~Spire~ Vergil watched the scene and spoke. "We can either all argue like morons or we can do this the old-fashioned way." Vergil said using a thumb to partially unsheathe Yamato. "I don't care, we've given you a choice, now, my.... associate won't ask you again and I'm certainly not going to ask you myself so..." Vergil gave a rather cold stare as to others, it seemed like his eyes were icy cold and a rather... stifling presence emitting from his body language. "My- no our client didn't say anything about casualties, so... I suggest you carefully reconsider your choice." Vergil stated before he looked over and quickly withdrawn his katana only to slice nothing but air and sheathed it once more with an audible click, confusion was set in before they looked, Shay's hand had deep gash in it which once held the item he retrieved and it took a moment to look as his hand dropped the item to the ground, rolling to the middle of the parties. "I call that generosity as much as I loathe any form of kindness, the tendons in your hand have been cut, making your hand practically useless, I usually cut it all off when I fight against those who are in my way." Vergil said rather calmly, unfazed by the blood coming out of the wound. OOC: Now before there's any complaints, Vergil can swing that fast as in DMC3, he and Dante attack each other with swords so fast it creates a vacumn of space between them, stopping any rain falling upon them on top of Temen-Ni-Guru, and even then, during DMC4 SE, Vergil attacks fast enough after throwing his cloak up and wrapping himself around it shortly thereafter.so I doubt Shay's natural reflexes even honed by his training as a Assassin, would even follow the attacks from Yamato.
~Shinnok's Spire~ Vergil discreetly followed after Savage, keeping in pace with him as he lead them on. ~Harold~ Harold sat down at a park bench with a bottle of fresh water, leaning back into it as he undid the top and gulped it down, letting out a satisfied sound, the freshness of the air and warm sun was certainly working wonders on hard work, he had to wonde rhow the Beast could even fulfil the conditions of his curse if he wasn't allowed out of the house and he doubted nay of the girls in the Flower Shop would be a candidate. "And it doesn't help he's on a time limit either, if he doesn't find what he's looking for the spell may very well be irreversible." Harold noted, he wondered if the Beast's Animagus form would be like that, he knew somewhat there was a spell to forcibly revert one from their animal form but he didn't exactly know the incantation, ti wasn't like he learnt every spell in the world, his wandless magic only came a bit more naturally to him than with a conduit, perhaps maybe the Beast does go out on Halloween perhaps? Harold had to chuckle at that thought.
Apologies for not posting much sicne about 3-4 days ago, had to work literally on removing malware and stuff as every time I came on KH-Vids, the viruses would jump me to a completely different site.
~SHinnok's Spire~ "Then we'll go with your suggestion Savage, I expect to see what skills you have that will help this mission." Vergil said to him, awaiting for the right moment. ~Harold~ Harold stretched his arms out a she basked din the warmth of the sun, it was certainly refreshing than beign in his room and Harold had to wonder what he could do. "Hmmm, maybe I might check out a historic landmark, I believe Tokyo has something called a Skytree around here?" Harold said thoughtfully and went to find a tourist store to see what he could do.
~Shinnok's Spire~ "How bothersome." Vergil whispered and he trailed a hand over Yamato's hilt. "It seems our target is more popular than I initially thought, what the reasons are for them to want Lavos, I do not care, but I'm not about to let my quarry escape from my sight." Vergil said curtly. "It seems they aren't a threat but if I learnt anything from my work, it's that appearances are deceiving." Vergil duly noted. "I am open to any suggestions you may have regarding the situation, your- no our benefactor has brought us together because she saw something in you that would be of benefit to me just as I am to you Savage Oppress." Vergil said, making eye contact.
~Shinnok's Spire~ Vergil listened and watched with a careful eye as Savage asked the question he spoke, "Does it matter? These individuals might just be the thing we require to infiltrate without any trouble, a distraction is better than one being alert to intruders, that group wouldn't just come here without being prepared to make sure the debt is fulfilled." Vergil muttered and grasped Yamato. ~Harold~ Harold looked to Lenne. "Sure, I'll remember that." Harold said and leant back as he took a sip. "I might need a break from all fof this, perhaps a nice sunny breeze may do me a world of good." Harold said afterwards.
~Harold's Room~ Harold gave a sigh. "It's trying to counter Beast's curse, it's complicated as it's got criteria and a combination of Transfigurations and Animagus woven into it and layered by well, many protective charms, not o mention tied to a countdown with his rose, if I knew the reason behind Beast's change, then I maybe have to leave it alone as messing with magic can be dangerous, it's like... how to put it in simple terms, it's like playing with fire, a small amount can increased to a huge flame if givne enough time." Harold leant back in his chair. "And whoever cast it must be at least have a Master's Degree in Transfiguration, Curses and Charms." Harold said and Lenne asked what an Animagus was. "An Animagus is an animal magus or in modern terms, witch or wizard, it allows us the ability to transform into the creature that represents us, sort of like how tribes worship animals and there's an animal spirit, it can range form many creatures, however, the Ministry created a law that all Animagus must be registered so they can keep track of criminals or such if they should become one, an unregistered one may have to pay affine or something should they be caught, ti takes a lot of practice to become an Animagus." Harold picked up some crumpled paper and it changed into a glass for him to use. "This is what Transfiguration is, you can turn something into something different and you can change it back." He brought out his wand to cast some fresh water into the empty glass to drink. "But the principle is that Transfiguration will eventually revert back to what it was before because the magic sued has a duration time of how long you intended to cast it." Harold explained and lenne said something about Alchemy. "Alchemy works slightly different but functions the same as Transfiguration, for example, this water in the glass, I can change into something that has the properties of water by giving up something of the water in exchange to make it possible, but Alchemy can leave traces of how it was restructured much like Magic, everything can leave a trace if you know where to look, all Witches and Wizards have a trace placed on their wands from childhood to the beginnings of adulthood, this is because accidental magic can occur as well as ensure they are not doing bad stuff." ~Vergil~ Vergil stood ready and he had felt somewhat a shiver down his spine. "Why do I get the feeling that the replacement for my class is someone who is an utter moron and thinks that that the best combination is fish fingers and custard... no, that sounds more like Dant- no, not even he would think up that combination, he loves pizza too much, the fool." Vergil thought with a hint of distaste.
Apologies, I'll do that in my next post promise.
~Harold~ Harold had a book out and was scribbling some things and rubbed his hair in a bit of annoyance. "Okay, creating a new spell, not exactly the easiest part to do." Harold said with a grumble, he could apply runes to any part of the shop for protection, cast the normal spells that everyone would likely know but creating a counter spell for the Beast? That was a tall order even for him and he just threw his notebook over his shoulder as it landed on the bed and he leant back into his chair. "I give up, I'm not a spellweaver." Harold said and heard a knocking. "It's open." (OOC; Small yes but that was all I could figure out to do)
~Harold~ Harold rubbed his hair messily. "Only things I can teach at best is how us magical travel, you kind of need a foci or something of that kind to control your magic and of course, a magical core, people who don't use them have a much more tougher time to cast a necessary spell, it's only through rigorous practice and training some may cast a few spells without a need of a wand or a staff." Harold said to chaos and rubbed his nose. "Only other thing I could teach is the customs of other magical races, well ones that are intelligent enough to speak our tongue, that is mostly like mythical creatures such as Elves, Giants, Goblins and so on, but I doubt you'll see an elf appear in these parts, they mostly keep to themselves in the woodlands of their realm, Giants live high in the mountains where no human civilisation could go, as for Goblins, they live in places no one would know, our magical bank is run by them, no one would dare cross a Goblin, they are proud warriors and efficiently use their time to make most profits, be it for you or them.... then there's the Imps or people in the magical world call them House-Elves, creatures who live off a person's magical energy to sustain themselves and in exchange they serve you." Harold rubbed his chin in thought. "There a few specialists in other languages, like Grindylows are sort of... like merpeople but not mermaids or mermen, Sphinxes who speak in riddles although they mostly guard ancient tombs." Harold continued and someone asked about the usual animals, like well snakes with the charmers. "That's... not communication it's more like... hypnotic to the snake and it's sort of a one way thing there, much like with most animals, after all, when you call a dog, it comes to you because it doesn't know any better and looks for affection, while a cat just does what it pleases but you can divert it's attention to using cat toys, I do have the ability to talk to snakes through a gene, in that respect I can speak to other creatures with similar families of the snakes, the most rare would probably be Dragons." Harold said and heard some surprise tones that Dragons still exist. "Well, of course they do, there's one in our Wizard bank deep underground to protect the more... high family vaults, there's a Dragon Reserve in Romania if I recall, dragon eggs cost a fortune though and if you do hatch one, it'll be... very difficult." Harold said after some thought. ~Vergil~ Vergil turned to Talzin. "What is the challenge that I am to receive?" Vergil asked Talzin, his cold aloof eyes meeting with hers.
~Flower Shop~ Harold for the past two months, let more magic be known now he had no reason to hide it, the first month was spent doing community service and he also decided to delve some time into the Beast's curse, with a begrudgingly Beast allowing him to examine the rose, from what he had gathered, it was somewhat an Animagus curse with conditions, he didn't know the counter curse for the spell at all since it was a personally created one by some sorceress, it also seemed to be on a timer as Beast was somewhat cooperative, only to despair at the fact Harold could not lift it. "Sorry Beast, but this is the first time I even seen something like this being made, heck, the curse itself is something I never heard anyone accomplish before." Harold said rubbing his messy black hair, the girls of the Flower Shop asked what an Animagus since they didn't understand well, the babble Wizards had. "You know how you get quizzes of like what your spirit animal would be or something, well, we magical actually make it a reality through Animagus, so we can turn into any creature you could imagine... within certain types, but we have to register ourselves with our Ministry of what animal we become because if you are unregistered, well, you'd get a fine.." Harold explained and rubbed his temple. "It's more being in touch with your inner animal than anything, there are two ways, one, you drink a potion to discover what you are or learn from someone else, it's very... hard to get it done, same with Apparition which some of the magicals use to get around, miscalculate and well, you might end up leaving soemthign behind or getting trapped somewhere." Harold finished. ~Aoi~ Aoi laid his head upon his desk as of course the ever so mandatory paperwork in stacks were on the desk, every day it seemed the pile was growing bit by bit with no end in sight, he was just about ready to lose his sanity with this job. "It's times like this I wish I was in Neptune's shoes." Aoi groaned and sighed. "I really need a secretary or someone to cut this workload down... perhaps I'll see if we can hire some efficient people..." Aoi mumbled, he was going to bet that he'll see paperwork in his dreams. ~Vergil~ Vergil was browsing a library in Tokyo, it was his day off and he wanted to sue it to study somewhere without Dnate or Nero around, last month, Dante broke some furniture during a demon fight again and all eh complained about was his pizza was ruined. "I'm surprised he hasn't got sick of that junk." ~Ruby and Yang~ Ruby and Yang were in their shared room, today was their first day after being properly transferred into the school, Ruby bounced like a girl at a candy store. "Yay, I hoep we get see some cool stuff, oh maybe, that Demon teacher Vergil might know about Grimm sis!" Ruby said with excitement as Yang looked her. "Slow down Ruby, I'm just as excited as you, maybe there's some martial arts club here for me to get into,." ~Shotaro~ Shotaro typed in the typewriter, nodding a greeting to Hermione.
~Harold~ Harold had to think, he supposed the police or the court will give him the information of the community service whenever someone was available. "Well, goes to show how little I know of the outside world having changed the laws of magical related beings." Harold said and looked to Aerith. "if you'll have me back, then I'll be more than willing, since I can now be open about magic and not worry about the Magical Ministry getting on my case." Harold breathed a sigh and let his shoulders relax. "Though... I do not know what to exactly do next, considering recent events as I don't have any business to attend to for now." Harold finished. ~Vanille~ "Oh you know Fang, same as ever!" Vanille said to her friend. ~Ruby and Yang~ Ruby looked puzzled. "Why was that guy trying to get hold of the theatre anyways? I mean, isn't this place owned by the Muppets and thus, their home or something?" Ruby asked Yang and Yang shrugged a bit. "I'm not sure, maybe there was treasure here or something? People like that guy tend to get what they want, I hear some CPU's were sponsors of the event and the donations thus far was from them and many people since the Muppets were on a deadline pushed by that Richman guy or something, but if he's arrested, wouldn't that mean no deadline?" Yang suggested.
~Vergil~ Vergil watched and merely gave a small shrug of his shoulders, he didn't want to remain down underground for too long so he, from memory, wlaked back the way he had come, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the abandoned railway well. ~Muppet Theatre~ "How cool! He uses roses!" RUby said and Yang leant into her seat. "I guess, it's somewhat cool? But Sis, you know we kick butt better, then again, I doubt Junior up there would handle some one-on-one time."Yang said. ~Flower Store~ Harold remained quiet and coughed a bit. "I apologize for keeping my identity a sa wizard secret, but you see, I was only following the Statue of Secrecy from the Wizarding World, I haven't read on it's changes since it's never happened before, if it remained as it was before, I might not even be here or your memories would of been altered." After hearing Carter say that wasn't possible, Harold rose an eyebrow. "Not as impossible as having a life saved through the Stone? If non-magicials discovered the existence of us, within certain circumstances they'd be fine but most of them would have their memories altered, last I checked, the Wizarding World is still in like the 19th century with cooking in cauldrons, no television or anything, it just shows how much they don't know, heck, they don't even know what an airplane is for that matter." Harold said, getting some surprised tones. "Only reason why I'm not one of those people is because I actually made an attempt to keep up the non magical side." Harold said rubbed his hair.
~Flower Shop~ Harold took a moment to examine the features of Kiriko Shijima, she looked perhaps maybe a young adult around about her 20's or so as she apologized for the recent happenings and went to her vehicle before the familiar party of Carter, lee and Matt came up and the Philsopher's Stone returned at Harold raise dit up to the sunlight to check as Lee said it saved his life. "You mean you drunk the contents?" Harold said with a small raise of is eyebrow and Carter acknowledged that. "There's a reason why the Philosopher's Stone is sought out, it can do two things, one is turn any existing metal into pure gold and the other is the Elixir of Life, a liquid that can give an extended lifespan, some say it makes people immortal but that's not the case, you likely drank part of the contents to keep the life of your life going." Harold pocketed the Stone and spoke. "If you kept drinking it and knew how to make more, you can be somewhat immortal, though, the aging process or such, it'll still go on, Nicholas lived for about over 600 years well him and my aunt as I was adopted, but in the end, we all have to accept the one true fact, nothing can escape death." Harold said rather seriously. "Enough about doom and gloom though." Harold said. "A celebration huh, that'd be interesting, oh and since you're here Matt." Harold procured the pouch containing the money. "In there is 88,674 Yen, that roughly is around 700 in American dollars or 497 British currency, it may be more then necessary but I keep my word, do not worry if it made a dent in my wallet, my bank regularly refills every month and the Family have plenty of it." Harold said and when Carter asked how a kid could eb that loaded Harold casually shrugged his shoulders. "Last I checked my statement, it was somewhere in the billion mark, my family lived for at least 600 years so back in those times, land was cheaper and with the times changing it got more expensive and the things they done made a lot, I daresay the Flamels are maybe one of the richest families in the wizarding world." Harold said and breathed. "I'll recommend anyone to your services Matt but now, let's mend a bridge." Harold clapped his hands and entered into the Flower Shop. ~Vergil/Talzin~ Vergil sheathed Yamato and stared at the being. "Explain."
~Vergil~ Vergil unsheathed Yamato and brought it close to the Russian female's neck, stopped short of a few inches as the person introduced herself as Mother Talzin and inquired as to who he is, he let his eyes scan over this individual, it seems this person, despite the Russian accent, wasn't dressed as one, question is why was someone like this down here, was this person responsible for the Gate appearing below Tokyo? the tribal markings did say otherwise, but he should indulge in this person's questions... for now. "Listen carefully, I am a Son of Sparda, If you wish for my name, that you shall have it, it's Vergil, now my turn, were you the one to create that gate back there?" Vegril asked, his blue eyes staring coldly down upon Talzin. ~Harold~ Harold had separated from the two young magicians and decided to head for the Flower Shop, he haven't noticed anyone trailing him, but eh figured he needed to least apologize for causing Aerith trouble should the cops have done their job, he did notice one standing outside, it was a different attire compared to Officer Jenny, why was she here? ~Muppet Theatre~ Down in a row of seats were two half sisters, Ruby watched with fascination and Yang did as well. "They were so cool Sis! It's certainly kicked it out with a bang didn't it?" Ruby asked her sister and yang nodded and spoke. "Well, if I were up there, I'd kick things off with a Yang, huh, huh?" There was no response at all, it was an awkward~
~Yu Narukami (Yeah, we're actually getting back to Persona now)- Yu sat at the apartment he was renting, apparently, Teddie was interested in this Muppet Show in Tokyo, while Naoto went back to her rgandfather's, Rise was working as well, her idol schedule allowed, He did get a called from Dojima and Nanako about them moving to Tokyo so that Nanako may have more time to spend with him since the countryside of Inaba wasn't working out much, not to mention Dojima was transferred to the prefecture of Tokyo so it had to be done. ~Oerba Dia Vanille (ANother unused charcter this long? Man AM I getting to a lot of people!) Vanille tended to her garden, humming funnily enough the tune of Sunleath Waterscape and even swaying her hips a little to the tune. ~Vergil~ After Vergil slew the Phantom, he cast his eye upon the portal and sliced trhough it to sever it's connection with the human world, he walked back the way he came. ~Aoi~ Aoi leant back into his chair of the documents that scattered his table, groaning. "Let's see what other wonderful motions are beign put forward." Aoi muttered in perhaps the same manner all people do when they get the worst enemy called paperwork. "Hmmm what's this?" Aoi pulled a sheet of paper. "...A donation to the Muppet Theatre? Who would of...?" Aoi rubbed his forehead. "This isn't addressed to me, it's addressed to White Heart, no doubt Rom and Ram are trying to influence their older sister to help their favourite show.... but how did it get in my pile?" Aoi had to think and sighed. "Clair, it has to be, she meets the Candidates regularly, so it's likely those two asked all their older siblings to help donate for the Muppets." Aoi mumbled and put the paper in a NO slot, while Castfield did have resources they had to be put forward to other projects, apparently, there was a document that a team wanted to create a game that uses the passage of time to advance the game, something called Seamen voiced by some famous person who lived long and prospered. "Next thing I know, Vert will cancel making those Halo series, Blanc's fitness games being used everywhere and let's not forget Noire's rage that the new Tomb raider was passed to Vert." Aoi finished.
~Sagara~ Sagara turned around and faced the Woman. "That is up to fate to decide, I didn't say he was part of the battle for the Golden Fruit, the candidates for that battle have been selected, but fi youa re so curious, he seems to possesses a determination that few have, I merely wish to see where that will lead him as a Rider," Sagara said and went to walk by the Woman. "I know who you are as well, First Woman." Sagara walked by. ~Harold~ "I wouldn't go alone if you plan on visiting Gringotts again, they always look to make a profit as they live by the quote, time is money, only Wizards and Witches utilize this bank and its many other branches because where else can one be certain their gold is safe? You'd be a crazy to rob from a Goblin considering their history as a warrior race back in history of their wars, not to mention the layers of defences they have, if I had to be honest, that place is likely the safest place to store anything of value with certainty unlike non-magical banks." Harold said as they left the Alley. "Do you have any suggestions on what I could see in Japan? I only just recently came here so I do not know the sights." Harold said.
~Diagon Alley~ Harold entered Gringotts with Syaoran and Sakura following, surprised to see well, actual Goblins, but he did bow before the guard as Syaoran and Sakura stayed close to him. "I thought Goblins were just a myth." Syaoran said and Harold spoke. "Well, it's nothing really that surprising, Goblins usually live high in the mountains or in warded areas, much like Trolls, Dragons are around, there's Elves, anything you read in a storybook or something does exist, even Unicorns, Centaurs... the list goes on, but the Goblins here are quite... amazing bankers, they are very personal with guarding vaults and the protections are something else, any thief in their mind to rob Gringotts, if they want the biggest vaults, well, they'd have to get past some nasty defences, I hear they have really special creatures down in the oldest vaults." Syaoran looked around, staying cautious. "Are they... dangerous?" Syaoran asked and Harold crossed his arms. "Only if you do something to insult them, The goblins have fought in wars and quite... cunning in gaining profits, you know that saying time is money? well they take this literally, every visit, every conversation, as long as there is profit to be had, it's what is important." "Then why are you here?" Syaoran ask dand Harold walked, the two following him. "I'm here to acquire some money form my vault and change from currency seeing as I need to pay my lawyer for his job well done, wait there." Harold approached a goblin. "Greetings Razorbone, I wish to speak to the Flamel Keeper of my family's vaults." Harold said and the Goblin called another one. "Mr Flamel, it is a pleasure to see you in person, I am the Keeper of your Family's vaults, I am called, Sharpclaw, what have you come here for today?" Sharpclaw said and Harold spoke. "I wish to purchase one of your credit cards and a sum total of 100 Galleons changed into Yen." Harold said the Goblin gave a small nod walking away and coming back with a plastic card of gold and a small pouch. "Thank you Sharpclaw, may your enemies be slain before you and profit come to you forevermore." Harold said, bowing as Shrapclaw did the same and Harold came back as he walked the two out. OOC: 100 galleons roughly is coverted into £497.99 which is roughly around 88674 Yen in conversion
~Harold~ Harold walked along the quietness of the street, hand sin his pockets as he wondered what to do right now. "Let's see... I could go back to Diagon Alley and do that withdrawal for Matt as I don't think he has a Gringotts account and I don't exactly have his card number to utilize." Harold thought to himself and he walked back, to the entranc eof the Alley, retracing his steps until he emt two familiar people. "You're-" Syaoran said and Harold gave a smile and a wave as Syaoran did bring Sakura and Keor along and Sakura was wondering why he was stepping into a pub, "Oh this? Well, It's a doorway to something... magical." Harold said and the two youths looked confused. "Come along if you want, you're both magicials anyway." Harold led them through to a dead end with a few bricks out of place. "This is just an empty allotment." Syaorna said and Harold gave a small laugh. "Looks can be deceiving." Harold brought out his wand and tapped in a certain order as the stones came to life and opene dup to reveal Diagon Alley as Syaoran and Sakura's eyes were wide and speech left them. "Welcome, to Diagon Alley." Harodl said and walked as Sakura and Syaorna with Kero in tow followed, their eyes trying to look at everything they could see, at one point, wishing they had eyes at the back of head if they missed anything. "How did they do this? Our family doesn't even have such magic." Syaoran said in awe surprise and Harold spoke. "Well, Diagon Alley has been here since who knows when, the charm you seen was a concealment one as the Leaky Cauldron is oen way into this place, another is by Floo or Apparition, but I wouldn't recommend it, FLoo ha syou travel by a network of fireplaces and you can get dust on yourself and fall over if you aren't well... ready, Apparition on the other hand, you'll feel like you're being squeezed through a tube to get out the other end, so this way is probably if not, the most easiest." Hearing Sakura ask where they were going, Harold spoke. "Well, I'm going to Gringotts, it's a wizard bank so the wizards and witches tell other sbut it's actually a bank run by Goblins, they do exist yes, you two can go and check the stores, window shop if you like and can get out easily through the way w ejust came, Tom, the barman isn't the mean to turn away children or leave them on their own much."
~Narumi Detective Agency~ Shotaro pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat his desk with the typewriter, first there was an uproar at the Tokyo National Bank that didn't seem to include him, but he was a detective, not a officer of the law, besides, he wasn't officially a member of the law in the first place. "Next thing I'll know, there's a conspiracy about dogs and cats living together in perfect harmony," Shotaro muttered and Phillip said that was entirely possible as some people do have pets that are complete opposites and as he was about to go into a full on lecture mode, Shotaro raised his hand. "Okay okay, just so long as you don't look up any more sweet foods, last time, we could hardly believe the state you were in." Shotaro said, it literally took Phillip to research about obesity and he immediately went to slim down back to his original body. Shotaro heard a beeping noise and Phillip said they now head a new Rider in their group by the name of Katniss Evergreen, who was using a different Driver that used Lockseeds apparently. "Huh, what else?" and Phillip told him that there was a evil Rider who knew what he was doing, but there was no name to go by. "An evil rider huh... what's his motive, I know that Weasely boy was brainwashed or something like that." SHotaro said thoughtfully. ~Harold~ Harold nodded and walked in a direction, it was best to get away from the courtroom as soon as possible lest the newspapers or journalists start gathering like flies to a light, he eventually came to a notional park or something, big lake and such and sat at a bench as a man took the free seat. "So, you're unsure what to do in town?" Harold looked to see a man in sunglasses, a orange bandana and well he looked like some DJ or something, if Harold knew what that was, hey blame the Wizarding world, they are still stuck in the medieval century with no electronic technology or such. "And you are?" Harold asked and the man gave a smile. "Ah just a man who meddles in the way of life, however, this place is bustling with change just waiting around the corner, and I believe you Mr. Flamel are one of those stones that will create waves, just as I did for other young people like Miss Evergreen and that boy with his dragon, it intrigues me to see what waves can be created." The man said and Harold was confused. "You'll meet somebody who thinks you're perfect to be one of those heroes, I believe his name was Harley, Hurley or something, he's one of Zordon's many allies." The man stood up and Harold stared at him. "Just what in merlin's name are you talking about?" Harold asked and the man laughed. "Merlin, that takes me back... anyway kiddo, you met the Riders and saved one from dumpster lady." Sagara said and Harold blinked while on the Moon, a sneeze was heard that made Finister lose focus over creating a monster and breaking it in half. "I believe you are a Rider material, question is, which one? I can see you heading straight into danger like a Gryffindor." Sagara said and Harold retorted. "I'm more of a Ravenclaw, I don't lose my temper like some lion- hey wait a minute!" Harold said the man had left while Harold talked. "....Who was that guy?" ~Command Centre~ On one of the transporters, a bema of brown light came and left behind was a big package with had funnily enough, stickers of America on them with the address being Zordon, Command Centre, Mountains, Tokyo, ????? Japan. And on it was a note. "Dear Zordon, I have created the three Drivers you requested of me, they all work the same with the assorted equipment and transformation devices, please note, they all function the same, my accomplice, Krim shall be joining your ranks shortly as soon as he locates his intended user for Drive, contained within are the associated Signal Bikes of Mach and Chaser and the Tridoron Key to became Chou Dead Heart, your americian friend, Harley Hickinsion. P.S. I'm not going to be available for a while de a long-awaited road trip."