If you would like Roxam, I can give up Tomoya Okazaki since it's clear someone's been infected with Clannad.
~The Capital, Tokyo Catherdal~ "Well, maybe she has a thing for the mysterious side, after all, your grandfather has that weird thing with that doll of his... like I can say much about normalcy." Yuri said with a shrug and headed out with Alice in tow. "What with all these metal men, S-Types and such, the world may of very well gone to its own version of hell that isn't fire and brimstone." Yuri commented off-handily.
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Yuuki sweatdropped at Hermione's unfortunate circumstances of being introduced into the world of gaming and shook her head lightly. "That's hell she's walking into." Yuuki mumbled under her breath and returned to examine the games the store had available, taking moments to pull a game from the shelf and rea don the back for a brief summary. -The Capital - Tokyo Catherdal- "I don't know, just not kneel all day praying to some guy in a golden chair for some help." Yuri said with his hands up in defeat. "But what do I know? Not like God exists or anything... Just do what you want, I'll just take a nap on one of these benches until you finished your... whatever it is you are doing." Yuri said, walking away. "All this preaching is gonna put me to sleep anyway..." Yuri thought to himself
-Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base- Yuuki browsed the gaming stores available, having a curious look upon her face, while Nico, a fellow Ranger was a gamer girl, it didn't stop her from being interested in it herself considering it was what she had to occupy herself with during her recovery from her terminal illness, she was comparing two game covers that were the same title but had different characters. "Why not just package it all into one game with all the routes instead of exclusive characters in certain titles?" Yuuki asked herself in a low tone. ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~ Yuri stood within the cathedral, staring upwards with hands behind his back. "Come on Alice, we seen other places just like, why are we visiting every single place..." Yuri groaned, looked at his white haired companion. ~Unknown Location~ Vergil walked briskly before stopping, looking over his shoulder slightly. "What do you want Branwen? I already done your favour." Vergil asked as the black haired woman stepped out from the shadows. "It's not a mission, it's more just seeing if you're still alive considering you are eliminating demons around the world to ensure the New World Order doesn't get any more alliances." Vergil gave a small turn of his head. "I do not care for humans, I have my own goals to accomplish." Vergil said and Raven responded. "I cannot deny you have your own desires, but... why do you not join a faction, you could gain so much more." Vergil turned around, facing her. "I work alone, always will.. banding together is for the weak... that suits my foolish brother better." Vergil said and Raven looked at him in her cold expression. "Why?" and Vergil answered. "Power rules everything, without power, you are nothing, you know that as well I do with the lengths you went to preserve your clan or whatever you call it... If you want to talk to me about family issues, you are talking to a wall, go and speak with your daughter if you want family." "How did you...?" Raven begun to ask and Vergil spoke. "Uncannily resemblance when I taught at Nintendo High for the brief time before I was... removed from my post." and Raven looked to him. "You're impossible." "Been told that many times, yet here I am... now are you going to leave me to do my job or is there something else you want?" Vergil asked bluntly and Raven breathed. "...No, but you will choose a side Vergil even though you are attempting to remain out of this conflict." Raven said and he disappeared. "...Sides mean nothing, only power." Vegril said, turning to resume his walk to his next destination.
~Gokai Galleon~ Harold shrugged. "I can't possibly say any more on that unless this connection is similar to becoming an Animagi." Harold off-handily said "But well, it's no use discussing what might be or could of been, fact of the matter is, we're sitting here on our thumbs until they retrieve the Great Power and then well, whatever next is on the agenda." Harold sipped his tea and breathed. "it is probably best to retire for the night, after all, tomorrow may prove to bring its own problems, I thank you for the tea." Harold said, placing his cup down and heading back to the room he originated from.
-Gokai Galleon- "I think this is more or less a tribal ritual or something to that effect considering some tribes like Native Americans look to animals for guidance since they are more attuned to the land than other people, my travels had me see how much of a close-knit community they can but also, respecting the deities they worship... I am not sure if the Spirit Animals are all correctly matched to an individual since we all imagine ourselves like a certain animal... It could also be at one time, we were such an animal before we reincarnated into humans." Harold mused, swirling his tea. "it is also peculiar this Dulcea has her own limitations despite being such a helpful aid against the birdmen... perhaps it's a curse placed upon her or something since she said she'd age rapidly if she stepped beyond the plateau... But we can't ask that question now, all we can do is wait for them to acquire the Great Power as I am not sure what defenses it has at its disposal, considering the many skeletons we saw just on the way here." Harold added.
-Gokai Galleon- Harold looked to his cup of tea as he leaned into his chair. "Well, considering what Dulcea said about the ruins, I wouldn't doubt they'd be some adequate defenses if others attempted to gain the Great Power." Harold admitted plainly and put two sugars in his tea. "Considering all the super natural things like S-Types, the ship we procured back at the Temple with those trials, it's a wonder we haven't stumbled onto more ancient stuff buried over however many years ago... then again, I suppose some of my stuff could be considered that." Harold added.
As you can undoubtedly see, I've returned tot he RP after a long hiatus, I'll reclaim what Princess Kairi took from me, hopefully another incident like before doesn't occur again since it was out my hands, but if it does happen again then I'll definitely leave a notice or more should it come to that.
-Gokai Galleon- Harold laid in his bed, looking up at the ceiling as everyone had turned in for the night, with the revelation of the Sacred animals and what the chosen Rangers had as their spirit was intriguing to say the least, that led him to wonder if this was a ancestor of tribes like Native Americans or something to that effect, who knows, he looking at his hand as he raised it high above him, holding the Rabbit Fullbottle. "Maybe I cna use this sacred animal thing to see if it helps with the strange set up these Bottles have since there does appear to be animals or such with some combinations..." Harold msued in his thoughts, it was an idea but who knows what dangers surrounded the location of the Temple, especially if it was some Great Power which definitely warranted some caution.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be withdrawing from the RP and KHV as a whole, my reasons are of personal nature, I wish everyone the best of luck and allow any of my characters to be picked up until I return.
-Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "Dumbledore? Never trust that old coot." Harold said to Harry, his eyes turning serious. "It's likely he only gave you the sword of Godric Gryffindor because he thinsk to use you for his grand design of being seen as the monarch of the light or some drivel." Harold said as time went on by while repairs were being done and Marvelous giving a nod. "Looks all ship shape and ready, so, what's the plan?" Marvelous asked as Harold looked to Lily and looked thoughtful about her offer.
-Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "It's not gross, besides, I think everyone wouldn't think of it that way." Harold said and he was given looks, possibly silent questions why he looked so much like Harry Potter or probably if the Potter Matriarch was a two-timer or something. "Relax, I'm not drinking Polyjuice or anything, what you see is the real thing, the circumstances are just with probably an old friend of the Potter family before they probably had a falling out if the old codger's meddling is anything to go by since I am not sure if anyone attended Hogwarts, but basically, Dumbledore hears a Prophecy about someone being born near the end of summer and wanted to take them into protection but judging by how sore and angry he was, I'm guessing the Potters and Longbottoms weren't too keen on his idea of a protection house." Harold added, arms crossed. "So, he takes a hair from your son as a baby and well, using forbidden magics and other stuff, decides to grow his own little solider to learn stuff while being kept on a leash, luckily, his ego wanted him to learn more about how a Philosopher's Stone was made so he sent yours truly to a certain Alchemist as they were old friends and well he elarned what Dumbles did, oh man... he was furious and cut all contact with him, never seen those two who I looked to as actual grandparents being so terrifying." Harold said and chuckled. "Of course, I'm not sure what the relationship between us should be since technically, I am your son but at the same time, I was brought up by another family so I think I best leave that decision to you Miss Potter." Harold finished.
-Mann Co. Factory - Outside- "it's true from what Mister Potter says." Harold stated, arms crossed. "After all, I'm sure Missus Potter can give you the fact she never brought twins into this world, but you should of really directed that question towards Missus Potter than doubt the child, after all it was kind of unfair to ask that question to her son." Harold gestured to Lily.
~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~ "So you say, well, I'll let you muse in your own time." Harold said and left Samus alone and entered into the Galleon to check for any other individuals and he'd come across a familiar yet unfamiliar face, after all, he sees that face every day, it was his own but well, it wasn't on a mirror. "Oh Merlin... How is it possible we'd both be seeing each other out of many other locations in the world?" Harold thought, there was no point in hiding either, after all, it seemed like his family members caught sight of him.
~Mann Co. Robotics Factory: Outside~ Harold lowered his arms. "No need to share that particular story, mine involves a meddling old codger of a man who manipulates people like a chess board so he can make himself a saviour so nothing's lost there." Harold said with a shrug. "Anyway, I'd suggest you maybe have some time out to collect yourself, if I were you, I'd try out meditation and if things like that still trouble you, maybe take some mind defense classes like Occlumency which you can lock away stuff in your head so it doesn't mess with your head." Harold said as he raised hsi hand to tap the side of his head. "Comes in real handy when someone attempts to read your mind or dredge up any horrible memories, your mind is just as important as anything else." Harold said calmly.
-Gokai Galleon- "Seems like they retreated... Doc!" Marvelous called out Don as he got a affirmative. "Check the Galleon for any signs of significant damages and give me the report if we have to make repairs before we attempt to continue be on route to our destination." Marvelous ordered. Harold removed the Full Bottles as he allowed the transformation to cancel as he saw the Dial Fighter were making their way back to the Starcutter's Hanger and he crossed his arms in thought, looking on the deck of the Galleon as Mario and Luigi were on the Earth after beating the main boss down there and the one called Samus or something was still on the galleon deck, probably in awe of what the two Italians just did and Harold jumped down to her level and he almost got probably either a blaster or a gun when she likely heard the movement, probably thinking it was an S-Type that lagged behind. "Relax, if I were an enemy, I wouldn't think of attacking anyway, I'd be outgunned and outmatched considering the enemy just shown it knows when its beaten" Harold said, hands raised to show he was unarmed minus wearing the Build Driver on his waist. "However, I did notice you were fighting and now the enemy has retreated, I merely wished to check if you were alright since we were more or less allies in this battle."
-Gokai Galleon/Skies- Yuuki sa tin her cockpit and flipped the Ready signas her Dial Fighter rained bullets upon the small fry. "Dah dah dah dah! take that you flying mobs! I got this!" Yuuki said with a smile, enjoying herself as Harold lande don the deck fo the Gokai Galleon as S-Type Minions noted the new prey and he removed the Taka and Gatling Bottles before replacing them with new ones. "Ninja! Comic! Best Match!" as he then cranked the lever with the Snap Builder forming around him and sent from S-types flying as they did attempt to breach it "Are you ready?" The Driver asked and Harold answered. "Build up!" "Shinobi no Entertainer! NinninComic! Yeahhh!" The molds snapped on atop his HawkGaling form and was it was replaced by a new one as Harold wielded an unusual sword in his hand that looked bizarrely like a 4-panel comic blade as he pulled the trigger as four more clones of him appeared surrounding him. "Bunshin no jutsu!" as the charged forth, slicing and dicing the S-types. -Gokai Galleon: Inside- Marvelous gave Luigi a stare and fired behind him, shooting an S-type down. "Just don't slow us down." Marvelous said and walked through the inside of the ship, firing his gun or swinign his sabre at any S-types that crossed his path.
-Lor Starcutter- Harold stood in the hanger as he shook two Full Bottles before inserting them into the Build Driver "Taka! Gatling! Best Match!" The Driver announced before Harold begun cranking the lever as glass pipes appeared around him in a rectangular form as the liquids formed into half suits that would snap onto his body. "Are you ready?" the Driver asked and Harold spoke. "Henshin." Harold said as the suits smothered him, forming the Rider suit. "Tenkuu no Abarenbou! HawkGatling! Yeahhh!" Harold extending the wings and took flight as Yuuki followed suit on her own Dial Fighter, giving a whooping noise. -Gokai Galleon- Marvelous fired more shots at the minions and shoulder his Sabre, looking at the odds as it seemed like new arrivals had come, fighting the S-Types and one seemed to be pre-occupied fight as Marvelous spoke. "Don't be afraid to use your Keys... it's time to be showy!" Marvelous said as he brought out a Key. "Gokai Change!" as he Gokari Red changed to a new red suit. "Hurricanger!" as with the newfound ninja speed, with humorously a shadow battle with the S-types was occurring beind a one of the old wooden rice paper sliding doors you find in Japanese temples or something of that nature. Harold fle win the skies, firing his sidearm, the Hawk gatlinger and he cranked the elver again "Ready Go!" The Driver said as Harold spun the barrel. "10!/20!/30!/40!/50!/60!/70!/80!/90/100! Full Bullet!" as the Driver spoke again. "Vortex Finish!" as the Hawk Gatlinger's rounds begun to surround the airborne S-Types with a white energy spherical graph, trapping all enemies mid-air before firing at them with bullets that taken the form of energy hawks.
~Gokai Galleon: Main Deck~ Ater the unexpected attack, Marvelous fired at the minions attacked the ship with the Gokai Gun. "What an way to start a day." Marvelous said as he brought out his Mobirates. "Gokai Change!" as he transformed into Gokai Red, armed with his weapons and inserted a Ranger Key into his Sabre. "Final Wave~!" The sword stated as a the balded glowed red as Marvelous slashed through some of the minions and swung his sword, a crescent blade of red energy escaping it. -Mann Co Factory - New Mexico- "Huh, never knew that... Guess she gets chocolates for her birthday then, wonder how she'd take to seeing the Chocolate Frogs." Harold noted before Star Dream said the Gokai galleon was under attack and on likely on its way to plot an intercept course. ~The Capital - Police HQ~ Kiriko sighed and shook her head at Carter's flower comment. "You got a long way to go before you can pull that off Detective, I think Looker attracts people more with his mysterious aura." Kiriko off-handily said as she looked to their new arrival being well, another Carter. "Never thought we'd get an artificial intelligence assigned to our HQ, aren't those usually expensive or something?" Kiriko asked.
-Lor Starcutter- "Valentine's Day huh..." Harold noted the date, looking at his watch as Yuuki looked excited. "Ah it's chocolate day right!?" and Harold looked to her. "Well if you got it and have someone in midn to give it too, course, we're kind on the run so I guess no chocolate." Harold said and Yuuki pouted at that. -Nintendo High- Kasumi puilled her shoe locker open and out from it was boxes of chocolates as she took a step back to not get hit by any of them. "Oh really? What is it about me that guys like?" Kasumi sighed, rubbing a hand behind her head.