o. soeey mom! i didnt no!
why wuz this loked?
whos darksmile/ is he the biggest bro or sumthig?
i wanna be...uhm...i dunno i wanna be a twit tho
can i be the twit of this famly? :D my frend cals me that.
any1 no kindomglory7? he tol me to sho you sumthing. it sorta is stupid.
so u nust hang out. can i join?
uhm...what duz a fourm famly do? i dont have this on teh websit im frum
wuts a forum family. and whats a kadaj? is that a keyblade
kay thx. word
crup hes hard thx mokey!
Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-9535 Main Color (Optional): green and black Text: theyre comin but ill stop em! Matching Avatar: Yes thx in avancse
Your Username: This is where you put YOUR username on KHV so I know who to make it out to Signature size: 400x190 i gues Sig stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-12516 this thing. Sig Text: Theyre coming...but ill stop them Colour scheme:green blue ops. i ment to put in GodsBoy for usenrame
im new here to how do u put avatars in avatar area?
just to make better quality save it as .png. OH! Kglory says hi.
do you save it as a .png file? i dunno much about sig making but that's what i use.
how can i downlode your vids i am nuw so i dont get it.
i think darksmile cuz she invitid me 2 the kadij famaly
kingdomglory can i hav a sig plz. i am nub and cant make them i wz talkin to sumone and sed u wer gud
i like it as well i wann get a sig but i dun now how