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  1. StardustXtreme

    --England, Magical Trunk-

    "That depends on the response I'll receive later on, I'll fill you in on the details if it becomes a priority, we are going to head out and meet with my client, the information on how the Cybermen are made will likely push the Rebels to try and save more people from the camps.. if they have the manpower to do so." Harold said rather grimly and got his brown long coat and put it on and grabbing a hat, placing it on his head, hiding the messy black hair, he glanced to the unfamiliar Belt and bottles, he decided to pocket them in his charmed endless expanded pockets just in case.

    "We're going up to Scotland then." Harold said and Kimberly looked puzzled, obviously it was likely due to the checkpoints and any public transport was being watched for the Rebels. "Nobody looks twice at one extra bit of luggage surprisingly.. well, except that guy we met before... how he figured it out I'd never know... but I'll change the trunk's appearance regularly anyway... I swear I'm doing the same thing as that Newt Scamander." Harold muttered and the two exited the trunk and Harold changed its appearance to look more like a briefcase then shrunk it down to humorously enough the size of it looking like something you find in a doll house, Kimberly's eyes still had the look of disbelief of actual magic.

    "It's convenient to not have to carry a huge backpack with camping gear... we'll head up north.. you're going to experience another form of travel by us magicals... It's called Apparition, it's kind of... how do I explain it, it's like teleporting except it's not by atoms or anything like that but rather you get somewhat compressed and squeezed through a tube before popping out the other end, however it is a dangerous practice if you aren't focused enough, it can lead to... accidents like leaving behind body parts or in other words, splicing." Harold said, noting Kimberly's concerned look.

    "Relax, I'm not going to teach you it, I'm going to do a Side-Apparition this method is usually for those who don't a license, thankfully, I am quite an accomplished user of it and not had an accident since I had to take it seriously after everything went to hell, you'll have to hold onto my arm or if you feel really unsure, hold me closer than you normally would and I'll take us along, I will say this when we get to the other end, you may get an urge to vomit, it happens to most first timers." Harold said, offering himself as Kimberly cautiously took his arm and Harold and Kimberly disappeared in a swirl as Kimberly did feel like she was being squeezed through a straw before they emerged in a a forest nearby a village

    "Welcome to Scotland."
    Harold said, looking to Kimberly. "We'll get some breakfast after you compose yourself." Harold said to her, letting Kimberly do her thing. "Let's go to the local pub, they usually serve food, try and keep yourself covered, I am not sure of the villager's allegiance..." Harold said cautiously and head towards the local pub called the Old Forge and Harold cast an eye upon the occupants and sat at a table, Kimberly following suit, he spotted a woman bearing the description his client given him. "Check the menu and see if there's anything you fancy, I got to make a quick reach out." Harold said and moved up to the bar, sitting beside the individual, only having his green eyes seen.

    "I wonder if the rumor of the bearded man talking about the existence of an ugly kilt is true or not."
    Harold said rather lowly as to not offend the bartender, the woman on the other hand, who knows how proud she was about the kilt btu eh client did say those words.

    ~Nintendo high, Hallway-

    Yuuki wandered the halls, be wary not to e caught by any teachers, she wondered where the thieves were, she didn't want to peep in each classroom and get asked why she was there, if only she had a clue or a signal to go off on?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. StardustXtreme


    Raven nodded with a slight indication of her head as Connor said he'd take care of the group and turned on her heel as the atmosphere of shock was in wafting in the air and Raven brought his blade out, slicing through the air as she tore open a red and black portal, stepping wthrough it before it begun to close up, after all, she had no interest in the conversation at hand.

    --Chicago, Illinois-

    "Phillip!" Shotaro said in annoyance and looked to Shelby. "But he is right about fighting women.. perhaps you and that Miss Morgan can work with Billy to develop something to help the Rangers since Billy did design the communicators though, that is not used anymore out of fear of the NWO tracking the signal." Shotaro said as he looked thoughtful, the Garry Revolver was made secretly in a cavern not too far from Chicago since that was a mdoe fo transport should they choose to escape with the Hardboilers various means of transport.

    -Nintendo High School: Cafeteria-

    Yuuki jumped at a voice about something in her locker and she got up to go to check as Max turned her head, Draco calling out about some thieves and tilted her head a bit. "Thieves? How?" Max wondered, it was a school so naturally it was protected... right?

    Yuuki turned the dial of her locker and saw the VS Changer and a yellow helicopter, she looked around, wondering how she got it and slipped it into them both into her carrier bag and shut her locker, she had two thieves to find.

    -England, Magical Trunk-

    Harold was wide awake after a good few hours of sleep and examining what he had discovered with the belt's strange contraption facing him and the bottles he had acquired, he did note they had labels that seemed to be colour coded, it appeared to be a belt similar to the Ghost Driver and he picked up two and slid the right one in the right slot and it spoke. "Rabbit!" Harold jumped at the sudden announcement and he examined the blue one, its label had R/T and the mould seemed to be a tank, so that was another thing to note and he cautiously inserted the blue one in the free slot as it call out again. "Tank!"

    The belt started to make a jingle like noise as Harold noted the colander like part was flashing red and blue respectively "Rabbit! Tank! Best Match!" Harold removed the two bottles and looked to them. "A best match? Sounds like synergy... but why a Rabbit and a Tank, those two couldn't be more further apart from each other... ones a living thing and the other is just an object..." Harold muttered, he wasn't willing to wear it unless it was a trap... He di have restorative potions filed away somewhere in here but he'd have to wait as he noted his scroll of parchment returning a message sinc ehe always kept it on hand nearby as he set the bottles down and read it over.

    From what it seemed, Elsa's handwriting was a bit rushed as she said there was now a sadistic woman in Arendelle who held the position of Inquisitor and attacked some rebels, a few only managing to escape as she warned him to be careful fi he plans on coming as she was not sure if his magic could handle such a person and Harold looked thoughtful

    "Who is this Inquisitor...?" Harold wondered under his breath, it didn't sound promising but he couldn't rush off without any reason... He needed to learn more information about this person and unfortunately, that meant he had to ask Elsa to describe more of what she had done for her to gain such a role and probably delve more into detail as to what happened to those rebels who were not fortunate enough to escape and got his quill and a begun to write within it.

    "Dear Elsa, I have received your warning and have taken it to heart, however, I must ask, what did this Inquisitor do with the rebels they have caught? I am judging by your hasty writing that this Inquisitor isn't a nice one, if you can tell me without any hesitation and if you feel like you and your sister are in danger and you do not feel safe within your own home then do not hesitate to ask me to come and save you both." Harold written down and paused the sending, thinking of what else to write, biting the end of his quill a bit.

    "I ask that when you and Anna get a chance to speak alone without any prying eyes or ears, that you both discuss the next best course of action for you both, if you do agree that Arendelle is no longer safe for you both, I will ask that that in the response to wanting to be saved, that you Elsa, use the word of snow in a any passage and that your sister, Anna, writes in this parchment with a word of spring in any sentence, these two words will be a signal to let me know you both want out, I will be awaiting your response." Harold added and send the response to Elsa's parchment and he placed the quill back in its pot as he breathed.

    "I got a bad feeling about this." Harold muttered, he was unsure if Kimberly was awake and Harold checked his watch, he needed to meet up with his client and report about his findings to that person and if Elsa and Anna respond within that time frame, he'll have to prepare and think on how to get to Norway and if Kimberly was willing to come along.

    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~

    Yang looked at the Quinjet, she had to wonder who gave it such a name, "Why call it a Quinjet... Maybe the Stinger? Oh maybe the Hornet?" Yang thought aloud as Dante given the blonde a stare. "What, I call my awesome ride Bumblebee... I'm just saying... anyway, any mission with messing with the NWO is cool with me." Yang said cheerfully as she punched his hand into his hand, obviously ready to knock some heads.

    -Hong Kong, Li Residence-

    Syaoran sat on the veranda, a open book about magic in his hand as he looked away from the pages to breathe, ti had been a few months sicne everything went as it ha dbeen and he had bene pulled out of Nintendo High and brought back for home-tutoring.

    -Japan, Park-

    Vanille gave a small sneeze as Serah looked to her. "Something got you?" Serah asked and Vanille shook her head. "No, I just got a feeling someone may of made fun of Fang." Vanille said with a knowing smile.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. StardustXtreme


    The masked woman observed the group that appeared to be safe as the little one, RIni as she introduced herself asked a question about her to the Leader of the Rebels, Connor and she moved her hand up to the mask, the notable noise of white bone retracting as the mask was pulled away as it revealed underneath that her hair is more ravenous and black with red highlights, her eyebrows are a little bit higher, her complexion is significantly lighter and slight age lines are under her eyes. her eye color is a shade of red that as her hair is loosely done up in a ponytail, tied by a red shawl, with the ends resembling curved black feathers. A cowlick can be seen protruding from the top of her head, similar to that of Yang's.

    "Not exactly little one." The woman answered as she held her mask to the side and her other hand on the hilt of her blade. "As for my name... I suppose Raven will do as I witnessed your unexpected accident and how willing these..." Raven inclined her head towards the fallen Stormtroopers with a look of disdain. "People were willing to kill an young child just to satisfy their own selfish greed, I could not allow two young ones to be put like lambs to the slaughter despite their company." The woman continued, glancing to the car that held the other young one and took a breath, closing her eyes to compose herself.

    "Everyone knows children are the future of this world and how they will influence and change it over the course of time, but you'll understand what Im talking about when you're older, as for your question if I am working wih the Rebels, I suppose we are loosely working together, I bring young ones like you to safe bases out of the New World order's reach, as for my end of the deal.. That's my business." The woman stated and looked over to Darien.

    "I suggest you retieve the other young one in the car and retrieve anything you have in the vehicle that you are able to carry, Kenway." Raven turned her eyes towards the man. "I'd rather not stay out in the open unless those men were able to call for backup in the amidst of the fight, are you able to take these people yourself or must I?" Raven asked, cutting straight to the point without any hesitation in her voice.

    --Gokai Galleon-

    Marvelous spun the wheel as the whole Galleon move dudner the under, causing some tremors that awakened the occupants and while Marvelous heard the door open, meeting a face of that didn't want want a surprise wake-up call, he grinned. "Why, we're taking off! Don't laze around, it's time we put our foot back into this fight." Marvelous said witha serious expression.

    -Chicago, Illinois-

    Shotaro looked to Shelby who asked the question. "That depends, what are you capable of doing?" Shotaro asked her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~London, England~

    Harold moved down the back alleys, taking some turns unexpectedly as Kimberly was keeping up as evidenced with the footsteps and Harold checked the sky eveyr so ofte in case of more S-Types until they stopped where there was smoke coming out of a factory with a notable C on the building like it was proud of what it represented and Kimberly wordlessly asking what that was.

    "A Cybermen factory, that is where the NWO gets the Cybermen but nobody really knows how they are made, anyone who tried has either gone missing or worse, killed... and if there's one thing the Alliance needs, it's infomation and that is worth a lot... No doubt there is security cameras and such with the wonders of technological advancement outside to deter any outsidersand I have no doubt there are security guards... but if there's one thing I learnt, it's they never expect people to enter through ventalation ducts or ina palce where one never usually suspects a visitor." Harold said and checked the vinciity, his sharp eyes making any possible routes, he knew Kimberly was limber and able to do high jumps and can run as she was a Ranger so no need to worry there.

    "Let's see.. with the cover of darkness, we shoudl be able to sneak in through one of the air ducts, as for the camera, well, I been informed inside however, there's no camera or such inside the factory, this is just one of the many smaller brances, if ti were a bigger one, there woudl be but this is London, nobody takes notice of vidoe feeds nowadays, especially with people parkouring into construction sites or climbing up to really high heights... let's go." Harold said and went with kimberly through one of the air ducts, crawlling through the square room and removed any grates thatwer ein their way until thye wer eup in one of the higher up gangways of the factory and there was dim lights as Harold surveyed the area before catching Kimberly and set her down and he held out his wand and walked slowly across the dimly lit hallway, pushing open the double doors.

    Inside was a huge room full of Cybermen on standby, not moving or walking, not even activated and Kimberly was amazed at how many there were. "I know, but how are they made...? Let's go ahead." Harold whispered and guided Kimberly along in slow steps and heard footsteps down below and stopped as obivously there were human workers walking towards a huge awning with a big contraption down isnide of it and Harold looked down, the workers were herding a crowd of civilians, he noted some of them looked like they had attitude and the workers were armed and there was a mechanical whirring, the huge contraption had started up and Kimberly was about to move and Harold grabbed her shoulder, stopping her short, whispering as theyw ere out of hearing range.

    "There's nothing we can do for them right now, if these Cybermen activate or those workers catch us, we'll be vastly outnumbered and my natural abilites and tools can't keep us safe, right now, infomation is more valuable than their lives as much as I hate to admit it." Harold said, shaking his head lightly as one of the rebels was put inside the awning and well, screaming occured like a banhsee and Harold smelled something really foul, from the looks fo the othe rhoemless of their faces quite very pale and attempts of not throwing up whatever wa sin their stomachs was a big hint and a few minutes later a Cyberman exited the awning.

    "I think that's all we need to know how they are made but... we need to to keep going and see if there are may schematics sor something." Harold said, keeping the horrible and messed up thoughts to not enter his mind and trying to not chuck up whatever he eaten today and slowly on went through a set fo double doors, Kimberly gingerly following behind, ehr face pale as Harold kept an eye out for any red lights or camera and sending a small controlled pulse to temporaily glitch them as they moved and they discovered an office and he magically unlocke dit with Alohamora and went through the cabinets as Kimberly was trying to keep calm and he found somethig, schematics and puts them on the table.

    "Here we are.. just let me get something." Harold produced some parchment and use dhsi wand to copy the files, after all, it woudl be strange if some files went missing and read over the files. "It seems the human brain is literally cut out of the head and placed into that cybersuit with wiring threaded throughout the body, acting as a nervous system for the brain... oh but what's this, an emotional inhibitor...? I guess that stops the brain from realizing what its placed into...Merlin... Those aren't useful in society or rebel openly are probably being converted.." Harold said with bated breath and rolled up the parchments with every detail of a Cyberman and pulled the files back as he found them, taking care to wear gloves so no fingerprints were left behind.

    "We got what we came for, not... let's get out of here before we lose whatever we got left in our systems." Harold whispered and as he was heading for a the door, Kimberly had pointed out something strange and Harold turned, in a corner of the room was a unfamilair Driver with what appeared to... small capsules or bottles? He was unsure but t was something that couldn't be ignored, he got out a pouch and picked up the bottles, placing them inside before tightenign it up and took the strange belt, it was similar to his previous Driver so he might be able to use it, he put the Driver in one of the more larger pockets with ease and Kimberly looked in confusion how he fit it in there so easily.

    "Charms and expansion, basically bigger on the inside." Harold said and the two wentback towards they way they came a smuch they didn't wnat to backtrack until they had safely exited teh premises and Harold checked around and the time. "It's getting late... we'll take a nap out of sight." harold said and took kimberly to another abandoned building only this time, he took her upstairs to the highest possibly floor, produced his trunk and had them enter inside of it as he close dthe lid, nobody would think to check upstairs an abandoned building, waste of time as the human mind would think and Harold pointed downa hallway. "There's a bed down two doors to your right, we'll leave in about four hours or so, don't worry about me, I can make a bed and sleep somwhere." Harold said to her.


    The masked woman moved with a leap, weavig bewtenn the shots stabbing the Cybermen she was facing right through the chest, earning a pained groan before it's body became lifeless, sparks emergign otu every so often before she pulled her long odachi sword out and sheathed it with grace as she turned to see the others were just finishing up, remaining silent, it seemed the blonde one, Sailor Moon did not wish to take lives if she could help it and then she looked over to Ratonhnhaké:ton, the man held respect, admiration and steel determination, then again who wouldn't being the face of the Rebel Alliance, she exmained him, there wa sno wasted movement and his eyes were keen and his body langauge being reayd to defend himself at a moments notice.

    Yes, this was a man who was well trained in his art after years of who knows how long he taken, judging by his hooded appearanc,e and tone, eh was a young man who was full of youth and vigor and she noted The young pink haired girl and Tuxedo Mask eying her, they were probably unsure of her alliegeanc ebut ti did not matter, no doubt questions would be asked, she'll wait out and see what would happen, if it was something she should invest in, she'd stay, if not, retreat and go back to scouting out the camp-sites on her own and look for any more stragglers that may be facing issues with the checkpoints.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. StardustXtreme

    ~London, England~

    "Sorry to interupt the topic at hand but myself and Miss Hart need to get a move on towards our destination, while the patrols may be have been detered for now, but they may return as a new group since there's liekly a rotation to keep an eye open since the NWO has recruited many to their cause." Harold said and touched the trunk, wandlessly shrinkign ti down before Kilgraves eyes to the size of humorlessly enough, to a miniature version of its usual shape and picked it the small object up, placing it under his brown jacket and sealign the pocket up so the chets did not fall out.

    "We do owe you our gratitute for what you done and we'll remember to give you something in return for it next time we'll cross paths, come on Miss Hart, we better get going while we still have the cover of darkness on our side." Harold said and gave an inclination towards Kilgrave before heading off towards the back alleys.


    The masked woman said nothing in light of the questiosn directed to her and the male in the top hat suggested they take care of the Stormtroopers first and the man declared when to attack, the woman moved, masterfully weaving or deflecting any blaster fire directed towards her with no visible hesitation or diffculty and with one clean cut movement, sliced a blaster in two with simple ease as the odachi's long blade cut through the neck of a Stormtrooper cleanly before moving without any hesitation that she killed someone, sheathing the dark blue blade and the gears roating once more before.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~London, England~

    Harold opted to remain quiet as he instead decided to think on what to do in his head, keepign an open ear otu for any details, it seeme dthis man was a fan of what Kimberly represented, he had to dig into his mental libray about what happened, he mentioned a Great Purge and harodl recalled his brief tenure as Specter, he ahd to abandon the power to throw his... pursuers off his trail, he didn't know what became of the Eyecons or the Driver in question.

    Apparently the heroes that once gave the peopel hope and assurance were now wanted throughout the world, he was just one of the first before it became a trap, luckily, his identity wasn't revealled but since then, he been on the run, living life secretly, Kimberly may of had more of a up close experienc of the events that took place while he retreated to the shadows.

    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~

    "Don't complain, be glad you are at least one of the survivors of the Purging that happen." Yang pointed out, changing her carefree attitude to one that was more serious tone. "You don't even know how many survived and the populace are now following the NWO's laws now, like it or not, you're going to have to buckle down and deal with the things you been given, I wnat to see my sister again but I can't in fear of getting her into trouble since I ran away from these new laws that re being set." Yang said rather seriously.

    "Right now, we need to make allies and leanr if there's any resistance members or others like su who are against what has happened in the past few months, I doubt everyone is taking to it well." Yang said gaveoff a sigh.

    "It's times like these, I just wanna punch and break something but I don't want us to get caught... so, James... " Yang looked to the bluenette. "Have you learnt anything new since you liekly been undercover longer than pizza boy here." Yang said, jerking a thumb towards Dante which she did hear a hey in response to that.

    ~Forest - Darien's Car~

    As soon as Darien said those words, a sword strike came from the forest, cutting a crevice into the ground as a black haired woman wearing a mask stepped out from the dense forest, armed with a sheath that has a rotary chamber and a odachi blade that was unmisakbly green comapred to her attire was a shallow cut black and red dress, five necklaces with an assortment of beads, a red girdle-belt, and a pair of black fingerless gloves, an object that looked to be made from feathers hangs from the right side of her skirt. She also wore her leggings of solid black as under her leggings she wore black boots, which have red high heels and soles, the masked woman remained silent, sheathing the green blade before pulling a dark blue one.

    The woman then crouched down and leapt forth, her speed was rather difficult to follow with the naked eye and witha swift movement, the odachi-like sword brushed against their metal arms, freezing them almost insatntly as the Cybermenhad their blasters frozen over as the woman clearly displayed having practied in the iaido arts with probably a mastery to her name.

    The woman then swung her blade towards the ground, forming an ice wall when the Stormtroopers would undoubtly try to shoot at the makeshift wall of ice, the woman turned her head slowly to look at Tuxedo Mask and Mini Moon as well as the car holding its passengers, as if to confirm their existence.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. StardustXtreme
    -London, England, Magical Trunk-

    Harold raised an eyebrow or maybe two at the man redirecting the Stormtroopers towards paddington Station and something about Wales, that may redirect the efforts to be on the lookout there, what did this man want? But in any case, a debt was owed to this man and Harold knew that, debts were a huge thing in current times.

    "I would advise you remain cautious, even if this man has saved us, we do not not where his true alliegence lies." Harold said with a rather serious tone and when eh got a nod in affirmation from the young woman, he ascended up the stairway, hearing Kimberly follow behind him as Harold breathed and opened the trunk, ti must of been an odd sight seeing two fully grown adults emerging from a trunk an the implications behind it and when they got out, Harold shut the trunk immediately, he did not plan for anyone he didn't trust to get inside, not with the contents it held, Harold made sure his appearance wel well hidden under his hat and clothes.

    "You got our attention, you seemed to know the capabilites of my trunk and you have led the New World Order's Stormtroopers on a wild goose chase, I imagine we now owe you a favour for doing such a task?" Harold asked calmly.

    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~

    "Oh I'm not dneying the diguises coudl be useful, I'd love for nothing more than to smack a few heads in the New World Order, give them a personal tounch of a Yang Special, go out with a Yang Eh? Huh?" Yang said, not getting any reaction with her bad pun.

    ~Nintendo High, hallway~

    Ruby stopped as she spoke. "I get the feeling Sis just made someone groan and cry out." Ruby said and Ventus looked to her. "That's right... I seen a picture of you two but you two don't look related at all." Ventus pointed out and Ruby smiled. "Well... Let me see, basically, my father married Yang's mother though... Yang never talks about her at all, so she's more a half-sister I suppose you could say? After all, dont' people mistake you for Sora or Roxas?"

    "I don't even know where to begin with Roxas, both of us look so much alike I would swear we're long lost brothers or twins." Ventus said in a sigh, the number of times he was mistakened for Roxas was uncanny, they sounded the same too, how was that even possible?

    "Oh, maybe Roxas is really a Ditto who plans on taking over the human population!" Ruby said ina squel and Ventus looked at her. "Okay you been watching that Gumbino youtuber haven't you?" Ventus asked and Ruby poked her fingers. "Yes, no... er maybe?" Ruby said and Roxas sighed. "Next you'll tell me our next class session is with Baldi." Ventus said and Ruby shook her head wildly.

    "Oh please no, that face... the monotone voice, the cane... he's a terrifyign person, that's almost as bad as a Creepypasta Sonic the Hedgehog!" Ruby said, shuddering very noctibly at that.
    "Don't remind me... whoever came up with that is not right in the head... it took me a while to erase that from my brain, thanks." and Ruby nodded in agreement.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. StardustXtreme

    -London, England, Magical Trunk-

    Harold looked to Kimberly who was all changed. "You can leave those here for now, we'll come back here anyway." Harold and he was about to ascend up the stairway to the entrance but he paused in his steps, turnign to a sphere that had a visual image of outside before his eyes staring up at the stairway and obivously his guest was confused. "Someone's outside, the hidden runes I engraved on the chest are letting me know the trunk is being touched and with the audio runes, it seems this person is aware this is a magical trunk and he is waiting for something ro rather someone to emerge out, bollocks." Harold swore in a classical british fashion.

    "I can't apparate out of here either, after all, don't fancy the splicing since the dimensiosn here are different than outside..." Harold thought and cupped his chin in thought, the trunk was securely locked with blood wards of his own making so only he could open and close the chest, to any other person, it woudl just look like the lock was really difficult and meant it was private, after all, having the Philospher's Stone needed extra security measures.

    "Sad part is, I can't contact anyone in the outside world to get this guy away and convince him it's a ordinary trunk... I really need to make some allies on the outside a priority since I usually worked alone for this long." Harold cursed.

    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~

    "Why do you have so many disguises anyway?" A feminine voice asked as Yang emerged from a hiding spot. "I would swear you like dressing up more than your actual job... wait... are you thinking about going into tailoring and making money off clothes? I hope it goes well for you more than the talking cat act!" Yang said and looked to Dante then to his wig then Dante again,

    "How you can stand wearing that I'll never know, it just kills probably anything you had going on, like someone wnated to cash in your popularity in a badly chosen reboot as my sister woudl say and just stick to the classical style." Yang said off-handily, not seeing big comical arrows pierce through Dante comcially.

    ~Nintendo High, Hallway-

    Ruby let off a sneeze and rubbed her nose. "Someone's talking about me, I wonder who it could be!" Ruby said with cheerful delight and Ventus tilted his head. "I'm... not sure that's how it works Ruby... I hear it's more your ears or face going red." Ventus pointed out and Ruby turned upon him. "But my Uncle Qrow says it's the sneeze... aww... it's so confusing... maybe Yang would know if she was still part of school... no wait, she'd probably say some bad pun... oh when did the days of having a food fight in the school cafe go?" Ruby pouted.

    "I don't think the chefs will like that again..." ventus said, while ti was fun before, the amount of detentions knew no bounds and Ruby changed the subject. "So where's your usual two besties?" Ruby asked and ventus looked to her. "Uh...?" and Ruby continued. "You know, that earthy guy and that ballerina girl? What about that Sora, Riku or Roxas they usually play on their games before."

    "Terra and Aqua? They are... well, nto sure where at the moment and well, haven't been gaming much sicne things happened, plus, I got to keep my skills up unless Terra wants to poke fun at me again." Ventus said, standing proud and Ruby tilted her head.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. StardustXtreme

    -London, England, Magical Trunk-

    Harold heard teh question and thrown his hat onto onto of the hangers. "That depends on where you recall seeing me, but for now, your outfit is compromised and no doubt those S-Types are going to blacklist that look." Harold said, arms crossed. "Oh don't worry, I'm one of the rebels that don't appercirate this new order the world's in, I started going into hiding just when all of this was in its earliest stages and thank goodness my gut was right." Harold saiid gratefully.

    "So, what do you have on you right?" Harold asked and listened, basically she ahd little money and the clothes she wore right now were all she had, no doubt she was a late fugutive who couldn't get prepared in time. "Well, we'll wait here for maybe thrirty minutes or so as I wnat to wait until the I'm certain those S-types are gone then I'll head out again, I need to check on a rumor of a Cybermen factory and see what goes into making one since it's a well kept secret, hopefulyl it'll give some intel I can share with fellow rebels." harold said and saw Kimberly have a look of where they are.

    "This is my home away from home, it's how I avoided going through checkpoints without any pass or tickets sinc enobody looks twice at luggage, you are in a magiclaly expanded trunk that is modelled after a home, personal use though, it saves setting up a tent and a campfire, now if you want to join me in my recon, that's fine but you'll have to follow my orders and stick close to me, as for a change of clothes..." Harold point down a hallway.

    "Go down that hallway, second door on the left, there's room full of clothes my size, I am not sure if anything will fit you but it's better than sticking to what you got on at this point." Harold said and he got a nod as she begun to walk. "Harold." Harodl said and heard a huh. "My name, I'll be waiting here." Harold said and let Kimberly go on her way and he he looked to his own gear, he waved his wand and transfigured the garments to be a black brown robe that travellers would wear, no doubt the previous appearance was compromsied, then again, he never took any risks and went over to the small box, unlockign it and openign it, reveallign tobe the parchment that was with a two way commuciation with Elsa.

    "Hmmm, I wonder... This was done before the iplementation of NWO screening mail or animal post.... Maybe... it wortha try." Harold thought and got some ink and a feathery quill, dipping it in and wondered what to write before beginning to do so.

    "Dear Elsa, I know it has been months since we last commuicated during your 'kidnapping' unfortnately, circumstances along with I am sure, your role as royalty kept you busy, I am currently investigating on a rumor for those who do not approve of the world's state changing, I would say do not worry about my safety for I have managed quite well on my own since the signs things were changing but I would naturally assume when you read up this point, you are. How is your lifeat home? I can't imagine it's any better anywhere else in the world, do not hesitate to tell me of your concerns, right now, allies and confidants are something we need in these desperates times, please send my best wishes to your dearest sister Anna as well." Harold finsihed writing as teh parchment held the words for a moment before sinking into iit to appear on Elsa's own parchment.

    -Chicago, Illinois-

    "That we are partner, so far, there'sno intel on my end unless Billy managed to acquire some infomation." SHotaro pointed out.

    -Nintendo High School-

    Max looked from out of a window witnessing Hemrione Granger deck Draco Malfoy right in the face, she had a small smile escapign the corner of her lips, she was in photographty class at the moment but sh enever interacted much with many people, just keeping to herself. "I can just imagine Chloe doing much worse." Max thought with a smile to her friend.

    -Somewhere in Japan-

    Vanille watered the plants in a national park, humming to herself, ti been ages since Fang ha dleft and though she was worried for her long time companion, she knew she coudl take of herself, after all, Fang was a prime of example fo actiosn first, think later. "No wonder she couldn't get a guy." Vanille muttered to herself, Fang just up and left one day with a messege saying she'd be back.

    "Vanille!" A familair voice rung through and Vanille turned, seeing a fmailiar pink haired friend, it was Serah, one her newfoudn friends. "Serah!" Vanilel said witha smile and Serah bounce dup and hugged her, nto caring if she was splashed a little. "Still gardening?" Serah asked and vanille nodded. "Well, despite everything changing the world still needs to be all nature-y."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. StardustXtreme

    -London, England-

    Harold paused in his steps, the S-Types appeared to have found something or soemoen fi they were acting up and he silently moved through the darkness and saw a pink costumed woman having trouble and clearly being outnumbered and she obivously knew that, the S-Types obivously required vision and Haroldproduced two sphere-like objects from under his coat thrown them upwards in an arc in the centre of the fight, as soon a sthey amde contact, a dense plume of smoke arose from it, thanks to tinekring with focused amoumts of smoke, everyones vision was taken up as Harold darted within the cloud of smoke, aiming for the young female and grabbe dher wrist as he procuded another ball and trhown it with as much strength as he could down an alleyway and it shattere dupon impactful, creating a noise for the S-Types to pick up, a distraction bomb as it were as he pulled the costuemd female through oen of the broken window the smoke was seeping into and produced his trunk, tapping it with hsi wand to expand it and he had pushed her inside of the trunk and he joiend her, closing it shut.

    The S-types wouldn't think twice about a trunk in an banonded house so ti wa sthe perfect cover as the costumed girl looked confused as her saviour's appearance was one that hid hsi idenitity. "You're lucky I was en route and heard you." harold said and walked down teh stairs inside as she had no chocie but to follow.

    "Don'y worry, your new friends won't locate us, I've lived this way for some time and they never check for old worn out stuff." Harold said and pulled his hat off, revealign his messy black ahir and green eyes. "Now, what brings a fugutive like yourself to this neck of the woods?" Harold asked her.

    -Chicago, Illinois-

    Shotaro placed hsi hat upon a hanger and sat in his chair, leaning back."Not much to report really, it doesn't help commuication is broken up and that the NWO is watching for any holes, especially if they are monitoring and screening mail or phone calls." SHotaro said witha sigh.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. StardustXtreme


    Shotaro walked the streets with billy, having chosened to remain robed to hide hsi features sicn ethey were on the run, it was a bit iiritating to abandon the Narumi Detective Agency but it was all for a good cause as eveyrone was scattered, his inital thoughts on Billy were he was a technical man who didn't look like much of a fighter but discretiona nd the unorothdox were key to surivivng, Phillip was well... Phillip.

    -Cairo, Egypt-

    Ankh tsked, it was oen thing to evacute teh country but ow things were on the run, gettign an ice lolly was the least of their concerns right ow, of course, being a Greeed, he could become a arm and fly abeit unoticed compared ot his full body, he wasn't sure what the New World Orde rhad ins troe but fi they gathered his Cores, he was unsure if he'd live sicne teh S-Types technology was beyond anything anyone known.

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvelous leant aginst the steering wheel, looking out, they ahd taken refuge underwater at the moment and waitign for night to come so they coudl get out and move to another part of the world and submerge again, it was mainly hide and run tactcis for now, he wa susnure where they were now.

    ~Nintendo High School~

    Yuuki hit Nico on the back. "Come on now Saiba, let the girl breathe! It's up to ehr what she can or can't do, sometimes actions speak more than words ever could, fi soem fo ehr friends are on the run, we got to respect her decision about them, I admit, I did nto see all of this coming but it's the world we live in now, all we got to do is just get by as normally as we can, after all, no doubt our careers are goign to be eitehr sign up as one of them troopers or do ajob benefitting our new Minister." Yuuki said ina cute thinking posture.

    "Well, at least normal as can be." Yuuki added.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. StardustXtreme

    -London, England-

    Harold Flamel laid up aginst one of the walls, wearing a brown dirty old hat covering his eyes as he wore a red scarf around his mouth, hsi starting green eyes peering out, his attire was a long brown waistcoat with a white shirt and beige trousers with trainers, everythign ahd literally gone to hell, the Magicial Community exposed and of course, Umbridge who hated anything that wasn't prueblood or such drivel, the Statue of Secrey that kept the Wizarding World safe was no other word of a lie, in tatters and a new system was implemented, the Sorcery Solution System which was somethign akin to magicial monitoring, basiclaly in laymen's terms, when new witches or wizards gets a new Wand, a advanced spell called the Trace is placed upon the youth until they graduate from school, it traced the magicial suer swift and if the Department fo Misuse Magic found Muggles saw magic, it was a offense, he didn't sign up because luckily, he had all of Nichoas's documents and journals and removing the Trace early was easy.

    "Merlin, and here I thought Britain would stand against this... Then again, all of the world is overrun." Harold mumbled lowly, ever since everything went to hell, he had been living a life of a backpacker, money was no issue since Gringotts Goblins were very sensitive about their gold and being a Goblin Friend to them, he had a magical bag to call upon the currency needed for the coutnry he was in, his trunk had undergone some changes, it wasn't all tidy and new but instead looked worn and been through its paces, plus with the uniquie wards he put up and designed himself, nobody would ever think a rebellious young man like himself was getting through checkpoints as luggage.

    Harold did not know where his travels would take him, he chose to keep little contact with allies out of feat the SSS would track him through it sincefinding one man was harder than a group of people, he had been in Britian for who knows how long but the swift overtaking of the world was all too well timed, Harold moved inbetwen the buildings when he was sure the coast was clear, he planned on infiltrating a Cyber Industries factory to learn more about how they worked, hopefully nobody would be in trouble or distract him from his mission, after all, his DNA was still Potter and ingrained in ti was the Hero-Complex.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. StardustXtreme
    One Mister Harold Flamel shall be acquiring the Build System as I thought harold is Nichloas Flamel's adopted sona dn thsu learnt everything magicial and technology, especially considering Nic lived longer than anyone and likely used a mixture of both aspects to acquired a genuine Philssopher's Stone, as for the conenction to Zordon, i'll think of something to connect it some way to him, I always get ideas on how to make it legitimately workable.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 10, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  14. StardustXtreme
    Beep boop, here to take on the characters again so "Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. StardustXtreme
    Lemme see...

    £200, spilt into £100's by mother and gran due to the things I'd usually want not being out yet
    Bluetooth Winter Hat so I cna talk on phoen without having a coldhand and keeping those ears warm!
    Studio ghibili socks with Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service
    Kanji/Hiragana Mousepad due to taking japanese course
    Exploding Kitten Card Game NSFW Verison
    3 Bars of 360g and 2 bar sof 300g,a combined tottal 1680g of Normal Dairy Milk Chocolate
    Chocolate Orange Egg
    A T-shirt suppsoedly saying hello there in Japanese, the Kanji are recongizable
    A stick of Mazupan Bread
    Two wolf cushions, not sure where I'm gonna palce those, only have one chair in my room! (Shared accomdation in house)

    Did treat msyelf to three early christmas presents, thoguh one was unexpected due to the long wait it took to get it.

    Kyuuranger Hammy License Card (Hammy's just very adorable, already got her plush doll earlier in the year)
    Kamen Rider OOO Complete Modification Selection Complete Set (basically OOO Driver with all the Medals, including Movie Exclusive Combos, the newly created Combos that appear in Megamax film where Kougami had sketches of cretaign new Cores with supposedly Heisei Final Generations, Poseidon's Belt, a almost spilt Taka Medal and two halves of a Taka medal, symbolizing Ankh's last strategy and him annoucing his own Combo)
    Hana Bunny Cosplay Polaroid (it was supposed to arriv eina month when I joined her pateron in September but ti took up until last monday to arrive, not sure way, but she is dressed as Alter Saber from Fate Series.)

    Plans with what to buy with the money I have for next year

    Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
    Ni no Kuni II
    Dissidia NT
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Aerith's Flower Shop~

    harold rubbed the bridge of his nose, eyes shut, he managed to somewhat get some of the background of the Beast's transformation and from he drawn from it, the Sorceress or rather witch in question forcibly changed him into a Beast with magic, it took soem coaxing on the girls side for him to admit the way he behaved at the time. "No wonder the witch saw it a befitting punishment for his attitude." Harold thought, it seemed the curse had a condition to fulfill and it was tied to one of his prized possessions, a rose, he spoke of the conditions imposed.

    "Onyl until the last petal falls, shoudl he find love, the spell will be broken.. wow, this witch certainly doesn't makeit easy." Harold thought, he knew that'd be a challenge all in its own right, after all, who coudl love such a hideous creature like a beast?

    "It's a matter of perception as well as actions..." Harold added a she wrote ona slip of paper with some kind of connectign plans. "Either, Beast bucks up and controls hsi temper and such, he'll never get the spell broken, but the other point is how peopel will perceive him, I know there's all kinds of creatures residing here but some may take more reaction than others." Harold admitted that thought without hesitation.

    Harold said he would try to see how he could perhaps help with the spell but openyl stated he was no fool in Transfiguration, the complexity behind it as well and Harold ruffled his hair a bit. "I'm no expert... I admit I'm very good at all my subjects in the Wizardign World but this tied in with a Dark Arts kind of curse to kep him as a beast with such conditions, I wouldn't want to tangle with it and cause the curse to progress faster or render him a animal..." Harold muttered to himself.

    "let's see... options are... I suppose a Cursebreaker of Gringotts though, thye ar emore centere din Dark Arts, not animal transformations, a Transifguration expert, perhaps, though, I do not know of any who have a proficent mastery except maybe the old loony, Dumbledore." Harold bitterly muttered, he would sooner go to Azkaban than go to him for help, Harold was soon pulle dout of his musing by a knock on the door.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 8, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    harold looked to Aerith. "An sttack?" Harodl asked, tilting his head. "Didn't hear anything about that, dont texactly have a radio ro TV... or listens to any news stories..." Harold said in realization, it wasn't exactly his fault, magic tended to interfere with electronic signals, somethign abotu the way magci works cuts off the electronic discharge or something, why else would the Wizarding World still resort to the Daily Prophet as a sourc eof keepign up with the events of the Wizarding World and everyone still stuck in like 18th-19th century.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    -Flower Shop-

    Harold soon made his way back to the Flower Shop after parting with Medic and Lupin, taking with him some thoughts. "If Lupin mistakened me for Harry Potter, it's unclear if he's one of those Dumbledore followers." harold cosnidered, Lupin didn't seem too shocked but consdiering hsi sickly nature and a small reference about his furry problem, it meant he was likely a werewolf and that laws set by the Magicial Community stated half-breeds or those who truned, findign work was something of a comparison of a needle and haystack, this was probably due courtesy of what Harold read on the polics side of things of oen Dolores Jane Umbridge, judgign by what she put down, it's likely the woman didn't like what was unatural in her eyes, he never met the woman in persorn but actions did speak some volume.

    "I wonder... mayeb the Beast's transformation could be related as Animagus form or such... I'd have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow and look up some materials in question." Harold said thoughtfully, while he did udnergo ANimagus transformation, he wasn't registered so eh coudl utilized some sneaking around as it would help him learn more, not to point of blackmail but rather, gaining insight and how to plan for something, he soon approached the Flower Shop.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 11, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme


    Harold raised a finger to silence Medic and spoke into the phone. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll be back soon, anything you want me to pick up Aeirth?" harold asked rather politely.

    -Streets of Tokyo-

    Marvelous looked up as the resident sof the curry store had run off as he was eating and he blinked, trying to comprehend why they ran. "What coudl be so important that everyone runs off froma good meal?" Marvelous asked his fellow mates.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme


    "Thought so." Harold considered in his thoughts abou Lupin's condition. "Biteen by a werewolf fi a hint of a full moon is any indication, question is who." Harold thoguht and spoke. "You do not have to have your force yourself to watch us on your account or any strenous activity, after all, your health is your top priority." Harold admitted and felt a buzzing in his pocket and put his hand into it and looked to see who was calling him.

    "Ah Muggle technology... thank god Nicholas had the foresight of keeping up with technological advancements in the world, msot witches and and wizards are still in the dakr ages with inks and quills wiht old deary houses with stoves and such... Pureblood aristocracy at its finest... then again... incest and all that to kepe blood pure and such..." Harold thought and went to answer the phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home