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  1. AnimeGirl104
    "Gexln!"Roxas hurried after Gexln, hoping to lead him to the gummi as the enraged crowd chased after him. Oh this is just great....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas groaned, having a facepalm moment. "Eden said its time to go. We have to head to the gummi ship."He explained.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas made his way through the crowd, seeing Gexln antagonizing the crowd. "What are you doing?! Get down from there!"He said in a scolding matter.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas saw people gathering and the yells of complaints and drunken slurrs. I have a feeling Gexln is close...he started to make his way through the angered crowd to find Gexln...hopefully before he got hurt.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AnimeGirl104
    "We'll be back in lickety split!"Valerie reassured. "as long as we don't run into trouble."Riku said. "B-Be careful!"Kurix said. "aaaaw....why couldn't we have had the sweet one on our gummi?"Valerie teased. "Ouch, that's not nice to say about Riku. He can be sweet."Sora said. Riku coughed, cutting off the communication before things got embarassing. Kurix couldn't help but laugh.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AnimeGirl104
    "well I woke up feeling like I got hit by an 18-wheeler! Whoo I still feel winded!"Valerie sounded alitttle...loopy when she said that. "Well, we can go on ahead if its alright. It'll only be a quick 'tend to injuries' thing..."Riku explained. "Unless we run into trouble. But we'll be back before you know it!"Sora said. "I guess so..."Kurix muttered, not really sure what to say.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AnimeGirl104
    "Alright. I'll be back with him."Roxas left the gummi, Kurix giving a nervous chuckle. Oh sure, leave me with her.... "Eden, are you awake?"Rikus voice called out through the communication link. "She's awake!"Kurix said. "Isn't that what Riku just asked?"Valerie asked, giving a small chuckle. "We were hoping to head out to Radiant Garden to take Valerie and Eden to see Aerith-with her being a healer and all..." "It was my idea!"Sora said. "uh..."Kurix looked at Eden, alittle nervous. "If you want, you guys can go ahead. Roxas went to get Gexln and I won't feel...okay with myself if I go without them."He said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AnimeGirl104
    "Opening communication thingy!"Kurix said, pressing a few buttons. Roxas rolled his eyes, hearing the comment about Gexln. "Well, he couldn't have wandered far."He said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AnimeGirl104
    "Waiting for us to go? me too."Valerie sighed. "well, whatver Eden was planning at first is going to have to wait. We need to take you and her to a doctor to make sure nothings wrong with you."Riku said. "Or something close to a doctor. Aeritj is a healer, after all."Sora said. "Radiant Garden?" "If its okay with Eden."
    "If you say so.."Kurix said. Roxas came in with a plate for Eden. Sure, the meal wasn't much... but it was something to start the recovery of not eating for a long time.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AnimeGirl104
    "You should get some sleep. You still look really tired..."Kurix noticed the hazy eyes, alittle concerned. "Ugh, I want to say it was the humidity but you didn't really..pass out."Roxas sighed.
    "Is he okay...?"Valerie asked, looking over to Blaige. "Oh...I'm not sure..."Sora admitted, a nervous tone in his voice.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AnimeGirl104
    "well it's alright...I'm making food for everyone, so relax..."Riku seemed to keep an eye on Jeffrey, wondering if the poor guy was going to fall into whatever Eden had fallen into.

    Valerie was so distracted trying to block out the sudden wailing in her dream world she had wandered in the streets. Now since her dream world was still "Earth" in some ways, there were still vehicles of every kind. A sudden horn caught the girls attention, the girl realizing she had wandered into traffic. Oh, this is really safe.... she tried to make a run for it. All she heard was screeching tires....

    "Oh $#&%!"Valerie jumped awake, startling Sora and Riku. Kisa started to wail louder, Sora gasping and starting to bounce the infant in his lap. "what the...?"Valerie looked around. "was I passed out?" "Duh..."Riku said.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AnimeGirl104
    "oooh, no you are not. You are staying in bed, lady."Roxas said, not liking Edens condition. "I'd listen to Roxy-ah..Roxas. You need to relax..."Kurix said.
    "Where the hell were you?!"Riku snapped when he caught sight of Jeffrey and the two girls. Sora jumped at the sudden yell, the volume causing Kisa to start crying. "Riku..."Sora gave Riku a 'look at what you did' look.

    Valerie could hear the wailing infant in her dream world, whimpering since her hearing was enhanced with her animal qualities. "wh-where is that...?"she whined, covering her ears to try and drown out the noise. she shut her eyes tight, walking to try and figure out what was causing the crying.

    in the real world, Valerie's face scrunched up as Kisa's wails continued. Riku noticed this, a bit curious. Sora would've noticed as well if he wasn't tending to Kisa.
    OOC:You know, I just realized something...where the heck is rp Eden's nobody at this point? he/she/it kinda just vanished...XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AnimeGirl104
    I'm 5'3"....and almost 5'4"

    My family is known for the females to be short.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. AnimeGirl104
    Roxas and Kurix were both started when Eden jumped awake. "She's back! Woo-hoo!"Kurix said. "Great... I think I know what to do before she goes into that daze again."Roxas went into the cooking area of the gummi ship.
    Valerie realized the Time Witch had dissapeared, skidding to a stop. She jumped in joy, relieved that she wasn't going to be killed.

    "So where's Jeffrey, Kairi, and Nami?"Sora asked, watching Riku cook and cradling a cooing Kisa. "Beats me. we lost them as soon as we split up to restock."Riku sighed. "huh. Leave it to them to get lost."Sora gave a small sigh.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie immediately bolted the moment the skeletal figure appeared, screaming like she was in a horror movie.
    Riku was waiting for Jeffrey and the girls, making food for everyone. Sora groaned, slowly waking up. He gently took Kisa and sat up, giving a long yawn. "Morning, sleepyhead..."Riku said. "Ri...? Back so soon?"Sora joked, looking over to Valerie. "she finnaly passed out, huh? couldn't run on energy forever..."he shrugged. "I dunno.. something seems off..."Riku said.

    Roxas and Kurix were in their own gummi, keeping a close eye on Eden. "When do you think she's waking up?"Kurix asked. "I don't know... I saw this with Sora. But... this is different..."Roxas frowned.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie whimpered, not liking where this was going. "y-You're not going to kill me, are you...?"she asked, getting ready to make a run for it.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AnimeGirl104
    "wh-what?!"Valerie seemed suprised at the time witch. Okay, she is officially scary....
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie tilted her head at the question. what is this...what? Okay, she's definately not from around here.... "Um...this is Zodiarus.... and you're from...?"

    OOC:First thing that popped into my head, don't want to think of any other names for the 'dream world'.XD
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie instantly yelped, doing what this 'Witch of Time' wanted in fear of being struck by the sword. "I'm too young to be decapitated!"she said.
    "yeesh. She's a deep sleeper..."The group got to their own gummis, Riku and Kurix switching who they were carrying. "well, lets wait for the others to come back before we go anywhere."Roxas sighed. Riku went ahead to set Valerie down on a bed in the rest area of his gummi. Once arriving, however... Sora was on one of the beds, an arm draped over little Kisa next to him. Both were fast asleep, Sora snoring gently. Chester was resting on top of Sora, still a neutral gray color. Riku looked at the scene as he set Valerie down on a bed, giving a soft chuckle.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AnimeGirl104
    Valerie gave a sharp gasp at the sight of the womans lack of animal ears. "wow, your ears are really weeeird!"she gently tugged at the 'strange' ears. "Oh! Sorry!"she let go,realizing she was being rude. "Are you from around here? I've never seen someone like you before..."she said in awe.
    Post by: AnimeGirl104, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home