ohm... can i have a larxel sig? o.o kg7 says i should get one! Oh and he also left me this message: "WHOOOO! GB IS MEH MESSENGERRRRRRRR!" i am... "...AND I want to say sorry to mom...It wasn't your fault! -hugs-"
ha? who is ha? oh and kglory says this: "SL, sorry but I had tuh leave! I may be back to help in the shop...You ARE the manager for now, mate! Pound it! -pounds it-" shop? u mak sigs? can i hav on?
kingdomlory7: "Macie! Tell everyone I think they ROCK! And Sora Lexa, you rock, PARTNER!" wut wuz the parnter think abut?
sor laex, wr u clos to him?
woo i fel speshal(sp) i cant type good. neone hear lik anime? good japan anime? liiiiike...i dunno...fma, inuyasha, naruto, tmm?
okay can i be a larxel przon? i wann make a muvie of it kglory is tho...
i will macie. he says "Seeya later, sis! And please....don't foget me! Because I know you won't! -hugs everyone in Kadaj Family!-"
wuts muskrat.
wuts larxel? is that a new org mem? is it thayt bald guy in sercte nding
he snt me a sig. ths une. how do i putt it in?
kglory7 is saying funee stuf to me...like tht picure of th chipmunk thin... is his.
whos macie? kg7 says to macie: this is cut and pasted: "Remember, Macie...Goodbyes take too long and never can be returned with an "again"...so let's just say...see you later...-KingdomGlory7! PS Thanks GodsBoy!" o an he says: "HI NAMINé!" and says: "Thanks for calling me Muskrat...-pouts-"
o kglory7 messaged me just now: gos to macie...whos macie?
o. who wuz it/
o whyd he leve?
no one ansered my kweston! who new kglory7 was he prt of tis?
who knew kglory? was he prt of tis?
i ment part of th famly.
was kglory part of this too? or did any1 no him elsewhere?
namine, yor font is lite blu...i luv it.