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  1. StardustXtreme


    "Just as well, can't let the family secrets get out." Harold said cheekily and he read the almost immediate reply and Harold looked thoughtfully. "Hmmm I saw her sister once to dleiver a messege that Elsa was safe, she was... the redhead with freckles wasn't she? She coudl be mistakened for a Weasely if anything." Harold pondered as Elsa spoek about her nervous state of meeting King Regis and hopign the tarde agreement woudl go smoothly, in hindsight, tellign someone who was part of the royal community about a tarde that no one even knows was a bit fo inside infomation.

    "Don't know who this Prince Demande and Prince Saphir is either..." Harold made a note to look up on monrachs, the only ones he knew was the Minsister of Magic, he wans't sure who was in power right now, no doubt the pureblood tarditions remain strong as ever.

    Harold noted Medic's curiousity in probably the act of magic itself. "First time seeing actual Magic? You'd be surprised how all First Year schools who teach magic react..." Harold said, recalling his first time in Diagon Alley.

    Harold decided to reply, telling Elsa to keep calm and breathe while remaining in control of her emotional state as he taught her, he also wrote he hope her sister is doing well and that one day, he should meet the two should a free moment arise and bid her farewell so she wasn't distracted.

    "So, where we off to?" Harold said, dismissing the magical items he summoned and put the magic apper in one of his inside pockets.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme


    harodl turne dhsi head to see his doppelganger had indeed disappeared and Lupin's comment. "I wouldn't know, never had a mother or father, adoption was my case." Harold said, rubbing his hair and continued. "He'll be somewhat fine I suppose, if not, It's Japan, everyone helps out one another and keeps an eye out for young people." Harold commented and looked thoughtful before sensing a small magciial signatrue from his pocket and puleld it out, seeing handwriting clearly not his own, it was Elsa's.

    "Glad to see someone remembers." Harold said and conjured a flat surface in mid-air to eb a floating surface a she ste it down on the and opene danother hand, creating form think air, a pen and Remus found it surprsing, saying that was high level Transfigration and without a wand too.

    "I mostly do stuff without a wand, provides more of a challenge since a wand is basically a conduit for the spell in question, plus, you get perks from having the Flamels being your guardians..." Harold said, writing as they walked.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    "I'm fine with what i packed, though, are you sure you want to spend money on a stranger? Your attire seems to be in need of change itself." Harold said, pointing out the old clothes Remus wore. "Speaking about this young woman, don't you have any relatives or something to that effect? I get that Tokyo and if not, all of Japan doesn't stalk the other gender and theya re all respectable people, but woudl you even feel comfortable about someone buying clothes for you?" Harold asked Medic.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme


    "Hmmm Full moon? Nobody gets nervous about that time of the month unless you're a magical creature or more specifically, a werewolf, the man doesn't exactly look too healthy either." Harold thought and spoke. "And this is?" Harold asked and then asked if he would attend the school concert. "Well, I'm sure it's only for students who have applied there so I'm not sure I know about anyone who goes to Nintendo High but I probably could do with more social interaction than exploring the unknown side of the world." Harold said cryptically, keeping the Statute of Secrecy in effect about the magical community.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 7, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme


    "not enough money to pay for it Mr Potter?" Harold asked him before sneezing a little. "Was someone talking about me? Nah, probably just superstition." Harold thought to himself, either that or the climate change from Europle to Japan was beginning to show and he spoke. "Bless me." Harold said in a low apologetic tone
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 2, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Café in the Mall~

    Harold blinked at Harry's response of saying his friend was more frightening than his own family, perhaps there was that difference of not being related or there was something about his friend? He was quite unsure.


    Ruby was squealing. "Oh sis! Somebody finally got engaged! It's awesome! I mean, isn't that awesome!?" RUby said in excitememnt and yang looked at her in a somewhat confused expression. "Who now?"

    "Oh it's um.... I don't remember their names, but it's still cool right?" Ruby said and Yang tilted his head. "I don't see why, I prefer to be free and ride my Bumblebee while kicking some butt." Yang said.

    "You know, I never got why you named your bike after a Transformer, he never even talks." Ruby said and yang pumped her fist. "Cause actions speak louder than words sis!"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Harold sat a table with an empty plate of food with a fork and knife side by side, a she wiped his mouth and sipped his drink of water as the others had eaten their meal, it seemed his lookalike was in trouble judging by his expression though he did his best to hide it, he knew that look anywhere, he done the same when Perenelle or Nicolas caught him doing something he shouldn't.

    "You know, you didn't have to stick around, I wouldn't want to hold your education off." Harold said.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme


    "Indeed, don't know where would be a good place to eat though." Harold answered and looked thoughtful. " and it also depends how much money we have." Harold added.


    Kazu bit into a sandwich, his deck scattered on the table as he categorized it into sections, he was looking to see how one could improve it further.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme


    "it's not as simple as that Medic, there's the matter of well... how do I say it in simplified terms." Harold thought about how to put in layman's terms, about how society worked and so on, while eh was young, he did take time to learn a bit about the adult world of business since well, he was better to be prepared than get tricked as he was familiar with scammers, Knockturn Alley was definitely a source of that.

    "I'd have to first see the principal of the school and then there's the matter of paying for the expenses for my tuition and also, to see if I actually qualify for the school in question, my family members are.. well not available." Harold said, he paused for the moment for the last bits.

    "And I wouldn't want to have my landlord step in and pay for it out of her own expenses since she has things she'd want to do with it and I'd be honestly guilty about having someone else pay for me." Harold admitted and rubbed his hair messily.

    "And I can't exactly fake a registration either, I'd rather not have the police on me again for another crime." Harold said with a bit of shame. "and I certainly won't be all secretive about applying either, not unless Harry's said school allows any student to try and join the curriculum with a specified test, sort of like how Tokyo University, a most prestigious place of education." Harold said and looked thoughtful.

    "if I recall professional sports teams also hold scouting trips to locate somebody and sometimes, a person may get a special recordation to further develop their desired course." Harold finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 7, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    Harold looked at Harry. "I get that but those classes are there to give knowledge and to help prepare you for the future, even though it may be dull and boring, you should be lucky to have class mates and learn together, all I did was self-study with my uncle and aunt." Harold said, he did recall earning about alchemy and the wonders of magical things.

    "After all, one day, you'll need to decide what you want to be in the future and how you're going to do that, same goes for everyone in your school." Harold said and Medic gave a insightful question, perhaps Harold should apply for the school to be a student?

    "I don't know if that's even possible, I don't exactly have relatives anymore and not sure how I'd sign up and I sincerely doubt my landlord wants her part-timer busy as I know some people frown upon students working part-time." Harold admitted.

    ~Crystal Order~

    Albert gave a sneeze and pulled out his handkerchief.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme


    "You're not too far off the mark with that one." Harold thought to himself and now he had a much more better look upon the Potter, it was somewhat hard to believe Dumbledore had plans for this boy but it sort of derailed when from what leamt form his rant, James and Lily decided to actually live in their own property an dnot take the suggestion of a safe house, So Plan B was make a clone, use the infant to try and get the Flamels secret then well, be in the spotlight for when something Dark would come.

    "I believe we also met previously at some party as well that I believe someone named Gaston held." Harold said thoughtfully, he recalled his dates, well three of them to be exact, he was probably the only guy at that party with three dates being Yuna, Rikku and Belle, unless as Gaston put it, gaston could do anything and probably could bring more ladies to him like he was a magnet.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme


    Harold looked on quietly. "A Pokémon huh and a Riolu at that... aren't those supposed to be rather loyal Pokémon and have some ability they are masters in?" Harold asked in wonder, he did brush up on Pokémon and he found himself leaning towards Fire-types, though, it did mena he'd have to care and feed it and he wasn't sure what a Pokémon's natural diet was.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme


    "Huh." Harold noted, that was odd. "Surely they'd be some record of who she is?" Harold thought and spoke. "You know, you could ask the authorities for a DNA test or something to learn more about yourself or have a history looked up on since well, it is their job to help the populace, I know one guy whose sort of a in the police department but we haven't talked at all, It was Carter or something." Harold tried to recall.

    "Especially since well, you do kind of need a place to stay, and before you ask, I doubt I can accommodate you since well, I have a feeling I'm still somewhat being watched a bit cause of the Elsa incident." Harold scratched his cheek a bit at that.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme

    -Alice's Apartment-

    "Nice to know you were the one who set the dog on me." Yuri said to her.


    "If you do not mind." Harold said and moved in beside her, probably to others, it would seem almost like a date. "So, is this your first time in the city?" Harold asked her curiously.


    "Oh Yuuki's fine, unless there's another person with the name Yuuki then I'd be called Yuuki Yuuki!" Yuuki said, getting up from her seat. "Do you know of such a person I could tease with that?"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme

    -Alice's Apartment-

    Yuri pushed Blanca away. "Ugh... " Yuri grumbled as he got off from the couch to stretch, an audible clicking noise of his bones from the uncomfortable couch.


    "No trouble at all." Harold said to the girl.


    Yuuki turned to see the open door. "Hello Mister Tenkuji!" Yuuki said with a smile.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Demonology Class~

    Vergil came close to Ali Mualim's face. "Racist, me?" Vergil said coldly. "I merely spoke my mind and not once had I made the young Shimmer cry." Vergil stated and continued. "I had not been informed of my substitute's method of teaching because unlike some people, they don't leave a file for me to read over, secondly." Vergil breathed for a moment.

    "I have revealed my own personal information to my students and what the life of a Demon Hunter truly is, thirdly." Vergil's tone grown more colder. "You are a fool, you given me the tome of the Vatican in which they dare not see, do you not remember the terms of my agreement to teach your children's minds as that was the only way I could put up my brother also being employed at this building?"

    The room's temperature lowered even further, one could mistake the glass windows moistening up. "Fourthly, I have my rights of how I decide to teach and I saw no reason to continue this class you old fool because unlike you, you don't risk and limb to protect this world from those who try to take out their oppositions with power that is not theirs to begin with."

    "If you see a demon old man who is destroying buildings and devouring humans both young and old, please by all means, show us your prowess to ensure no more suffer the same fate, do you have the experience to take down something as big as this room with your frail body?" He was met with silence. "Call me what you want old man, but know this, I have no needs for lies." Vergil unsheathed Yamato, and brought it close to Ali Mualim's neck, not drawing blood.

    "You don't decide anything Mualim, all teachers have what is called free will, it makes them decide their choices and you are a bigot for even stating you decide when they choose to discontinue, let me one thing perfectly clear Mualim, Free Will is what makes people decide what they want for themselves, not you choosing for them, you don't control anyone in this school, they all have their own viewpoints and they are very much welcome to come to their conclusions and see things differently than your viewpoint and let me remind you one more thing." Vergil breathed, his cold gaze staring into Mualim's eyes.

    "I am a Son of Sparda and my decisions are my own, not yours, I'm a half human, half demon and you say I'm a racist bigot when my origins are as such? I have my right to choose who my enemies are, the young Sunset Shimmer clearly isn't one of them, in fact, I daresay I encourage her to embrace her demon half, you on the other hand Mualim? You aren't worth staining Yamato over, but if you attempt to provoke me further in regards to my decision, I may very well change that idea." Vergil walked by and sliced the air a few steps behind Ali Mualim, creating a distortion before stepping into it as the distortion disappeared.

    Vergil was gone and the room temperature risen back to what it was before
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme


    Harold took note of the glow. "Wandlass Magic? No, I don't' know any magic that heals injures, that's usually potions or such.... then again, Tokyo's home to the most unusual things after being here this long." Harold thought and spoke. "Good to know, I hate to get arrested again because someone thought I hurt you." Harold said as a small joke to himself.

    ~Demonlogy Class~

    The door opened and Vergil strode in and everyone was with rapt attention and stood at his desk, using Yamato as a cane, standing and looking at each person. "I looked over the lesson Mister Smith has done in my absence and it seems he strayed from what this class is supposed to teach, Demons." Vergil said and continued. "Granted, I doubt Smith has witnessed the horrors of what they can do and thus was inadequate to the task at hand."

    Vergil went to write on the board. "Now, I been told my... stance towards demons are a bit... extreme as our wonderful." Vergil dripped with sarcasm on the wonderful part. "Headmaster has told me, so I shall tell you all why I taken up this profession so that you may come to understand my view." Vergil took a moment and spoke.

    "I was like you all once, innocent and carefree as any child until an incident happened which involved Demons, and left me and my brother as the only surviving members of our family because our father betrayed the Demons, witnessing your own mother suffer and die before you is something that changes you greatly, so I decided to end the lives of the demons and hope to find the one who devised the plan." vergil said, standing straight.

    "I do admit, the line between good and evil is but a blur, some demons may find themselves living peacefully as a human does or a human can become as corrupt as a demon." Vergil said and continued. "However, I take my profession seriously, I have fought demons the same size of this building, possibly even bigger ones, whiel I would rather continue my profession, your headmaster gifted me a old tome that had very few copies before being erased from history, if I had to say anything, I wouldn't be teaching you about demons as I doubt many of you could last against them, however, I shall henceforth be quitting from my role as teacher as of this moment and discontinuing the Demonology Class."

    Vergil sat behind his desk and changed the board to a video feed and brought out a box with a hole on it for like a rafle draw.. "First, I shall you all watch what I mean about what this class expects one to do, this si a recording of myself facing off against demons that infested Fortuna."



    Yuuki waited with excitement of finally leaving the clinically clean hospital.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Albert gave a small chuckle. "What Astral here says rings true, all people have varying opinions on events that occur, for me, I'm just a bit too old, there are times when such important matters aren't like that and you tend to focus on your own studies or mission given to you, I do not doubt Harold Saxon will lead Japan down a much more brighter future than the previous Minister has done, the saying actions speak louder than words will be his true test to see if Japan has chosen wisely." Albert said.

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    "Uh huh, right." Vergil left to head for his class.


    "I know of them, but that's as far my knowledge goes, it's only recently I learnt of these protectors since my previous accommodation was rather... secluded if you will, lets just say it was on the other side of the world, but what makes you believe you could aid them? I mean, I could understand people giving their support to encourage them." Harold said to Medic
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme


    Harold looked to the car in question and spoke. "Most likely a prototype of some kind, I'm not that all up to date on vehicles." Harold admitted to Medic

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    Vergil gave a calm stare and spoke. "Is that so? Last I checked you reading something, it was about what toppings you can put on a pizza, hell, I seen you somehow get a hold of that wretched mascot that Pizza Hut has." Vergil said and Dante had his mouth dropped like a fish. "Next thing I know, you'll say that you're getting interested in a woman."

    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    "It is an exquisite blend, granted it's not always the same taste every time, perhaps you yourself should indulve in perhaps a hobby or something to occupy your time with, I am but an old man who ahs served the Order faithfully, I am just currently searching for some certain places and some ancient tomes our dearest Vatican friends would hate to see be stolen from under their noses." Albert said.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme


    "I wouldn't go so far as to call those in the flower shop my caretakers?" Harold said thoughtfully. "More like... we're acquaintances as I do live there for the time being, I might move out eventually but it depends on circumstances." Harold said and took a moment. "So, what brings you to need to talk with me than the owners of the store as I doubt this is an introduction call?" Harold asked her, an eyebrow raised slightly.

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Shotaro rubbed his cheek. "Hey, you should save that for someone your age!" Shotaro called out to her.

    ~Hino Family Shrine~

    Haruto slowly ascended the stairs as a young woman bypassed him as he ate into a plain sugar donut. "Well, seems someone's going to have a good day." Haruto thought and continued his ascension, he decided to perhaps explore Tokyo a bit more.

    ~Teacher's Lounge~

    Vergil glanced to the new arrival before setting his drink down. "No time like teaching some children..." Vergil whacked Dante's head with the sheath of Yamato as there was an audible thump. "Keep that up little brother and I'm sure you'll be popular with the girls." Vergil said sarcastically as Dante was rubbed his head. "Oh wait, you're not, last time you were around a female, you shot her through the stomach for that awful Devil Arm you acquired, if you are so relaxed, maybe I should ask you little brother to take over my job and see how it is teaching them all about the Demons in hell we're acquainted with?" Vergil asked him.

    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    Albert sipped his tea at Daniella's response. "You did not know? It's the most talked about topic in Tokyo right now as Harriet Jones's term of protection wasn't exactly... adequate so to say, I suspect Saxon will start including defensive measures for the Earth and form alliances with various countries to ensure another incident doesn't occur, I also hear he likes jelly babies."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home