-Lor Starcutter- Harold turned his head to the yawning Hermione who asked if she along with two others join him on his travels. "That depends on where this ship's destination will take us, but you seem worn out, perhaps you should sleep and think on your question, perhaps discuss it with whoever you are wanting to bring along." Harold said, putting the Bottles away. "Plus, I would need to check if Anna and Elsa are still going to be residents in my suitcase for the foreseeable future along with Miss Hart." Harold added and thought to himself. "Though, I doubt that man will let Anna and Elsa out of his sight with his newfound prisoner..." Harold mused in his thoughts and got up to approach the two sisters. "Are you two going to locate rooms on board this ship or retire to the suitcase for the night?" Harold asked the pair. -Gokai Galleon- Marvelous laied in his own bed, asleep with si weapons not too far off him as the Galleon just remained on a very slow course towards their destination.
-Lor Starcutter- Harold rubbed the bridge of his nose, eyes closed in thought, the Commander of the group left Kristoff behind to keep watch on Saphir and possibly them as a potential threat and sighed, breathing out before looking over the Bottles in his possession. "Hoo boy... we also got a reindeer too..." Harold noted quietly under his breath well that was Kristoff's job so any mess his pet made, that was his responsibility and he pasued for a moment. "Should of inquired to that visiting group of they seen anything similar to these Bottles... Oh well... still... I might be able to loosen that Sparrow's lips with some magical brew like Firewhisky or something." Harold noted in his thoughts. -Gokai Galleon- Marvelous steered the ship as it was flying over the continent of Africa as Emma pointed out where they were, Doc honestly thought it was a country before Emma had to tearfully laugh at that and correct him on it. -??- Diend twirled his weapon as Beast and Ryugen stood close by to him. "It seems like you misunderstand gratitude, if it weren't for me, you'd be a cell... But since you're adamant..." Diend said and dfired at the ground, creating a smoke screen and when it cleared, Diend along with Beast and Ryugen were gone. "I'd remember who saved your life... Have fun being in an completely unknown area, maybe I placed you in a town full of those white suits or maybe I placed you in a safe haven, who knows... I'll come back for that precious treasure." -Nintendo High: Cafeteria- Kasumi stopped taking a bite of her a rather sizable burger as she looked to the news report on the monitor and she looked at the news. "What... even is that man?" Kasumi asked in utter bewilderment and Max sat across from her. "I... don't know? Maybe he's off his rocker as my friend Chloe would say." and Ruby laughed a bit. "Maybe he's all the New World Order has for a anchor job and he just really needs the money to salsify his chewing gum fetish?" Ruby pointed out. Kasumi blanched and turned her head to look at Ruby. "Do people even have food fetish?" Kasumi asked and Ruby looked thoughtful. "Gordon Ramsay does?" and Kasumi tilted her head. "Wonder if he's tried those Big Bang Burger challenges..."
-Lor Starcutter- "Yeah, that's the strangest thing this belt's gimmick has to offer." Harold answered, scratching his head. "I mean, before this, I used a different belt but had to abandon it when I went into hiding... but this one takes the cake, I made some notes and determined Best Matches as it calls them makes the suit significantly more powerful than a mismatched combination... However... When we were retrieving the ship, when we saw that Gold and Silver Rider, the Rabbit bottle was gold so perhaps the Guardian's data scanned something more about the Bottles but also oddly enough, out of all of the Bottles here, there's no Dragon despite I had supposedly a Match." Harold said, setting up his 19 Bottles on the table as there was Rabbit, Tank, the already inserted Gorilla and Diamond, Taka, Gatling Ninja, Comic, Panda, Rocket, Lion, Vacuum, hedgehog, Fire Engine, Lock, Pirate, Train, Octopus and Light. "These are the Bottles that came with the Belt, although strangely enough it was found within one of the Cyber Factories operating in London and we know who owns that, the New World order so it makes me wodner if they are developing their own Riders or something, but if that's the case and there is potentially a Dragon Bottle, it makes me wonder if there's others the New World Order are creating." Yuuki looked to Serena, head tilted slightly in a questioning pose. "Is she French or something, her attire looks like it is?" Yuuki wondered out loud. -??- Kaito wasn't abotut o elt Mew have its own fun and games as he fired at it to keep ti from using its psychic moves as he kenw he'd be a sitting duck if eh was frozen in place as Ron asked how ti was possible he had a form. "Ah... So this Sirius is that world's Rider..." Kaito said off-handily as Beast and Ryugen fought the sibling. "Buffa, Go B-B-Buffa!" Beast switched capes for one adorning a bull and a red cape as Ryugen flicked his cutting blade. "Budou Squash!" as he took aim, his grape gun charging up a shot before firing.
-??- Kaito smiled as he loaded his gun thennd fired his gun at the Swift attack, knocking the stars off their tracjectory as he became Diend once more and he moved in a run, revealing more cards. "Let's see if you newbies can handle more experinced Riders." Kaito said before loading them. "Kamen Ride: Beast! Kamen Ride: Ryugen!" The Diendriver announced before he pulled the trigger as two new Riders materialize din front of him as Diend spoke. "Please restrain them." Diend said as Beast spoke. "Now, it's lunch time!" and then Ryugen. "I iwll show you my resolve!" before the two charged at Ron and Ginny as Diend looked to the Mew. "Attack Ride: Blast!" as ricocheting bullets flew at Mew. "I rather not damage valuable goods... but I'm not above roughening it up a little."
-Gokai Galleon- "I believe I already told you the answer a while a ago and it was a yes, you need to work on your memory before you start pirating, last thing we need is someone forgetful who forgets the treasure." Marvelous stated. -??- Kaito looked to the two redheads. "Well, that's my treasure, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Kaito said, drawing his weapon. "Yes I saved you both but it was for my own benefit, after all, damaged goods aren't what a treasure hunter looks for.. You're welcome to run or fight."
~Lor Starcutter: Main Room~ Harold stretched his arms out for a moment as Jack Sparrow led Anna and Elsa away and he sat at a table before putting his hand into one of his coat pockets and pulled out the Rabbit Full Bottle, setting it on the table as he crossed his arms in thought in the fight against the RabbitDragon counterpart in the Hidden Palace, why was the Rabbit Bottle there Gold? Did the entity make a copy or did it scan the bottle in question and discovered something more to the Bottles themselves? The Guardian's trials certainly displayed a more advanced understanding to be able to create what it was capable of. "It is peculiar that the suit is capable of forming any combination yet a Best Match is clearly more powerful... I did note when shaken and used without the belt, it does give the human body some sort of extra oomph... Perhaps the Guardian discovered something that not even I could understand?" Harold mused, there was no point in asking now, that bridge was long gone but the fact there was a Dragon Bottle indicated it must of pulled data about it or had some knowledge about it so... maybe there was other Bottles he could locate to give him more a of a diverse edge? -??- Kaito looked to Ron with a amused expression on his features. "You don't know just how special that treasure is, judging by your lack of knowledge about these creatures, youa ren't exactly bright." Kaito said and waved a hand. "You all know how people and Pokémon are usually side by side but what started the entire species of Pokémon? Mews are rarely seen in their true forms since they contain if not, all the DNA of every Pokémon in the world, be they unknown or existing, there's always a starting block and people say Mews are capable of learning any Pokémon can so imagine what would happen if someone had such a creature?" Kaito explained, setting the mental tracks.
-Suitcase- The two sisters blushed, getting dressed and fixing their hair. Anna wondered why he had come to their room and wondered what was going on outside the suitcase. Elsa got dressed and decorated her hair with the regular snowflakes and the two sisters stepped out of their room. Harold waited outside, arms crossed as he attempted to control the blush on his face before composing himself with some deep breaths as the door opened, the two sisters emerging looking just as red as Anna's hair. "Well, at least you both look decent now... we're heading up, it seems the jig is up as one might say, all I can say is some bearded head of the Rebellion group likely wants a word with you and sent an escort consisting of one somewhat drunken pirate." Harold said, walking down the steps as Anna and Elsa followed him, their minds likely racing on what to do. "You do have the right to ask for someone to join you if you are unsure what the questioning will be as I doubt this guy in charge would deny you your rights as people, you also know you can choose to remain silent or answer I don't know if there's a question you cannot understand." Harold said before climbing up the ladder to the outside world. ~Targoviste, Romania~ Diend quickly inserted a card. "Attack Ride: Illusion!" as Diend spilt into five copies and one of them took the brunt of the Cruciatus Curse, the illusion clone writhing in pain as Grease charged forward. "It's a summer festival!" Grease cried, cranking down the lever. "Scrap Up Finish!" The driver said as he launched up into the air, oil bursting behind him, propelling him forward as he delivered a Rider Kick to Steelix. "Kurumi Squash!" Knuckle's driver said he flipped the lever and leapt up, delivered a downward punch to a squadron of Stormtroopers, sending them flying in all directions as Diend flicked his wrist, running faster than oen could keep up with. "Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Diend!" as Diend held up his gun, holographic projections of cards rotating clockwise and anticlockwise as the two Riders transformed back into cyan cards, joining the attack as Diend pulled the trigger, a small shot growing larger as it passed through the cards, connecting with Steelix and Muk, sending the two Pokémon flying as the Diends remerged back into one. "A feisty one...Seems like your treasure will be well worth the prize.. but..." Diend said, firing a scatter shot to keep the enemies back. "I've already got what I want." Diend said, grabbing Ron and Ginny by their shoulders as a silvery white veil appeared behind them and Diend dragged them throw with Mew following before the wall faded out of existence. -??- Diend let go of the pair and cancelled his transformation as they were within an abandoned building as the two looked confused or bewildered. "We're in China... now.. what do I get for rescuing the pair of you from those guys?" Kaito asked, looking to the pair. "Because I got my eye on a treasure already, that Mew... it's a rare creature that people rarely see in their lifetimes unless you have something better to offer?" Kaito asked and continued.
-Suitcase- Harold noted the two were more less in their sleepy state and obviously haven't exactly taken note of their situation judging by the position Anna was in with Elsa. "Huh guess that is what being siblings is about...?" Harold thought, though he was a bit red. "I'll... let you wake up and get properly dressed before I answer that." Harold said, closing the door and walked downstairs to escape a scream that may inevitably escape the sister's mouths when they realize what Harold saw. -Lor Starcutter- Yuuki looked to Nico. "Whose to say we use his suitcase, perhaps he can use his magical know-how to expand everyone else's luggage? After all Nico-chan, imagine how many games you could stuff into your backpack!" Yuuki suggested ~Targoviste, Romania~ "Attack Ride: Blast!" a voice came out of nowhere as a bullet storm shot the ground where Steelix and Muk were as a cyan Rider stepped out from a corner. "That Mew's a wonderful treasure to steal, can't let you have all the fun now can I?" The cyan rider said. "Oh I suppose I should introduce myself, Diend, Kamen Rider Diend." The cyan rider said as he pulled out two cards. "Let's give some odds." He said, loading the cards in one at a time. "Kamen Ride: Grease! Kamen Ride: Knuckle!" The gun said as he pointed his gun in front of him. "Go." Diend said, pulling the trigger as multicoloured projections of a humanoid bodies emerged before forming into two bodies. "I'll crush you with the fire burning in my heart!" Grease said, making a fist and beat it against his chest. "Armored Rider Knuckle!" The other said before the pair charged forward towards the Stormtroopers. "Now... shall I steal your treasure as well milady?" Diend teased.
~Lor Starcutter~ Harold looked at C.C who introduced herself and the shared explanation. "Had no choice in the matter really, our goals merely aligned at the time and I managed to convince their foe to spare our lives, if I didn't, I doubt many of us would be here right now or even worse, we wouldn't have an airship to utilize in the first place." Harold said, arms crossed and he noted one of the pirate had returned from heading to do an interrogation on their New World Order captive and judging by the way he carried himself, he wasn't exactly... threatening? But Harold learned looks can be deceiving and he was heading in his general direction. "Only one reason why they want to approach me, that official must of let loose about the tracker and I'm carrying the sisters in my suitcase.... I could apparate but that won't reflect too well on everyone here and I'd likely be branded as a criminal... then again, it's nothing new to be on the run." Harold thought and he looked to Jack. "Let me guess, the two sisters am I right?" Harold said, it was best to let that card be open on the table as there was no point in denying it. "Wait, stand a few steps back." Harold said as he dug a hand into his pocket and pulled a miniature sized suitcase that looked like it should belong to an action figure as he set it down and gently tapped it with his foot, using magic behind the kick as before the room's eyes, the suitcase grew and grew until it was a normal size and he bent down, undoing the latches a sit opened up to reveal a stepladder descending down into the depths. "Wait here please, if you try to follow me, I can't promise your safety." Harold said calmly before he descended down into the open suitcase. "How does he do that and not sink through the ship? With something like that, we carry a lot more stuff without worrying!" Yuuki said in genuine amazement/ Harold headed towards the house, rubbing his hair, noting the two sisters weren't outside then opened the front door quietly in case the two were asleep or something and decided to check downstairs first in case they were up, no luck and he didn't hear any water running or anything so they weren't in the bathroom. "Yup, probably in their shared bedroom." Harold thought to himself and went upstairs and he saw their bedroom door was slightly left ajar. "Huh, probably didn't bother to shut it properly then again, this whole place is a literal private area." Harold thought and grabbed the doorknob, pushing it open slowly as to not make the bolts squeak, seeing the two sisters were indeed in the room. -Quinjet- Yang sat in the chair, stretching her legs out. "So... I guess we call this one a failure then?" Yang asked out loud.
~Lor Starcutter~ Harold looked to the brunette and put his hands in his pockets. "That depends on the topic you wish to discuss Miss Granger and if I wish to part with that knowledge." Harold stated as he heard more voices, aborad the Starcutter. "That topic might have to be put on hold, it seems Mario's benefactors or allies have joined us and no doubt everyone is required to attend the meeting that's about to take place." Harodl said and walked, with hermione following a few steps behind and Harold observed the newcomers. "Seems to be more of a pirate crew than anything." Harold noted most of the them did look like they belonged to such a group but the one with the reindeer and clearly a Pokémon Trainers with a Fennekin were the odd ones of the group, judging by the presence, the one with the full beard was in charge just by the way he carried himself and emulated respect, the redhead woman beside him sounded French by the tone of the voice but he wasn't completely sure, she was certainly an attractive woman, he wouldn't deny that but he noted a rapier, the redhead obviously knew how to fence. "If I recall, didn't Anna and Elsa say something about a friend of theirs always was with a reindeer and being their main ice man or something?" Harold thought, last he recalled there was at least one fighter against Arendelle's control but he thought he was snuffed out with what wanted posters there was in Arendelle, he must of been able to escape while everyone was distracted by Tsukasa's brawl and him and Kimberly infiltrating the Palace. ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~ Yang tsked and she leapt up, creating a shockwave vibration ont he ground to put the enemies off-balance. "Sorry Rubes, guess we'll have to dance another day." Yang commented and retreated to the Quinjet without any hesitation.
~Lor Starcutter~ Harold took the time to explore the ship for manly exploration reasons and to avoid Saphir so there wasn't nay questioning on Anna and Elsa's whereabouts as he had a hand to his chin in attempting to discern the design, it was nothing he'd seen before, then again, he wasn't a rocket scientist or anything, after all, it wasn't built with popsicle sticks and duct tape or other noteworthy craft that people have built. "It is otherworldly, I'll grant it that distinction." Harold said and breathed. It was only through his diplomatic skills that he and the others got off as lightly against the Astral else, they would of likely been actual casualties, he was no fool, something like Astral needed time and effort to bring down and they weren't ready for battle yet. "Question is... where to go from here? We only aligned with the others out of a shared interest in what the temple offered." Harold thought, they were apparently in Scotland if the destination wasn't clear enough until he heard footsteps and saw one Hermione Granger coming towards him. "Are we here for another session Missus Granger?" Harold teased the bushy haired brunette Yuuki looked to Nico as Hermione left them to explore the ship. "I suppose, but guess there's nothing else for it, it just depends if the people we're meeting have enough room for us all." Yuuki added, it was something liberating to run free and do whatever she wanted compared to being confined to a bed. ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~ Yang blocked and waved with her body, using her gauntlets to block the Ring Blade Ruby wielded with some impressive footwork. "There's a moment where she has to swing her weapon to get close, I can use that second to deliver a punch after all, it's like dad said, everyone has a set number of consecutive attack and the vital point is to attack when they are forced to end their cycle." Yang thought, watching carefully with the weapon and saw a gap. "Bang!" Yang cried out, delivering a uppercut to Ruby's chest, firing off a dust powered shot into Ruby to send her back. "Having fun with being my dance partner? Because I sure am!" Yang said cheerfully and moved into a fighting stance again "Now you've been taken the lead with getting up close and personal, it's only fair I return the favour right?" Yang asked before using Ember Celica to propel herself at a fast speed, fist ready, as her eyes glowed red for a brief moment.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Inner Sanctum~ Harold observed the conversation as Astral acknowledged their existences and was ready to battle however, it seemed the being had no idea where Anna and Elsa were being held so that was something to note as he looked ready to battle, he couldn't' deny the atmosphere was tense. "There's no point in fighting this being yet, even fi Mario and Luigi are the prophesied individuals, the fact that attempt to laugh indicates it won't end well, even if we all worked together." Harold thought and wondered what to do. "Escape is probably the only option we got though, I doubt he'll let us get away that easily if Kimberly's body language of fear is any indication." Harold noted, the guardian of this Temple didn't seem to wish to intervene either, why should it? After all, if they died here, just wait for the next contenders to reap the rewards. "Are you sure you want to end things prematurely?" Harold suddenly asked, arms crossed as he looked at Astral. "Lets face the facts, even if we were able to attack you all at once despite the power you clearly wield, we'll lose and I doubt Mario and Luigi have enough time or energy to combat you while defending everyone else." Harold stated without any shame or doubt and continued. "But you'll eventually exploit that and eventually get rid of them except... Where's the challenge?" Harold asked. "Lets say you beat these two who currently not at their full power yet they are still giving you a decent challenge, what then? Nobody will be able to entertain you like they are able to and wouldn't you feel more satisfied if you beat Mario and Luigi at their full strength to prove that a mere prophecy that fate created has no control over you? I imagine you have lived a very long life and know the cons of living for so long that things don't entertain you as they used to when you were young." Harold said, recalling some words of wisdom his adoptive father shared with him. ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~ "Ice..?" Yang asked in confusion and looked to the shards briefly. "Tommy, you try and deal with our new challenger, it seems our girl wants a fight with me" Yang said, smiling, cracking her knuckles. "So... shall we dance or is this going to be a two on one? I could take you and your boyfriend on but... I'm not entirely into the whole threesome thing." Yang said to Ruby with a confident smirk.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~ Harold quickly begun to crank to the lever as Mario's cry to finish off the mismatched Rider caused anymore trouble as he jumped out "Ready Go! Volrtex Finish!" As a mathematic equalization formed, similar to a slide as it entrapped the Rider and Harold slid down the curve, the blue leg glowing as the tread tracks spun as Harodl spoke. "Move!" Harold said, the two brothers letting go as the kick connected with the enemy Rider as it attempted to charge up energy in its fist to try and counteract the kick and Harold could feel the power clash as Harold cranked the lever rapidly still in the sliding kick as the Driver stated Vortex Attack once again as Harold outputted more energy as an explosion occurred, the enemy smoking as he managed to stay upright but was clearly skidding back. "You say it's a being of data empowered by unusual artifacts, so I can possibly assume they are real bottles or a Best Match as the term is phrased, however,... it still has a weakness, all Riders or Rangers are dependant on the belts or whatever they use to maintain their forms." Harold noted, he had trained with Kimberly to see if this Rider Form indeed had a weakness and she did point out she had the same issue when she was Ranger if her Power Coin or such was taken away. "I do have other matches apart from what you seen of this state along with those two flying based ones." Harold said, he still had a few others from what he had available to him that was HawkGatling or PandaRocket ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~ Yang looked at the girl who motioned a bring it on taunt and Yang smiled as she knocked a Stormtrooper away. "The boss has come out to play! Hopefully you'll be more of a challenge than these background troopers." Yang said as she prepare dto charge forward her but Tommy took the initiative. "Hey! No cutting in, I want a piece of it too!" Yang said as went with try and aid Tommy.
-Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Match- Harold looked at the new enemy and he kept his composure. "Is that... my suit?" Harold wondered, the resemblance was uncanny except if he recalled, he didn't have a Dragon Bottle in his possession and he knew Rabbit only had a Best Match with Tank yet the being there seemed to emulate the Best Match power but he was no expert on why there was Best Matches with strange match-ups, he kept silent, hand to his chin, Kimberly was the only other one who knew about his transformation along with Anna and Elsa so how did the Guardian manage to create such a form? "It must of taken an interest of how something organic and inorganic could harmonize together and possibly scanned my Driver when I was transformed before, that's the only explanation I can think of, who knows maybe this copy could be convincing enough for the person with snowman to believe it's the same person who kidnapped Anna and Elsa?" Harold thought to himself and sighed in realization why he was still on the battle arena before speaking up. "I wouldn't go underestimating it even it looks strange." Harold said and he could sense it was certainly powerful with the way the aura was radiating off the body and likely knowing it, it'll go for the weaker link, him since Mario and Luigi have been proven to be capable despite their appearances and Harold thought, "Looks like there was no way around this, I'll have to transform if that prince asks too many questions, just cast obliviate him, I'd rather not have to deal with grudges." and brought out the Build Driver to put it on his waist and pulled out two Bottles from his pocket, the new enemy obviously being kind enough to wait as Harold shook the Bottles before inserting them into the Driver. "Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready?" Harold begun turning the crank clockwise as clear glass pipes formed once more and formed into Half-Bodies like a Snap Builder and when it asked if he was ready, Harold spoke calmly. "Henshin." before the Snap builder enclosed him, steam pouring the suit as the Rider formed. "Hagane no Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!" Yuuki pouted and looked to the battle that would start with the gold and silver Rider. "A Rabbit and a Dragon? What is this? the Zodiac or something?" Yuuki asked. ~The Capital - Streets~ Ruby and Max almost jumped at Gwen speaking from behind as she gave her bit of information before Peni shared her thoughts and left. "Well, at least she's on her way home." Max said with a sigh of relief and Ruby nodded. "Can't blame a fan wanting to meet her hero, anyway, thanks lady! We better go back to the dorms before the head thinks we're staying out too late!" Ruby said pulling Max along.
After taking some careful consideration with my collection of characters, I realized Ventus isn't getting much play time with me controlling him as I am completely unsure as to what to do with him in the story as it's likely assumed he, Sora, Roxas, Riku and etc haven't earned their Keyblades or such so I'm a total loss with it so I'm going to offer Ventus up for grabs and if someone wants to trade for him. that's fine as well, just let me know if you want to do that. Also I am making a reserve despite having little information about this character Character Name: Kasumi Yoshizawa Description: A first year Nintendo High student on a scholarship who just transferred after the Purge, Kasumi is an accomplished gymnast as she is quite cheerful, elegant and friendly person with a perfect life but while she expresses admiration to those who impress her, she greatly rejects heroes and their existence, as she believes that people should learn how to solve their own problems instead of relying on other people, she also has the same power as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts with her Persona Cendrillon while also being the first ever associated Faith Arcana Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): None Series the Character is from: Persona 5 the Royal/Persona 5 Royal Other: Spoiler: School Uniform Spoiler: Phantom Thief Attire
~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~ Harold rolled his eyes at Ryuji's comment and look what that got them into. "There's a saying called don't bite off more then you can chew, obviously that one was lost on you." Harold stated dryly as Mario and Luigi made the plan of attack and Harold looked at the Metal Mario duplicates "So they are made of metal... that means they are likely susceptible to fire, water and electricity." Harold thought before making a hand motion with his wand. "Incendio!" Harold called out, letting out a ball of flames in rapid fire. Yuuki stood her ground, firing her blaster. "Oh why didn't these things come with a sword mode or something?" Yuuki moaned and Harodl heard her. "A sword you say?" and Yuuki nodded. "Yeah, I may not look like it but I'm pretty impressive with a sword!" Yuuki said and Harold frowned a bit a she dug into his pocket, pulling out what was a miniature sword in a sheath that honestly looked like it should be a paperweight and he tossed it up. "Engorgio!" Harold said the small sword grew size and and Yuuki jumped forward, catching in in her hands clumsily as she holstered her blaster. "Is it...?" Yuuki begun to ask. "Yes it's a real one, don't dawdle... Agumenti!" Harodl said, loose loose a literal fire hose of water at the Metal Marios and Yuuki unsheathed the standard issue sword, its blade glinting her reflection and she gave a smile and tossed Nico her Blaster. "Dual wield Nico-Nico!" Yuuki said cheerfully before taking a stance and breathed in and out, eyes closed before opening them again and charged forward with a speed belittling her frame and made jabbing motions with the blade hitting where the the legs and arms of a Metal Mario had before delivering a quick diagonal slash in succession before leaping back with a grin. "Absolute Sword Yuuki has returned! Dun dun dunnn!" Yuuki said with a beaming smile before turning her facial expression serious and went forth to deliver a blistering 13 hit combo with the blade without needing to think how to execute the maneuver as if she's done it all her life. "Mother's... Rosario!" ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~ Yang took cover and checked Ember Celica's ammunition. "Not a good idea to try a shockwave attack on top of a ship, don't know how strong the upper deck is..." Yang thoughtand punched her fists together. "Cover me, They won't know what hit them!" Yang said and leapt over her impromptu covering spot and fired a round, using the propulsion to shoot her into a stormtrooper who was likely taken aback by the sudden up close and personal as Yang gave a smile as she delivering an undercut to a Stormtrooper's stomach, firing a round in tandem, causing a explosive impact that sent the poor solider hurtling into a companion as Yang moved into a boxing stance dodging and weaving any bullets that came her direction. "Come on boys, didn't they teach you anything while you were at a shooting range or in close combat?" Yang taunted them. ~The Capital - Streets~ Max saw the young Peni Kimiko trying to be observant in finding her new hero, holding her umbrella as Sora and Roxas left her, the girl was dedicated and Ruby looked to Max. "She's likely going to stay there until something happens." Ruby pointed out with her red umbrella over her head. "Yeah.. maybe we should do something lest she catches a cold or worse, gets another mugging again?" Max suggested and Ruby smiled. "A mugging with me? Those bad guys wouldn't like to see me in an alleyway wielding my Rose... Then again... that's more Yang's thing...." Ruby said and the two approached Peni. "Peni, this Spider-Woman might not appear today, I mean, she couldn't just be actively protecting just this neighbourhood alone right?" Max pointed out and Ruby nodded. "Yeah, I mean, The Captial's got a bunch of districts and then some, we're just... worried. You might get attacked so she can show up again." Ruby pointed out. "Ruby! To even suggest Peni should intentionally be attacked to make her hero appear is just wrong, what would that Spider-Woman say?" max admonished her friend and Ruby laughed a bit, rubbing a hand behind her head. "Oh right... my bad... but I mean, I got my Crescent Rose that I built myself so what's to stop Peni from developing something to defend herself with? All girls should have something like that since men think we're so easy to rob." Max was about to say something about that comment but paused in the reasoning, Ruby did have a point, all she could do was just run since she wasn't trained like Ruby or her sister. "...Damn... you actually came up with a very good answer.... Are you sure you are Ruby Rose?" Max asked and Ruby laughed a bit. "Oh yes! Ruby Rose, Huntress Extraordinaire and the greatest ally in any food fight ever! I dare all challenge to face me and my mastery of the art!"
~Hidden Palace Zone - Boss Gauntlet Death Course: Vs Chaos~ Harold looked up at the being, it seemed of be a creature made of liquid or rather, water depending on how it works, it was no bigger than a standard humanoid as Harold run through the spells and items he had in his repertoire. "Let's see... Diffindo can precisely cut anything... Confringo causes whatever comes into contact to explode... I doubt that can work with water unless I were to aim for the brain... Bombarda causes small explosions, can't guarantee anyone's safety if they get in close..." Harold thought as the being came at bowser like a speedy individual. "Melds into the Ground... Depulso!" Harold said, pointing his wand at Chaos who was stunning by an opposing force and then blown back from the Koopa King as Harold spun his wand. "Impedimenta!" Harold called out letting loose another spell which would slow the target down after the unceremonious repelling. Yuuki turned her weapon and let loose some shots, deciding to remain untransformed for now. ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~ "Right you are girl." Yang said to kKye and looked to Tommy. "Lead on Dragon boy." Yang teased the young male.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~ Harold just listened with his arms crossed, one hand under his chin, cupping it in thought. "Seems more a Divination or something unless that Etoile was somewhat a Seer." Harold thought, being somewhat familiar with the term, they somewhat could tell about the future in Prophecies or something similar to that effect, of course, he had no way of discerning that and moved on from it. "Still.... a battle spanning generations, that's got to be draining on expectations to keep the fight going." Harold thought once more as he brought himself back to the room as Peach said to kick some ass. "That doesn't exactly sound proper coming from someone who looks like a ruler." Harold commented and shrugged. "But whatever, let's just see what this last trial is about and get ahold of this prize we're gambling our livelihood." Harold said and wondered what he should do, the Guardian said there would be some kind of physical battle and he had to consider the possibility of if he become Build with Saphir and Olaf watching, undoubtedly as he turned his eyes around to the corner to get a certain pressure of being looked at from behind. "Just have to wait and see what the challenge is, if it comes down to it, I'll transform but I also have magic to use as well." Harold considered and opened his jacket to feel around inside, he did have some other magical stuff but it was mostly from Zonko's Joke Shops like Dungbombs, Fizzing whizzbees and the like, which playful pranks, they can be deadly if used the right way. ~The Capital - Rooftop~ Kiriko looked around the rooftop, confused "Wouldn't they leave footprints or anything?" Kiriko wondered out loud, there was an Oshawott so one would think there's some traces of the Pokémon, what could of happened in such a short span of time they disappear so quickly? ~San Diego, California - Harbor~ Yang snuck quietly with the infiltration group as she wasn't part of the Assault Team, keeping quiet, she knew there was a time for kick ass and a time to be sneaky.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~ Harold de-transformed and removed the Driver as he sat down to contemplate in his head until he noted Olaf and Saphir, the Temple guardian did say there were people outside, he had to be careful as would Kimberly considering their past history as Kirby did hand him the suitcase and Harold shrunk it down and placed it in one of his pockets, feeling a little stupid for leaving it outside but it seemed they did not notice the similarities which he was grateful for and dug a hand into one of his inner pockets and Yuuki looked to him. "That's super convenient to shrink down your luggage." Harold gave a small smile. "What can I say? Magic works wonderfully for these situations." Harold added and Yuuki looked curious. "Don't you use wands or staves? What about concocting weird stuff in a cauldron?" Yuuki inquired and Harold laughed a bit. "Oh we do, but a wand or staff is mere focus point for magic to channel through, staves were in the olden days and as for cauldron mixing, we do that as well, we just don't wear pointy hats and cackle over it like some people have done in movies, some potions are useful, some can be deadly or so forth, same with spells, I'm sure Miss Granger can share more on that with her knowledge of the magical side, I'm just more or less taught by a personal tutor, I can use a wand but each spell I perform can leave a trace while wandless is more difficult, there's like, wand, then hand gestures then silently performing the spell without nay movement, that last one's more trickier." Harold glanced over to Hermione who was blushing a bit, catching her rubbing her lips, likely remembering the unexpected kiss from earlier. "That is of course, if Miss Granger isn't lost in her world from today's events." Harold said teasingly, changing gears at a snap of a finger. ~San Diego, California - Harbor~ Yang looked with her binoculars at the Stormtroopers as Lance suggested one half of their team deals with the Troopers and the other half quietly infiltrate the ship as Tommy and Thomas were asked what they thought. "Don't bother battling James, save your Pokémon for a special occasion like your smokescreen could be beneficial for infiltrating the ship, of course, depends if they got Cybermen stationed inside the ship too..." Yang said, removing his binoculars. "What do we know about their boss? I mean, she's got to be someone important if she's the Inquisitor of this section." Yang asked curiously, turning her head. ~The Capital - Rooftop~ Kiriko looked up at the rooftop as she arrived with Looker as they begun to ascend the building with haste. "So... what do we know about this man we're trying to capture sir?" Kiriko asked in steady breaths to not exhaust herself as she ran with him.
~Hidden Palace Zone: Anti-Gravity Float Course~ Harold looked up at the exit and noting the lack of gravity, the wings wouldn't worked here as they required propulsion and a lack of gravity, that meant no movement to leap off from and if he used magic like Acsendio to pull himself up, he had no control on the speed of the pull and so, he let go of Kimberly's hand and spoke. "Miss, kindly get off my back while I change." Harold said to Compa who did so as Harold removed the Taka and Gatling Fullbottles before exchanging them with two new Bottles and slid a white one in the right slot and a light blue one in the left slot. "Panda! Rocket! Best Match!" The Build Driver called out before he begun to crank the lever once again as the Snap Builder formed once again as the new liquids formed into the half armours. "Are you ready?" The Driver asked once more and Harold spoke. "Build up." before an orchestral tone played "Buttobi Monotone! RocketPanda! Yeahhh!" as the new armour snapped over the old one as steam escaped once more, likely electing a surprise from the others he could easily change suits so easily. "Okay, why on earth does it announce those strange titles?" Yuuki asked and Harold shrugged. "Don't ask me, I'm not the one who designed it, it just helps to know what works, I couldn't possibly answer anything else about how it works or why there are Best Matches or such, all I know is this was in the possession of the NWO along with whatever bottles they had there, now, let's get everyone to the exit." Harold said and begun to help ferry the people across along with Mario and Luigi. Yuuki pouted and puffed her cheeks, the grappling hooks were useless here. "How is he not disoriented?" Yuuki asked, the young man always seemed to be calm and collected.