt. He wore dark brown "piratey pants" as Valerie would call them with black boots with the traditional captains hat over his head. "I believe the position of captain has changed in this world, lassie."Riku smirked, bowing with his hat. "Showoff."Valerie huffed. Sora peeked out from the window, giggling a bit at the pirate costumes.
"Oh don't worry, lesson learned with the Elixir incident."Valerie said. "Why would they even WANT to drink that crap?"Riku faked gagging. "Oh, like you've tasted it."Valerie said, sticking out her tongue. "It doesn't taste very good though, really."Sora said.
"She has a point."Roxas and Kurix said at once. -------------- "So, are we there yet?"Valerie asked. "where?"Riku gave a small sigh. "uh, duh! Port Royal!"Valerie said. "Oh, we should be almost there. I think I'll stay with Kisa though. I've had enough experience there."Sora said. "awww, why aren't you going with us?"Valerie asked. "Two words- easy drunk. Never touching rum again EVER."Sora stated.
Hmmm.... I have to create clones of Mickey Mouse.... and I have a friend whose mortal enemies with a Pikmin. (what did Steve ever do to her?XD)
"Venacular...? what did that mean again?"Valerie asked. Sora just laughed while Riku rolled his eyes with a small groan.