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  1. StardustXtreme


    Harold tilted his head ever so slightly as the woman he saw introduced herself as Medic and asked if he wouldn't mind taking a walk with her and Harold wondered about that. "Huh, her name is more of a title at a hospital or something? Still I wonder what she wants to talk about that it requires us to walk away?" Harold thought and spoke. "I don't mind miss Medic?" Harold said, somehow saying Miss Medic didn't exactly roll off the tongue quite well.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    "Well, I'm not being overworked per say, just not that many cases coming in with the exception of missing animals." Shotaro said, drinking his coffee.

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    "I see, well, I'll be sure to talk with your cousin if that is the case, I would not be surprised if the students prefer his methods over mine." Vergil said sipping his drink once more. "And a fez? Your family has odd taste." Vergil wondered if he could use that fez as target practice.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold rubbed his hair and decided that perhaps a spot of fresh air might do him a world of good, he did discover he can call upon the stage belt at any time and picked up the two Eyecons and put them on his person and descended downstairs rubbing his eyes with his index finger and thumb to try and rub anything in them out as he heard greetings from the inhabitants. "Morning to you all too." Harold said, looking to them a she opened the front door and turned his head and cme face to face with a young woman.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    "Yeah sure." Shotaro said, tpying in the typewriter for a report.

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvellous got up from his chair and went to the dining table.

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    Vergil raised an eyebrow at the article. "I see, but of course we won't know how Saxon plans on making Japan great once more, others have stated they'd make it great but what makes this one all the more different?" Vergil questioned aloud as John Smith spoke about the Demonology Class he took voer whiel vergil was away.

    "So you were my stand-in for my classes Mr Smith, what did you teach them?" Vergil inquired.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Store~

    Harold sat at the desk and had the Spectre and Tutankhamen Eyecons placed nearby, arms crossed, the whole experience of well, becoming what he became was still new to him, he likely needed to have guidance on how to better utilize these Eyecons and he figured Takeru was likely the best choice in that matter as he seemed to have more Eyecons at his disposal then him.

    Next came the Moony that the Kits called him and he said he had a condition that affected him during night's of a full moon, that indicated a werewolf if that was anything to go by judging the man's sickly disposition and his clothing well worn. "Must of been bitten at some point, well, there is that law and I doubt he can get any jobs that pay well due to the Dark Creatures act." Harold muttered, he couldn't change anything about that a sit required the Ministry and the whole council and such.

    "And know someone of his personality, he'll not take any jobs and beat himself down about it at the risk of his changing, hmmm... I know Wolfsbane is somewhat helpful but it's a bit poisonous as well, perhaps maybe I should see if he can maybe come to terms with his illness, like it or not."


    Kazu sat in his room, books open as he was writing whatever homework he ahd to do.

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    Vergil sat in a chair sipping his drink before seeing Victor Sullivan return. "No cigar today Sullivan? Something good must of happened, what was it last time? Some old treasure again?" Vergil asked.

    ~Albert Simon~

    Albert sighed, leaning back in his chair, the recent work fo the Crystal order had to do was getting to him in his old age. "All for the greater good... why didn't I hire a young assistant to do all this for me when I could be searching for Neam Ruins for Rassilion, or even get the secret artefacts I been searching for."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Daitenku Temple~

    Harold listened. "So, historical figures huh, I wouldn't know where to begin with this." Harold commented as Hiccup said he had to go home for school tomorrow and he and the Night Fury left as Harold rubbed his hair. "Uh yeah, like I was saying, these historical figures are kind of over my head, the only ones I know is Wizarding ones or my Uncle Nic never delved into the non-magical side, might be worth a read if we knew how many of these there are considering the ones we have have numerals." Harold pointed out the numbering on the Eyecons.

    "And knowing history there's probably a lot of these historical figures." Harold added, looking thoughtful. "Unless there happens to be a list of what figures there is?" Harold asked.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme

    -Daitenku Temple-

    "Eyecon huh..." Harold said looked at the Tutankhamen Eyecon he held,. "I'm curious as to what just happened and what are these Eyecons? I admit strangeness of it all has me confused, especially as to why they were targeting you Miss Belle, oh and before I forget, I'm Harold, Harold Flamel, I'm probably more known as the guy who 'kidnapped' Elsa of Arendelle." Harold said.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 9, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Daitenku Temple~

    Harold took a moment to think and he opened the Driver before removing the Spectre Eyecon as the Ghost Driver called out an Oyasumi as the transformation broken apart to reveal himself and he moved his shoulders. "Small world to certainly say the least." Harold said with a breath and he spoke. "And before you ask, I'm just as confused about this Rider thing as much as the fact there's a Night Fury around." Harold said rubbing the back of his neck.

    "That's the dragon by the way, one of the more dangerous ones if I recall." Harold added. "Anyway, I like to know what just happened." Harold asked.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Harold followed belle the girl's name was and the strange Rider who detrasnformed, he chose to keep the suit on for now, still Belle was associated with these people? It was a small world after all meeting Belle again, did she recognize his voice? it didn't seem likely from the fight.


    Ventus lay in his bed, looking out the wind and gave a sigh, sitting up and moving off the bed to start playing a game or something.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~Wherever Remus and Takeru Are~

    Harold heard the Orange Rider's suggestion, the Daitenku Temple, he was unsure where that was, but he'll probably follow somebody who knew where the place was as he was unfamiliar with Tokyo's layout and he had to wonder if that dragon the banana knight had knew where to go, plus, eh wasn't familiar with it's type, was a new kind of dragon? It didn't look like any of the one she heard about, the Swedish Short-Snout, the Common Welsh green, the Chinese Fireball and the Hungarian Horntail to name a few, but he knew there was a dragon reserve in Romania, wa sthis Rider as they called them, one of the Dragon Reserve Keepers? He was unsure.

    "I suppose so, don't know where that is though." Harold said.

    ~Command Centre~

    Within one of the many chambers of the Command Centre, an unfamiliar blue bike with chains was left behind after being teleported in.


    Vergil turned his head ever so slightly. "The fool couldn't of been less threatening." vergil unsheathed Yamato and cut a hole to walk through. "Now, if you'll excuse me." Vergil said and stepped through, leaving the group.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Putty Battle: END~

    Harold watched as the Putties they were called, defeated, Harold took a moment to sink everything in, for the fight, he just acted on impulse and his body did the rest, just what was it he become? Harold wasn't sure. "This isn't any magic I heard of... what exactly is it?" Harold questioned in his mind and he cupped his chin or rather, a hand under his mask.

    "Okay, the forms have names since I used Edison and Tutankhamen, is there any significance there?" Harold thought, he wasn't that brushe dup on history, just only what he knew about the magical world and it's workings, he'd have to check with the library or something.

    "So, we done?" Harold asked.


    Vergil said not a word and simply entered the portal
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Current Battle~

    Harodl heard the strange armoured knight ask and he spoke. "Sure, it's not like I'm one to refuse help." Harold said and and he fired electricity shots once more at the Putties until he caught something falling from above, he saw a glimpse of the strange man giving a two fingered salute ebfore disappearing and Harold looked at it, it was a pale blue Eyecon and he spoke. "Let's go." Harold released the Edison Eyecon, maing his form Transient as Takeru did the same as Harold passed Edison in a arc to Ghost pressed the Button on the Eyecon, showing Number 11.

    Harold put it on the Ghost Driver and it chanted once more as the parka ghost came flying, knocking Putties back before he pulled and pushed the lever. "Kaigan: Tutankhamun! Pyramid wa sankaku! Ōke no shikaku~!" Harold's new form stood as a small cobra like amchine came from somewhere and attached itself to his Gan gun hand and made an impromptu sickle.

    Harold shouldered the weapon. "Well, here goes nothing." Harold said and used his momentum to strike at the Putties.

    ~Ruby And Yang~

    "Well, we better not keep these two waiting sis, remember, we got places to be?" Yang said and Ruby crouched down, setting Haymitch on the ground. "Right Yang, hopefully we can meet more awesome people like this peach girl! In fact, let's call her Peach or Momotaros? You know that old folklore?" Ruby said as they walked on after bowing to Katniss, Haymitch and Rue.. "Where you do you learn this stuff Ruby?"

    "Blake, you know she has a spot for books! Though... I don't know where she and Weiss are, I thought us as Team RWBY would kick all kind sof butt you know, like that suited heroes or heroines except we'd do more.... awesome!" Ruby pretended to do karate moves.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Wherever Remus and Takeru Are~

    Harold was out on a refreshing walk after visiting Diagon Alley to see if any stores had some books relating to Animagus spells for the Beast but sadly, there was no Knut to be sold there, the tracing of whoever cast such a spell was well... untraceable, he groaned. "Maybe I should ask beast for more details on what the person said." Harold muttered and he heard a scream and when to the source and he kicked something, picking it u, it was a strange device with blue eyeball

    "Do you want to save that woman?" Harold turned arudn to see a strange old man and Harold nodded. "Then take this belt and show your resolve!" and Harold looke ddown, seeing the same belt one o the strange warriors wore and he turned, opening the belt as he pressed the side of the strange device, revealing an S and slotted it in.

    "Eye~! Batchirimiro!" Harold heard the Driver repeat and he was momentarily confused but focused and pulled the level, the Driver's icon changing to a Blue mask appearing where the S would be.

    "Kaigan: Specter! Ready, Go! Kakugo! Doki Doki Ghost!"

    In harodl palce stood a differently armoured being than Kamen Rider Ghost and haolr dpulled down the hood, he did feel a straneg power fill him, different than hs magic he was so familiar with and he charged forth, punching a Putty and he stood, "I'm here... to protect the weak." Harold said an he put a hand over the Driver, summoning a strange weapon. and he whacked the putties away in the Rod form before changing it's appearance, similar to a gun hand,

    "Stay behind me." Harold said to Belle and he noted the others lending their assistance and he saw a yellow eyecon come from the similar Rider and he caught it. "Let's try you out!" Harold said and removed the Specter Eyecon and pressing th button on the yellow Eyecon and doen the same transformation moton.

    "Kaigan: Edison! Ereki! Hirameki! Hatsumei-ō~!" as Spectre's form becamign like a dummy briefly before the Edison parka ghost equipped on him, Spectre's form changing once again and fired shots of elctricial energy.

    ~Ruby and Yang~

    "hey, it was no sweat, right Sis? Sis?" Yang looked around and saw Ruby picking up Haymitch. "Oooh it's a Pikachu! Such a cuddly adorable moue, I bet you Weiss's fortune this little thing totally becomes a mascot Yang!" Ruby sad cheerfully and excitedly
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme

    ~Tokyo's District 12~

    Ruby saw the fireball and rolled herself out of the way and dug her scythe into the ground and fired upon the trapped Vantias as Yang punched the air, letting loso her own hail of bullets.

    ~Detective Agency~

    Shotaro restrained himself from protesting and sighed. "Same here, so, anything interesting happen?" Shotaro asked them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 31, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme


    Vergil watched with a stoned expression, not saying a word.

    ~Detective Agency~

    Shotaro looked up from his desk as he was typing. "Oh Okaerinasai Hermione." Shotaro said and looked to her friends. "So, our landlord has people to talk to, I was worried you'd be like Phillip, always reading." Shotaro said teasingly.

    ~Tokyo: District 12~

    Shots came as they hit Vantias in the black as he would turn around, Yang would be standing there, with a grin. "Hi there, might I join in?" Yang said as Ruby pouted. "Yang, I thought we were going to the bakery, you know Zwei always looks forward to us after school." Ruby said and Yang patted her shoulder. "Don't worry sis, us girls gotta stick together right?"

    Ruby took a moment to think. "Okay! New friend inbound!" Ruby said and Yang smiled. "That's the spirit!" and her gauntlets activated as Ruby pulled out a deceptively big scythe that seem to too big for her to handle.

    "So, who goes- Sis!" Ruby cried out as Yang leapt forward to deliver a blow by propelling herself with the force of his bullets to which Vantias did dodge. "Hey first come, first serve Ruby!" Yang answered and Ruby pouted before running in and started to swing her scythe rather masterfully as Vantias with either blocking or avoiding with the rapier and when it looked like Ruby would be hit, Ruby gave a adorable smile and a gunshot was heard, Ruby jumping back to get some distance.

    "Oh, I know, he's kind of like Weiss! With that rapier! Except... Weiss would never wear something like that, What's he supposed to be based on anyway?" Ruby asked puzzled and Yang shrugged her shoulders a bit. "I guess a lemon? You know, that somehow can be used to power stuff." Yang said and Ruby tilted her head slightly.

    "Might have to ask that one to Blake or Weiss, then again..." Ruby paused for a moment.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme


    "Who cares if they are crazy or not? If an simple actor and a daughter are opponents, then all I can say is that Shinnok gets to redecorate the area, humans underestimate things they cannot fathom to understand, it's either two choices, fight or flight depending on how the human brain perceives what they see, an actor is just what it entails, he acts and there's always a script to fool the young minds of children. If anything, we can see how Shinnok fights and use that knowledge to our advantage while they do not have it." Vergil told Savage.

    "And numbers aren't everything as I'm sure you are well aware of our fight with the group we faced, if anything, it'll just make Shinnok work a bit more, only disadvantage he has, he's been sealed so I imagine his skills aren't quite up to par as they were before then."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Nintendo High School - Hallway~

    Tsukasa watched the whole scene, hand sin his pockets causally. "Looks more like she's gathering up potential candidates huh." Tsukasa casually said withot much concern.


    "How am I supposed to know? I'm not an expert, I only know about your one since I handed it to you." Ankh said without much enthusiasm.


    Kazu heard the rumors of boys being kidnapped and he tilted his head. "Huh? It's not the Abandoned Dorm story again is it?" Kazu wondered, then again, he doubted the school delved into dark arts.


    Haruto ate his donut and looked at the scene, it seemed someone was out of control but it seemed it was being covered.


    Yuuki was excited, she was finally going to leave the hospital starting tomorrow and stay with at a temple who kindly decided to take her in.


    Harold bit into his sandwich, back in his room with papers being almost everywhere, most of them crumpled into a waste basket, thanks to some fresh air and clear skies, he decided to start from scratch and he stopped for a moment, looking to outside. "Might need to get more books, perhaps Beast's condition won't be found in Diagon but Knockturn." Harold muttered.

    Knockturn Alley was a place where people assumed dark and shady deals would go on, that or you were likely to be attacked, only way you could ensure you weren't targeted is by your stance and how dangerous you are, he gave a sigh, then again Dumbledore seemed to be mostly quiet, perhaps he was unaware of his existence? Most likely, if the Potter boy he saw at Gaston's was anything to go by, it was likely Dumbledore was using him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Crystal Order: Infirmary~

    Albert gave a small laugh at their confidence. "That depends young ones, if you used all of your power against him, I do not doubt a Son of Sparda would be so easy to contend with, but we shall wait and see, the Sons of Sparda are mostly associated with demons, of course, I do not know how far the demon's hierarchy extends as I tend to delve more into the dark magic that people fear, while you were away, we've recently acquired this." Albert put down a picture and pushed it forward. - Image

    "This was recently excavated and we here at the order were very fortunate enough to claim it." Albert said and one of them asked what it was. "Who knows? There are things in this world that we haven't begun to understand, but I can tell this much, it's not of this world."


    Ankh fell out of the tree with a groan."What now woman?" Ankh asked in irritation.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme


    "An actor?" Vergil said in a dry tone as Johnny went after his daughter. "As much as he is a fool, I cannot condemn his resolve." Vergil stated, placing his hands upon Yamato's hilt. "So, what is our next move?" vergil questioned.


    Albert listened to the words of the brave soldiers who retrieved Lavos and the explanation of what occurred. "Really, a man wearing a blue coat and had white hair awaited you and used a katana?" Albert inquired and Shay told him. "That my boy, was likely one of the Sons of Sparda." Albert said and when questioned who eh was, Albert sat in a chair, hands on his cane.

    "There was once a demon named Sparda who awoke to the sense of justice and fought the entire legions of Hell to protect the world of humans, I've met some lesser demons in our world who all know Sparda as a traitor but to the humans, he's known as the Legendary Dark Knight... the city of Fortuna is a prime example as the people there worship him, almost like a god, but throughout the Demon World, there is a moniker called the Sons of Sparda, one is clothed in red while the other is blue, there are few who tell the tale about them because they get pretty much slain." Albert breathed.

    "You must exercise caution especially around one of Sparda's children, they are beyond human from what the tales say, if anything young Master Shay, you should consider yourself fortunate your foe only severed the tendons in your hand, if he were more serious, he would of likely ended your life on this Earth." Albert cautioned.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme


    Vergil looked to Mother Talzin and to the person in question. "A question I myself wish to know the answer as much as yourself, this man just appeared in the fight, it seems this man knows one of the members of the Order." Vergil stated, not bothering to kneel before her like Savage had done so.

    "I shall admit, our original task ended in failure but we gained information of a bigger plot as it is certain they have a plan for Lavos, They even gave away names we can use to our advantage. They do not know you are our benefactor either, for all they know, myself and Savage are but hired men." Vergil finished.


    Marvelous looked. "It was good." he said as he set the food down.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme


    Vergil watched the lightning strike come for him and he simply weaved through it before crouching and disappearing in a blur to knock Jadeite with his sheath weapon and delivering a kick to the shield, with enhanced demonic strength, to send him flying and Vergil saw the rubble coming at him an dhe knocking the rubble away with swipes of his sheathed weapon almost effortlessly.

    "...Then as they say, it's my turn." Vergil said and thumbed Yamato before seeing Shay fire his firearm at him and Vergil withdrawn his weapon, spinning it in a circle and in a motion the bullets were laid o n the ground face up, that probably gave the man a surprise. "I do not consider firearms as a true weapon, now this." Vergil manifested blue energy like swords floating behind him. "Is how you fire."

    Vergil fired the Summoned Swords at Shay, aiming not for his body but rather his feet and Vergil saw Tanya coming at him and slashed where the bullets he laid before at her, but his true target wasn't Tanya herself, instead it was Starlight Glimmer who was busy with Savage and sheathed Yamato once more.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme


    Vergil gave a small smile. "Ah so that's who you work for, this Crystal Order." Vergil thumbed Yamato once more. "Soldiers? Agents? Please woman, rest assured, I far outclass those titles." Vergil said and saw it was four against two, the odds certainly weren't in their favour it someone looked at the field, but Vergil gave a corner of a smile. "I like these odds, Oppress, I am sure you wish to get your revenge against the horse and acquire our target from the pretty boy, do what you will with them, I'm sure the ones called Tanya and Shay wish to test themselves against me."

    Vergil fluttered his coat as he calmly approached the male and female. "Let us see if you can back up your words and compare yourselves to what I faced in my lifetime." Vergil stated clearly.


    Albert was on top of Mt. Fuji, looking down upon Tokyo and he turned his head, there stood a Monolith with a strange eye, apparently recent excavators just unearthed it, it wasn't a part of the infamous Stonehenge, Albert felt a sort of magic or something similar to that vein. "It seems as though this monolith is a beacon or a doorway perhaps." Albert murmured, maybe it was something Rassilon might understand, but how to move such a structure to the Crystal Order? Albert learnt this Monolith will be moved to the local Museum in Tokyo for study.


    "Why not? I'm not complaining if there's food involved." Marvelous said, joining them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home