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  1. StardustXtreme

    -Arendelle, Mountain Path-

    Harold kept an eye on the area as Kimberly explained what she saw. "A dignitary then... Hmm." Harold noted Kimberly's idea. "Thing is, even fi I were to cast spells to hide your presence, the Cybermen would still register your body heat or footsteps since they are quite meticulous in anything out of the ordinary." Harold noted and took a moment to think before noting a commotion in the town. "What's going on there?" Harold took the binoculars and looked through them.

    -Arendelle, Town-

    A brunette man walked casually out of a tavern as he had sent one of the tenants flying out as he wore a dark suit with a magenta shirt underneath and around his neck was an old style camera. "And that's why it's not called pink, it's magenta you moron." The man said as he noted the Cybermen being alerted to the disturbance and he gave a sideways look or one of them.

    "Here too? I thought I was able to get some good photos... Oh well... I got the gist of it." The man pulled out a magenta coloured object that was remarkably similar to Decade's in the Great purge and put it on, bringing out a card. "Henshin." The man said and slid the card in. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" as the magenta barcode armor formed and he twirled his firearm before firing the citizens scattering as he side stepped any shots.

    "Try hitting me now." Decade said before sliding another card. "Kamen Ride: Kabuto!" as Decade's armor metamorphized to a different Rider's before sliding in another card. "Attack Ride: Clock Up!" As Kabuto became a blur, slashing the Cyberman with some effort and stood behind them when they were disoriented as he fired out one of the sonic stabilizers on his person then slid in another card. "Final Attack Ride: K-K-K-Kabuto!" as his right foot glowed with energy and Kabuto performed a roundhouse kick to a Cyberman, sending it flying in the sky before it exploded as Kabuto changed back to Decade, running a hand along his sword. "Anybody else want the Destroyer's stamp of approval?" Decade asked.

    -Arendelle, Mountain Path-

    "That's... a Rider but... we could use this to our advantage, all the Cybermen will converge upon him leaving the castle to most likely be empty, come on, let's go." Harold said, packing up and hurrying down the mountain and using the buildings to sneak around as the doors to the Castle's inner courtyard were opening.

    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Conference Room)~

    Kiriko was surprised by the announcement. "What makes me qualified to be one? Oh I don't know... but.. it's for justice isn't it?" Kiriko thought and stood up and went to accept the items in question as Vanitas explained the pros and cons beforehand, there was merit in that. "Just hope Gou doesn't hear of this..." Kiriko thought.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. StardustXtreme
    Hello, as of today, I am withdrawing from the RP due to personal reasons as I had a recent eye-opener regarding my romantic life and the comparison that I am overusing my affectionate gestures to the Nick Power Rangers with the title Super being overused as we all know Nick's Power Rangers is horrible with an exception of Dino Charge a sI am one fo those people who grew up with the show back in it's very beginnings as I do not know if I'll return or such as this has impacted me greatly due to how I see things in light of my autism and Asperger's Syndrome.

    It has been a wonderful time working with you all despite me not being on most of the RP's previous titles and barely in the first but I need to have my own space and thoughts to process this and what I could possibly do in the future, thank you once again.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 20, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. StardustXtreme

    -Arendelle, Norway-

    Harold observed the castle, it could be possible Cybermen were inside the castle too and well, there that matter of heat signatures but he went over his mental library of spells and didn't have that conceal those, even an invisibility cloak would be rendered a moot point , he would just have to hope the apparition plan he had went smoothly since it did leave a small bang that set off car alarms had he not perfected the art of just leaving behind a small audible thud as he checked the binoculars he saw Elsa with another man. "Hmmm, must be a another dignitary." Harold muttered and Kimberly asked what they looked like.

    "See for yourself, I'm not that overly familiar with royal families but he looks important, anything you can tell me about him since I imagine you had a better Muggle education than me." Harold said and Kimberly aske don that world even meant. "Ah right, force of habit, Non-Magical, us magical don't usually keep up with the modern age until the NWO changed that." Harold said and used his eyes to look at long distances to see if there was anything open to use.

    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Haruto watched the scene of Serena and the... big plushie thing? "Looks more like a marshmallow than anything." Haruto duly noted, unfazed by the technological advancement .

    -Tiffauges Castle, France-

    Albert stood in front of a big mirror with many candles with a book open in his hand as he heard a door open. "So... one of Sparda's Son's followed me here?" Albert asked as Vergil strode into the room. "It wasn't that difficult after hearing rumours." Vergil said and examined the ritual on the floor. "You intend to form a Soul Pact with a Demon? Foolish old man, once a demon has your soul, you may remain on guard but once your guard is down, your soul will be devoured to allow the Demon to step into this world unhindered." Vergil stated and Albert nodded lightly in the reflection.

    "But of course... It is a task that must be done for the glory of the world and to stop Rasputin's plans."Albert answered and Vergil raised an eyebrow. "The counsel of Tsar Nicholas the II? Explain." Vergil asked and Albert turned around. "Tell me, Son of Sparda, do you know of the Three Gods of Destruction within the Demon World?" Albert inquired and Vergil kept his hand on Yamato. "Of course, Demonology is my job, there is the God of Desire Asmodeus, the God of Fear Astraroth and the God of Wrath Amon, what are you getting at here?" Vergil tentatively asked.

    "Rasputin was one of my old disciples and he has formed a Soul Pact with Asmodeus and now an unearthly shield protects him from any attack and the only way to break that barrier is with a demon of equal power, he plans to usurp the power of Russia for his own deeds, myself and one other, Bishop Jovis formed a secret organization but we were blind to the ulterior motives of Rasputin so I mean to correct that." Albert said and Vergil looked at the man. "Why not have me do the job for you?" Vergil stated and Albert laughed a bit. "Young man, it is the responsibility of the elderly to make sure the younger generation don't deal with our mistakes, I doubt I will live to see the future of this union between the S-Types and humanity but the very least I can do is correct a mistake that may change so many lives for the worst." Albert said and Vergil released his hand upon Yamato.

    "You are part of the NWO, so you must have some information that could help the Rebels." Vergil stated and Albert closed the book. "Unfortunately, my interactions with that group have been scarce since I been solely focusing my efforts on my own, I have no doubt they may be keen to learn why I have not been keeping them up to date considering I was a backer for their regime in the early days... all I can say is people in high positions aren't as benevolent as you may think." Albert said and Vergil turned on his heel.

    "It's your grave old man, but if you fail to slay Asmodeus with your demon, I will finish the job and not hesitate to kill you in the process." Vergil said, leaving the room and Albert tipped his hat in farewell and touched the glass mirror. "You have no idea... I won't be long for this world anyway..."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. StardustXtreme

    -Norway, Arendelle-

    "Well, if we find him, you're more than welcome to stay with him while I go about doing my own business, I'm not exactly one to hold people." Harold said and took out a pair of binoculars that were used in Quidditch called the Omniculators that could zoom in, or slow down really fast objects as he looked over the town, there was a fair few enemies lon patrols of were just stationary guards. "What I wouldn't give for Potter's family cloak." Harold muttered under his breath. "Sad part is Stormtroopers or Cybermen don't' have any sense of smell so dungbombs are out of the question to knock them out by pungent smell.. if this were those infamous Weasley Twins, they'd probably cause quite a distraction with their joke stuff." Harold said and had to think a she got out some clean parchment and begun to sketch the castle and the patrols to see what could be done.

    "Judging by the height of the building, there's two floors with a big courtyard, no doubt there's a servant's quarters... wait... if I recall, Elsa did say something about them... question is if Hans or the Trooper remember the rotation of Servants, could infiltrate through that way.. there's windows you could clamber through or smash through provided there's no sentries in the hallways… I recall, Elsa and Anna adamantly refuse any guards or such in their rooms for privacy so there is that to consider as well, sad part is I don't own a broom and I'd probably have to write them to open up one of the front windows for me to get a clear view inside to apparate then put on a invisibility cloak or cast notice me not charms..." Harold said, putting hthe feather of his quill to his lips in thought.

    "I'm also not sure if Elsa or Anna are allowed outside to converse with the people since the takeover" Harold noted and Kimberly suggested maybe he could sneak in underground. "If they have an underground cellar or something, possibly but then it's a matter of not getting caught." Harold noted as he jotted that down.

    "Question is, which is the best course of action to take and have a backup plan just in case it goes awry... What are your thoughts?" Harold inquired to the teenage girl.

    -Castelia City, New York - The Playground-

    "What, so I'm not beautiful, busty and got a slim figure to prove Dante?" Yang said, cracking her knuckles together with a smile. "The way you make say that makes me think you're fantazing someone whose clearly wanting to pair up with when you have a emo crisis with either of your looks." Yang said before reflexively punching Dante into the jaw with an added Ember Celica bang to sent the white haired man flying for a few brief seconds before crashing into the jungle gym all playgrounds have.

    "Honestly, I'd fear for any woman who thinks you're hot stuff, all you do is eat pizza and incur... what the latest number of debts you owe?" Yang said with closed eyes and sinister smile. "Because last I checked... you still owe me for the damages you incurred on my precious Bumblebee bike."

    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~

    Haruto bit in his plain sugar donut sitting at a table as his little familiar returned to inform him all was well and Haruto removed the ring, the plastic familiar dissipating in a small fiery circle.


    Yuuki came out in clothes befitting of a thief with a yellow mask and adorable small hat lopped sideways on her head as the question was. "What doesn't a Museum have in terms of valuables? Any thief would try and get the works and most of the good stuff is usually out of sight, what is the one thing the NWO likes to do? Gloat about the victories, perhaps there's something the Rebels had control of but lost it to the NWO, if we steal something like that back, it may get us into their good books and we'd have a client." Yuuki pointed out.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. StardustXtreme

    -Arendelle, Norway-

    Harold crouched down to his knees and looked thoughtful, it was only a matter of time and they couldn't just sit by and do nothing while they wait so he brought his trunk out and brought some things out as they overlooked the castle, it was mainly some folding chairs and a few odds and bobs that seemed a bit strange for Kimberly to see. "There's some snacks but I'd be wary of them in terms of tasting, like the Chocolate Frogs, you gotta be quick to eat them and the Every Flavoured Beans? That are that flavour and some of them are literally what they say, I don't know whose idea it was to make certain flavours." Harold said thoughtfully. "Huh... I wonder if there's any other wizarding stuff that every child wants like a everlasting gobstopper or a gum that is a three course dinner... it is highly possible with magic." Harold thought, that'd make a fortune but then people would want the secret formulas.

    "If I recall, I think the Queen and her sister there loves chocolate." Harold noted, looking to the castle. "Not sure if they'd like a Chocolate Frog though... then again, chocolates seem to be you ladies second best friend, followed up by jewelry." Harold made a small note of that.


    "I'd thank you for not interfering with my business with Demons." Vergil said as the group had departed and he stood, waiting before a rip opened up beside him, the masked women stepping up. "So.. anything?" She asked and Vergil didn't dare turn his head to face her.

    "Well Branwen, they are on a trail of a bipedal crocodile and not clearly after your little faction of a rebellion, they seemed to believe the lie about a Demon and did not press any further except saying their Cybermen would take of a Demon with such ease." Vergil said, and Raven looked to him. "And you believe that?" and Vergil gave a small roll of his eyes. "If they have sufficient numbers and don't get eaten alive with no fear of death? I do not doubt it, if they manage to locate a gate to Hell, they may overthrow some of the less known Demons, with bigger names maybe more effort than its worth but it seems they have no plans on invading the Demon Realm."

    "Of course, they got everything they need here with the S-Types that they are aligned with." Raven said and Vergil looked upward towards the sky. "The world entered a new age Branwen, either get with the program or be terminated, that's their underlying motivation for those who do not have power." Vergil said dryly and Raven nodded slightly. "Should you inform your brother they are...?" and Vergil stopped her there. "My brother welcomes the attention, ever since he traded in common sense with that god awful spandex the Power Rangers seemed to be garbed in." Vergil said with distain.

    "Understood, where are you going now?" Raven asked and Vergil turned around. "Back to my job, Norway's mountains have a Bael freezing one of the lakes up there until you pulled me here, hopefully that moron and his reindeer haven't stumbled upon it, you do what you must, but call me like this again and we'll see whose superior." Vergil said, cutting a dimension portal as he stepped through and Raven looked to the trees, leaping up to somewhat trail the party.

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    Kiriko looked to jenny. "Have a safe trip and lots of fun with dull boredom Jenny." Kiriko waved her accomplice farewell
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. StardustXtreme

    -Arendelle, Norwary-

    Harold's eyes followed the bow, it seemed Kimberly was somewhat confident in her skill to defend herself at a long distance. "That may as well be a back-up just in case, after all, we're not here to fight, not when the town is in this much control under the NWO, maybe some time in the future but not right now, but if fighting is needed, we'll fall abck onto that, just don't expect it to be drawn-out one, survival is more or less the priority here, not glory or revenge." Harold wisely said and looked at Arendelle Castle.

    "I might need a refresher on who the guy was talking with that Inquisitor, I have no doubt he's royalty but there's something about him that doesn't give off that impression., maybe it's just me being paranoid like Mad-Eye Moody." Harold said thoughtfully.

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    Kiriko looked at Looker returning to his office. "I wonder if that is even his real name, well, Jenny, I suppose I shouldn't keep you from your job, protect and serve is the duty we're all given." Kiriko said with a small smile of the mantra of the force.

    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan, Exact Location Unknown-

    Haruto looked at the girl running off all teary-eyed, obviously she was distressed and put on a ring, activating the belt. "Unicorn, Please~!" The belt stated as a small plastic model of a blue unicorn with the Unicorn Wizard Ring placed upon it. "Go and follow the wet droplets and keep an eye on the owner would you?" Haruto asked and the little unicorn went off before he picked up his donuts and walked.


    Vergil raised a small eyebrow at the words that were spoken to him. "I do not care about the petty squabbles your order performs nor about the rebels, I suppose in this instance, you would call me a neutral in this war, after all... there is nothing of interest either side has for me." Vergil stated, turning to face them, his guard remaining up. "I'm just here to ensure nothing comes through from down there." Vergil pointed downwards.

    "Since apparently, one of you humans is calling forth a Demon, an Echidna as it were, known to want to make her own children by devouring whatever lifeforms there are, from what you say, human-sized shoes, a crocodile, and apparently a dog? I have not encountered any of these during my tracking, unless of course, the human plans on sacrificing his pet alligator and canine to summon Echidna." Vergil stated dryly.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if your Rebels are resorting to such tactics considering as you said, you control the world, I'm just here to exterminate the Demon, I doubt your... targets would survive after the Summoning, Demons find humans fragile and weak, killing them when the opportunity presents itself, if you want to try and have your group of metal men and yourself want to attempt to take down a Demon yourselves, be my guest, it'll just mean your order will lose valuable resources that could be put to better use and for me, nothing of consequence to dispose of the bodies." Vergil calmly continued.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. StardustXtreme

    -Arendelle, Norway-

    Harold heard Kimberly's question. "A good question... well I-" Harold was cut off and held up a hand for silence as he heard the conversation between Larxene and Hans and he moved back with Kimberly, guiding her behind a building a she silently put up wards. "So that's the Inquisitor for Arendelle, Elsa given me a warning to be cautious of her so let's heed that advice... it seems the reason why there's no rebel activity is because they been mostly wiped out save for a Kristoff and his reindeer.. they assume he's up in one of the caves of Arendelle's mountains." Harold looked thoughtful, rubbing his chin, he was unsure if they'd locate him first and noting Kimberly's worried expression

    "They are focusing all their forces into locating Kristoff though, either he has something valuable or the Inquisitor is just that psychopathic enough to want to wipe out any resistance... I'm not sure how many caves there are but Kristoff must be one of the natives who knows where to go while the Inquisitor is new to the region, the chances of us finding him is the same as her finding him, plus if he has a reindeer, he'd be covering their tracks left in the snow." Harold noted and mentally ran through spells he knew of but none came up to locate a specific person.

    "I got nothing, this is the one thing magic cannot do, I doubt Kristoff is a magical so I can't send something like an owl to him and I don't own a house-elf...I'd rather not expose ourselves especially with the NWO here but we can't leave a sole survivor of a Rebel group get caught." Harold closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge his nose. "I may have one way but we'd likely need Elsa's answer as soon as possible, before we depart, I could use a spell to warn Kristoff to flee Arendelle since there is nothing to be gained from fighting alone here." Harold said with a groan.

    "If you got any better ideas Miss Hart, then I'm all for hearing them out, I know you are a Ranger and I suspect Kristoff seeing your Zord in flight might be a signal for him and you speaking over intercom above Arendelle but I don't think you'd want that damaged."

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    "I can see where he's coming from since the laws changed but there's not much we can do about it, but in light of your case, I don't think I'd be much use or help in investigating the crime scene, not unless you're like Sherlock Holmes or something, I think there was a few other detectives.. let me just check..." Kiriko pulled out a list of contacts outside the force on the computer. "There was the Narumi Detective Agency with a Shotaro Hidari but he's disappeared off the face of the earth so the complex is more of less, left abandoned, there is that Phoenix Wright I been hearing about but I think he's more or less someone in Mister Murdock's business... There is a Lee Yang of the Hong Kong Force... anyone else you can recall off the top of your head? I imagine not Looker?" Kiriko asked Jenny.

    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown-

    A fire magic circle appeared as Haruto stepped out from it, carrying his bad of donuts as it closed behind him before het met with a mid-riff attack from a crying pink haired girl and hegrunted a bit as his bag of plain sugar donuts dropped to the floor, he noted the sobbing as the pink haired girl had unceremoniously fallen on her behind. "Hey there, what's wrong?" Haruto said as he crouched down, looking to the upset girl.


    Vergil stood in a set of footprints as he gripped Yamato's sheath, the blasted Raven woman asked, no that was the wrong world, forced him to be on post here in case of any compromises while he was on a lovely expedition to locating rumours in Transylvania about a vampire until he heard the notable clanking of Cybermen and a less heavier person and he turned his head. "What brings a group of metal men and their boss to this place?" Vergil asked coolly, reigning in his emotions, he knew he wasn't on the New World Order's hunting list.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. StardustXtreme

    -Bergen, Norway-

    Harold noted Kimberly pensive posture, obviously thinking on what they'd do as the tow finished breakfast, Harold leaving a moderate tip of gil to the server as the two went to find somewhere quiet and discreet as Kimberly voiced her thoughts on what they'd do with Elsa. "Well, us magicials have things called glamour to change the outside appearance of those we cast it on ormake Elsa change her outside appearance so she doesn't look regal, believe it or not, most people tend to overlook those who blend in with the populace since well, obviously the mind can't process every single being in a crowd.." Harold said and looked thoughtful.

    "Funny thing is... Elsa and Anna don't look like sisters at all now I think about it with their hair... but I never interacted much with the younger sister, never really had a chance too so I wonder what she's like... Well, we better move straight away towards Arendelle and see what we can learn." Harold said and took Kimberly's arm into his own, looked at a image on the phone before apparting


    The two emerged out behind a building as Harold let Kimberly breathe and Harold given her a cloak as he put one upon himself. "They are charmed with a spell to make a person avoid your gaze and keep you warm,, come on." Harold said and walked out to see how Arendelle Castle looked in person. "Well, I'd be a owl's hatchling...that is impressive." Harold said in awe of the castle. "Let's see what we can learn but try not to draw much attention, this is likely a place that has stormtroopers or Cybermen patrolling regularly." Harold muttered quietly

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    Kiiriko looked surprised. "Really? I thought gangs would have like.. plenty of people trained or at least a turf war breaking out if those movies about yakuza and such are true." Kiriko said, looking thoughtful. "But one man? it's hard to believe someone is capable of such a thing and if it is indeed true, what is to say they aren't working alone? But solving a mystery isn't me... not if we had that Japanese equalivent of Sherlock Holmes or something... I don't think I could see a crime scene with that blood." Kiriko shivered slightly

    "Besides, the perp ahs no respect for the dead like we do, I hope that man is caught and the court throws the book at him." Kiriko added.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. StardustXtreme

    -Norway, Bergen-

    Harold sat in one of the chairs outside a café, munching on his second sandwich as he watched passers by, obviously going about their day, some looking down at their phones, others probably heading to work or something similar, he did note there was a presence of New World Order by seeing a Stormtrooper here and there that was just an extension of how far they have spread, no doubt history would probably remember this as a new era in humanity, Harold noted Kimberly being silent, most likely thinking about her companions and he opened up a paper to see if there was any Rebel activity or announcements by the New World Order, it seemed Norwway had a Rebel faction though, it appeared the leader was still somewhat at large.

    "Hmmm, guess Norway's affected more than I originally thought, especially with the noteworthy no Rebel presence." Harold said lowly enough. "Then again if they can get a Inquisitor, that should show how much control the NWO has..." Harold noted, it seemed there was no official announcement yet so that may be on the plans for them. "Then again, all media and articles are likely just the NWO's side of things." Harold folded up the paper and put it on the table, sipping his drink.

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    "I'm not sure, it's just an idea i have for the bun since well, I got look as smart and that for work, plus, if its in a bun, nobody can grab my hair when trying to arrest them, I think that was what you were going for that that new cut." Kiriko noted, only just thinking of the benefits of having her hair shorter, "Plus, I don't want to change too much so my brother can still recognize me, wherever he is." Kiriko puffed her face up in irritation. "When I see him for making me worry so much, I'll give him my specially designed kick." Kiriko said with a small smile, she bene practicing her own variation of the Kamen Rider Kick but her own spin on it with a corkscrew rotation, apparently she was deceptively strong in administering it, the poor trainer was sent flying.

    "I think Mister Carter probably just prefers long haired women, it's amazing he hasn't gotten a girlfriend yet... maybe he was eyeing you for a date or was perhaps expecting to have you as his partner? Last I heard, he tried to get with that flower girl in that closed store but she left without any notification, a shame really, she did the most amazing flowers... " Kiriko sadly stated and nursed her cup of coffee.

    "Anyway, what's on today's agenda? I imagine it'll be the usual, go out patrolling with the Stormtroopers and keep an eye and ear out for nay suspicious Rebel activity." Kiriko asked her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Norway, Bergen-

    "I admit this could be a wonderful great dating spot, I'm not all that brushed up on the history but it gave me something to read while we wait, apparently the city was founded in 1070, so this is probably one of the oldest places on Earth and was the previous capital of Norway until in the time of the 1830's, Oslo surpassed it... it is surprising that Arendelle isn't the capital for this country but then again, that kind of live in a fjord and it isn't as densely populated as here so I suppose if Arendelle were to experience an invasion, they won't have to worry much... the people do recognize Elsa as the monarch and of course, hold the usual political stuff like elections every year... funnily enough, billboards are actually banned in the city." Harold made a note about.

    "Well, we'll head into the city first, get some breakfast and start heading towards the south west of Norway as that's where Arendelle is, of course, I won't take us there immediately jumping while on a full stomach is certainly not recommended." Harold said grimly and got up, putting the pamphlet into one of his pockets and slowly walk towards the tram that'll take them down into the city.

    ~The Capital - Police HQ~

    "Oh... Officer Jenny." Kiriko noted her fellow officer's new hair do as it seemed to be quite a reaction from Carter. "Really now Mister Carter? Us girls are quite particular about our hair thank you." Kiriko said with an unamused and gave a attempt of a genuine smile but she kind of had trouble expression herself, people say her smiling was weird. to her fellow female companion. "I think it looks wonderful Jenny, I am planning on putting my hair into a bun so it doesn't ge tin the way of work but I am not sure.... what do you think?" Kiriko asked to her.

    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance~

    Max was being questioned the same as her other classmates and the usual things. "I came form my dorm." or. "I packed my things myself." and of course. "No, I am not part of the Rebel Alliance." and slung her bag over her shoulder after getting through. "Man... it's like you're entering a prison with those guys outside..." Max thought, she wondered how Chloe would of taken to being questioned like that... probably annoyed and flip them off, as iris pouted of being checked.

    "If Glady were here, he'd not let anyone process or touch me like that... Oh I miss those days with King Regis.... I won't how Noct is doing..." Iris wondered and checked her phone, she didn't make frequent calls and decided to send a text message. "Hey... just arrived at Nintendo High for the millionth time today but they have Stormtroopers processing and checking each student since the airship thing, I think the school will have them stationed outside to monitor us all and make t feel like a boot camp, how about you? Still trying to catch fish or is Glady working you out, Iggy nagging you to be responsible or Prompto taking more pictures of girls?" Iris thought for a moment and looking for the emoticons and put a Moogle at the end of it.

    -Gokai Galleon-

    Marvelous begun to devour the food with gusto and nodded to Emma. "Our first port of call will be to find a place that isn't heavily watched by those World Order guys, like or not, there's bound to be dissatisfied recipients, plus if the Rebels see the Galleon in flight, it will let them know at least the Gokaigers are still alive and they can approach us, same can be said for the New World Order but now's not the time to cower and hide." Marvelous said rather seriously and insightfully. "Plus if we need to, we can probably move into orbit around the Earth."

    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Yuuki pouted in frustration. "I'm right here within hearing range you know." Yuuki said in irritation of Nico and Hermione talking about her. "I can always see if someone here has a change of clothes for me to wear or can go out and pilfer something from the stores since I clearly don't fancy wearing this uniform all the time, that's only for like something with zombie apocalypse, I may not look like it but I'm not that busty unlike some girls so I doubt clothing will be hard, and if anything, there's a ton of people here with probably various skills to create an outfit." Yuuki pointed out.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Norway, Bergen~

    After a planned route of using Google Maps and timed apparition jumps in areas where they'd not likely to be seen, Harold along with Kimberly had crossed the Channel on a ferry to France then headed towards Norway all the while being cautious of checkpoints along with wandless Notice-Me-Not charms to be viewed as just a face amongst the crowds, right now the two were on Mount Floyen, overlooking the city with it's stunning view, it was one of the popular tourist attractions of the city.

    "One thing about going around the world, you get to see these gorgeous views." Harold said in a appreciating tone, he planned on staying here until he heard back from Elsa about the plans and if she would sue the secret password for him to come and rescue her and Anna if things are going south as it were in previous messages, he held a flyer in his hand about other prospective locations in Norway to visit until that time, he had to be grateful that the whole world stuck to a single currency, Gil, if he recalled, there was probably a dragon enclosure with Norwegian Ridgebacks that was hidden from non-magical eyes, then again eh doubted Kimberly was a kind of girl to be interested in ferocious beasts such as them.

    Harold also kept his parchment on hand inside an inner coat pocket with a small alarm for when its magic was activated in receiving a message so he could act swiftly upon it.

    ~Japan, The Capital, Police HQ~

    Kiriko sipped her cup of coffee with the new day, tapping the desk with her pen, she was to investigate about the recent things such as a trio of thieves in the prestigious Nintendo High and there was that airship escape, of course, she couldn't possibly work alone on such a venture, after all, she was a officer of the law, not a detective, that job was left to them and she piled her papers together, she looked over to a newspaper, apparently one Scrooge McDuck had located a clean and efficient power source for the Capital for what he quoted to be 50 years and be the Jewel of Atlantis.

    "No doubt there'll be questions if Atlantis is retrievable or experts will rise up... I'm surprised none of the other multi-billionaires haven't gotten to it... then again... Who'd be interested in something that old?"

    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility-

    Albert had various books open and was reading through them as he closed a book. "Not what I'm looking for.. I suppose the most restricted books on demonology or such would be kept elsewhere... perhaps the Vatican is a place to get into since they hold important documents no-one would ever see, perhaps I can put forward a motion to get access... after all.. Rasputin is only going to grow in power and with his unnatural power, I need something that'd clearly give me an advantage..." Albert muttered.

    -Nintendo High, Dormitories -

    iris yawned as she stepped into the shower to wake up and dry herself, wrapping a black towel around her body, today was another day in Nintendo High and she had to be fresh and ready for her classes, she clapped her hands together before dressing in her attire and drying her out before clapping her hands together to small picture frames of Regis and her father Clarus as a sign of respect before grabbing some food to eat then her schoolbag, as she went out, she looked forward to P.E most of all or hand to hand fighting as an after class, though she may not look built for it, she was quite a strong girl.


    Syaoran overlooked the city from his house, an airship was sighted last night that was rather unscheduled, he planned to go out and see what new things were happening in Kyoto as he appropriately got dressed and ready, keeping what he needed on hand.

    ~Chicago, Illinois~

    Shotaro sat with a cup of coffee and tying into a typewriter, it may be old-fashioned but he thought it looked cool as he sipped from it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. StardustXtreme


    "Nobody ever is but it's one of the things that keeps the chaos from happening." Harold admitted and rubbed his chin in thought. "Right... if we're heading towards Norway, there's three viable options, one is that we'll need to get to Dover and cross the Channel then well, see if we can get a coach or something heading that way, the second is staying on a boat for a cruise but I doubt cruise ships stick to going to one place all year... the last option is by flying there close to Norway however, there are some pros and cons to each one." Harold said, walking with Kimberly.

    "One is... well money and of course, checkpoints across the country." Harold pointed out and Kimberly asked if they couldn't use that strange way of popping, the apparition. "That is one way yes, but I'm not sure how far I can go with it and well, I rather not splice us into piece sor leave something behind, but I kind of also need the destination that I can mentally use, but also, would have to hope nobody sees us popping in out of nowhere." Harold said with a sigh.

    "There are other ways us magicials can get around, one is by a broomstick but I am not sure if they can see in the sky, another is Floo Network but that's tricky as well, it's more or less travelling between fireplaces but you kind of need permission to enter someone's else fireplace and if they are connected on the Floo network to begin with." Harold pointed out.

    "Hmm, we might have to use the old fashioned way I've used to bypass checkpoints and probably get on a ship by withdrawing into the trunk but we would need to know where said transport is going... or... if I contact my messenger to provide a sketch of an andoned place in town." Harold said and Kimberly did point out something very well... non-magicial, what about Google Maps which has someone taking photos of every place and Harold blanched at that. "...Well I'm a daft moron then... especially fi there's that." Harold said with a facepalm.

    "Well, I don't keep a phone on me for reasons, so may have to steal someone else's and use their connection then well... plan out a course of apparition jumps to Norway, you're smart Miss Hart."


    "Geez... excuse a girl for asking." Yang said as she sat down, playing with her hair. "Especially since it's usually Psychic types that talk and well, you're probably a first that isn't that type, so its gotta be one for the history of your species." Yang mumbled and undid her EMber Celica and checked the ammunition to see if she needed to restock at all.

    -Office, ????-

    Kiriko sat, writing papers as she gave out a sigh, paperwork was always a handful, with the recent reports rolling in, it was more or less the same old stick as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes before taking a sip of some coffee. "Just another day at work as usual..." Kiriko muttered under her breath, she was part of the police force since she was someone who looked up to justice and catching criminals and make them pay for their crimes, it was a slow day, she could of become a Stormtrooper but chose to be on the police force instead, plus from what she heard, it really hurts your chest being in one of those suits, especially if you are.. a bit big for them
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. StardustXtreme

    -Scotland, Old Forge-

    Harold waited patiently as Kimberly who was looking to see what they'd be doing next. "We'll talk when we leave this area, and I'll speak of what plans I have in mind, after all, you never know whose got the eyes and ears for those in power." Harold cryptically said as he walked Kimberly to perhaps maybe a good mile or two away from the village, away from any cameras or technolocy and certainly from from citizens, harodl examined dthe area to check is no one followed them, after all Alastor Moody's words of Constant Vigilance was a good way to remind one to check they were safe.

    "I'm planning on heading towards Norway since apparently, the NWO has recently instated a new Inquisitor for Arendelle, I don't know if there is any spies or such within the area but gathering information for the Rebels is certainly something that anyone would want." Harold said, arms crossed in a thoughtful tone. "My messenger who lives there also gives me cause for concern since right now, I'm sure you are unaware but currently, Queen Elsa is not the one ruling Arendelle despite it being her right as monarch and that isn't because she isn't of age." Harold said, he was unsure how good Kimberly was at with politics, it was a bane of every existence.. that and paperwork.

    "I have been informed a man named Hans from the Southern isles is currently ruling and judging by what I know of political ways to gain control, he may very well, decide to marry Queen Elsa to be viewed as the actual ruler of the realm or if he marries Princess Anna, he can assure his throne is secure should happen to Elsa since Hans is apparently a devoted follower to the NWO, without them backing him, he wouldn't be in the position he is now.... the fact an Inquisitor is being instated can only mean it's a way to ensure the NWO has it's hands in Arendelle permanently and Queen Elsa with Princess Anna would be nothing more than mouthpieces as well prisoners of the NWO should something they don't like doesn't go according to plan." Harold explained to Kimber and breathed.

    "The main goal is to observe Arendelle and just see how bad things are, I cannot say anymore about any other plans I may have in Arendelle to protect you from being questioned should it occur, if you do not wish to come with me to Arendelle, I will understand and see if I can't contact a fellow Rebel to guard you and help you locate your friends, it is your choice and I would not want to deprive you of your freedom to choose what it is you want." Harold said, looked ot the young woman.


    Yang stretched her arms out and looked to Meowth. "So, you can translate what other Pokémon are saying or can it be any animal? If it's the latter, I'm sure Ruby would love to hear what Zwei says." Yang said and go ta look of puzzlement from Dante. "Oh that's our dog, he's an adorable and smart one too, I wonder how he is doing,"

    -Nintendo High-

    Ruby just left from the Dorm Office, holding a tube that was addressed to her from her Taiyang what could he have possibly sent her? She was so excited to find out but a message did warn her to open it up in her room, oh the girls she shared a room with were going to be curious.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. StardustXtreme

    -Scotland, Old Forge-

    Harold rubbed his chin in thought, if he recalled, Hogwarts was somewhere in Scotland and did wonder if the NWO spread tit's influence to that place, then again, Wizarding Society didn't like change when they are used to their own laws and heresy, if he had to fathom a guess, if he were enrolled into the school, he'd be a Sixth or Seventh year taking the NEWTs examinations and to his surprise, he hadn't seen much of the Wizarding community at all since the NWO came to being or such, did they choose to close themselves off from everyone? That was strange in itself but it wasn't his concern right now, the longer Dumbles stayed out of his or Potter affairs, the better everyone would be, he met the young Potter albeit only once in passing while taking care of Medic before he chosen to retreat into obscurity.

    Harold checked the time on his watch that he had charmed to not be affected by the magical residue and glanced to see Kimberly and Fergus were in the midst of talking, he didn't need magic to be able to rid lips, well, nto for Fergus with the way the Scots speak, observation and patience with a eye for detail was one of the main things he focused on his own, Harold merely gave a small indication to Kimberly time was getting on and he wanted to politely leave while they still have plenty of daylight available to them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. StardustXtreme


    Yuuki tilted her head ever so slightly at Nico's suggestion they steal something from the NWO. "Er... not to be a downer or anything but what can we steal from the NWO? I mean, we only just barely escaped the school and our skills as thieves is quite small, not mention we don't know where most of the Rebelling factions are located, if we get caught by the Stormtroopers or the Cybermen, they have more of those compared to the three of us, plus, we only just been given these powers and this is well, reality, not a video game." Yuuki spoke uo.

    ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~

    Yang's hair cooled down and her eyes reverting to normalcy. "Oh... they ran... And here I thought they would of stayed around longer." Yang said, feeling her hair.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. StardustXtreme


    Yuuki looked a bit unsure of what to do, especially since well, it was something out of the ordinary, first they were on the run from Vidic and now they somehow got on a train so that was confusing in itself, Hermione Granger seemed to be unsure what to say. "I don't know either, but maybe we been given these powers for a reason since the Great Purge occurred and there's been little to no sightings of the Rangers or Riders, I mean, why else would the person who gave us these things decide it was time?" Yuuki asked.

    ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~

    Yang was having fun betaign the snot of any Stormtroopers until one by amazing accuracy shot, one of the lucky white armoured men shot a bit of her hair, Yang paused for a moment ot process her hair being unwillingly damaged and she slammed her fists together, her heir burning yellow, her eyes changing crimson red as the windows within the Abandoned Wal-Mart shattered from the sudden rise in p[ower and Yang let out a bloodcurdling cry, charging at the man who was the poor unfortunate soul, delivering gut-wrenching punch sentign the Trooper flying momentarily before being drop-kicked into the ground, a sickening crunching noise being Yang charged at other Stormtroopers, not caring anymore to dodge any fire, after all, their aim was horrendous.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Scotland - Old Forge~

    Harold nodded as he listened to Fergus's words. "MCP huh... well, this would be where I'd ask to get paid for my job but with the unexpected inclusion of Miss Hart and this new information, I think that's payment enough." Harold stated calmly and breathed. "Unfortunately, I don't think me carrying the information to Japan will be a good idea, while my methods are secure, travelling across the world will be a taxing effort on my part, I haven't attempted it at a long-distance but I don't plan on finding a missing body part, so far, umping from London to Scotland in that distance the most comfortable, especially with Miss Hart coming with me. " Harold said thoughtfully, Apparition over a long-distance probably wasn't a safe bet unless you want to be spliced and he didn't know the magic to rejoin the parts, that was higher level, plus it did require focus and all that.

    "I'm sure you'd feel more comfortable using your own channels to get this information to those fighting in Japan, however, if you wish to contact me for another job, just use the parchment I passed on to you in our previous meeting, our business at this point is concluded." Harold soon switched to a more casual and friendly tone. "As for me and Miss Hart... we'll likely take a hour or so in your wonderful country since well, I wouldn't want Miss Hart to throw up after using my method of travel... I am planning on heading towards Norway or rather more specifically, Arendelle, a contact of mine has informed me they recently inducted a Inquisitor from the NWO and it sounds like the person in question is not a rather pleasant one, but any and all information is highly valued these days." Harold said with a dry chuckle and sipped a glass of water.

    "Miss Hart is also looking for her friends since she's a wanted fugitive, I only just managed to save her from a patrolling group in London." Harold pulled up a sleeve and checked his watch. "I'll let you two talk and exchange any information about her companions, you both have about maybe fifteen minutes before the spells time out so nobody is suspicious, Miss Hart, don't hesitate ask about your friends, Fergus may look scary but he's got probably a heart of gold under that Scottish temper, especially if he had to deal with the Potters." Harold said with a small chuckle and got out of his seat and headed outside of the pub to take in the fresh air.

    "Okay... Arendelle.. I haven't been there personally and I do need the visualization of the place..." Harold thought, cupping his chin in thought, plus it was in another country entirely and across the ocean too and he rather not risk a splicing, especially with Kimberly, he could do it on his own but he didn't want to keep her trapped in his trunk as that wasn't fair for her, so he had a few options.

    One was going by broom but he was unsure how well the NWO took to unregistered flying objects, he could cast charms around them to sneak past but ti was better to be safe than sorry, another was the old-fashioned way and since it was across the sea, a ship or a plane would be the next logical choice since well, he doubted there was many people who'd look on one extra bit of luggage, Harold sat in a chair and checked his parchment to Elsa, a reply!

    Harold read it and wrote a swift but short response. "I will await your response, I am currently within Scotland at this time and only just across the ocean from Norway so I am closer than you think, new information came to light about the Cybermen and the one who is supposedly in control of them all, my client plans to sharing this to the Rebels as I am now merely waiting if there's anything else he wants me to do since our business just concluded, if there isn't anything urgent from him, I will be free to travel anywhere." Harold watched as the writing faded and he rolled it up, hiding it from view form any eyes.

    ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~

    Yang gave a smile and fired up her Ember Celica and readied her stance and shot behind her, propelling herself at Stormtrooper and with delivered an uppercut in time with a shot, causing her punch to be stronger than it would normally, hearing a gasp of air as the white armour cracked somewhat and delivered a roundhouse kick, slamming the Stormtrooper string into the floor. "Now I can have fun!" Yang said happily and weaved from gunfire, shooting down to the ground, sending her flying in a arc as she delivered a foot to the to helmet.

    "What's the matter boys? Can't you take down a simple blonde?" Yang said cockily.

    -Nintendo high School-

    Max looked out fo the window seeing the ship and gasped, taking as many pictures a sshe could, especially with the rebel symbol, "This is awesome... a real airship! Man, Chloe is gonna freak when she sees this!" Max said and was a bit down, she hadn't reconnected with her friend for a long long time.

    -Sky Tree, The Captial-

    Haruto sat with his legs over the top of the Sky Tree, the sheer drop of 2,080 foot drop not bothering him in the slightest as he ate into a plain sugar donut, watching the airship emerge from the Nintendo High School Grounds and he had a smile on his face. "That's got to be embarrassing..." Haruto said with a little laugh escaping his lips, ever since the purging, Haruto had been undercover in Tokyo and not seen much in the light of day. "Of course, the Rebels are the last hope." Haruto noted, raising a half-eaten donut to the airship.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Scotland - Old Forge~

    Harold put on a neutral face when Fergus had arrived. "Right Kimberly, if he asks you anything, just speak when spoken to and only with what you're comfortable with." Harold said and sat up straight and put both arms on the table.

    "Well, there's a reason why I closely resemble Mr Potter, but that's not what we're here for since it's been some time since last time, I only spoke with my features covered." Harold said, putting on the tone he usually does with his clients and indicated to Kimberly. "This is a new associate of mine that I managed to rescue while I was scouting out London's Cybus Industries factory to get the information you required, and well, you aren't going to like the results we've discovered." Harold said and tapped his index finger on the table and made a trace of a mark.

    "I've cast a Notice-Me-Not spell along with a buzzing charm, to other patrons of the establishment, all they'll hear is a small buzzing noise similar to chatting and with Notice-Me-Not, well, nobody would look over this way." Harold said and brought out the copied documents out and closed his eyes to recount the events in particular. "After infiltrating the compound, the making of a Cyberman is... crude... They put those who defy the New World order, namely Rebels or other undesirables towards a conversion machine in which... it's not really what its name should be, it basically.. dissects the human being with no mercy and fits the human brain into the suit's exoskeleton with certain chemicals while woven throughout the body is a kinetic-like nervous system with an emotional inhibitor, that stops the brain from realizing itself in the suit or what they are doing while the body's leftovers are just incinerated, leaving nothing behind." Harold said as he exhaled to let the information sink in.

    "The plans that we discovered state that something that can take out electrical components can immobilize a Cyberman in theory but I'm not a technical expert and I doubt you are at all but if I have to fathom a guess, if the emotional inhibitor is deactivated or you get the deactivation code which unfortunately, the plans I acquired did not have the aforementioned code, that the brain may undergo unexplainable trauma once it realizes itself in the suit... the bottom line is that the Cybermen that the Rebels are fighting may just very well be their former comrades under the NWO's control." Harold leant back and sighed as if he looked like his age for the first time and actual young man who witnessed such horrors before he recollected himself.

    "I can't imagine anyone willingly choosing to convert to this... abomination, I cannot say what other ways might disable a Cyberman without killing them, that is up to those who are a lot smarter in technology than I could ever be, I hope this information I brought will be satisfactory to not only you but also your benefactors, your liege." Harold stated neutrally in a business man like state.

    ~Nintendo High School, Teacher's Lounge-

    Max slipped away from the commotion, she had her pictures, now she just had to develop them, after all, a photographer didn't get points for keeping the photos to themselves.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Scotland, Old Forge~

    Harold listened to Kimberly as she stated she was engaged to her beloved but then the Purge came as this was all she had to remember him. "I doubt he's careless to be caught seeing as you were a survivor of what happened that day, not after what he promised you." Harold leant back in the chair, arms crossed as he noted Rhoda beginning to head out and gave a small incline of his head to acknowledge her presence as the food came to be served for Kimberly.

    ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Parking Lot of an Abandoned Wal-Mart~

    Yang walked in pace with the group, looking ready for a fight.

    ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge hallway~

    Yuuki had followed the young Vulpix and saw Principal Vidic questioning someone and looked, unsure what to do as she figured that maybe she try the code with the note and the item spoke as Yuuki tried to muffle it up while hidden. "Yellow! 1-1-6! Masqueraise! Lupinranger!" as Yuuki was in a unfamiliar yellow suit with a cape and she gasped a bit before nodded to herself and spoke, changing her tone to sound more mature and not so obviously it was her, after all, thieves needed to guard their identity as she with her remarkable reflexes tripped up the Stormtroopers them came around the corner, knocking them out and posed.

    "Hold it right there old man, that treasure is ours for the taking! If you wanna stop it, why not do it yourself? Vulpix, use smokescreen on that old codger!" Yuuki called out, hoping against hope the Pokémon would listen to such an command sicne well, Pokémon tend to bond with their trainers and trust them more than anything else as Max hid around another corner, taking a flash with her camera.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~Scotland, Old Forge~

    "Yes, I would ma'am, if you could introduce me and my... friend to him, that would be fantastic."
    Harold said and moved from his seat. "I'll let you finish your drink first, one thing I learnt from Scotland is never leave a drink unfinished." Harold said and went to sit across from Kimberly as he dug his hand into his pocket as Kimberly selected something light, he already eaten from the storage within the trunk but Kimberly hadn't had breakfast so he paid for it, well waiting, Harold pulled out a book that had Latin words, he noted a curious look. "Just a book of spells, they are written in Latin oddly enough, I do wonder why they don't bother with simple English." Harold said with a shrug.

    "I may look like I know a lot but I am always still learning, after all, back when things were normal, wizards and witches were graded in school in the Mastery of various subjects, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, you name it, there's likely a category based around it." Harold said, taking note of Kimberly's interest and she did ask if the stories about the brooms were true. "Oh yes, that was a class, in the normal world, you lot test yourselves with much more powerful cars to beat speed records, in the magical world, that's what they do with brooms, I do have one stored somewhere in my trunk but I never really used it in case eyes in the sky figure out there's an magical flying around... of course, I don't have a black cat either, I'm more of a dog person." Harold said with a chuckle before noting Kimberly's engagement ring.

    "Ah, are you married?" Harold asked, changing the subject to be about her.

    ~Nintendo High, Hallway-

    Yuuki noticed a Vulpix and she was surprised. "A Vulpix! That's one of the more adorable Pokémon... but why is out here on its own?" Yuuki muttered and heard the principal's voice she hid behind a corner as Vidic was obviously questioning someone in there.

    ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Parking Lot of an Abandoned Wal-Mart~

    Yang stretched her arms as she looked at the abandoned Wal-Mart. "I wonder what happened here that caused this place to close down." Yang wondered out loud and glanced to James's partner, Jessie, she always wondered how she handled her hair that seemed to defy logic unless she hair sprays it constantly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena