well, ians gone. ima head off the site for good too. peace out and nice meetin you all!
mmkay... I'ma go on MY account...since Hai---her...ain't on...be back in a jiff!
Thta's understandabible. Oh by the way...this is KingdomGlory! Came to check up on meh brothers and sisters...sadly...only one sis is on! Rawrz! I'm hacking my friend because he had to go to bed...hope I don't get banned!
i love dis family. anyone got pictures of themselves?
What post. i am now cnfused. I'ma see kg7 tomorrow!
BWAHA! PWNED! Roxas is a sucker!
ttyt he finished the video,,,its meesed at end cause o stupid wmm o by teh wayz i kno Hailee in real life too...SHE'S A BRAT!
Kurt is my name. i am ians friend...just foun out wht ian it was. ive nown him since brth basicly hes makin a larxel vid...whatever that is...
kg left long go. its ben kurt for while. jeeeeeeeeez
Omg! Thaat Roxed!
BUHAHAHAHAH! i luved thaqt comic! who misses kg7?
whas a unciorn?
CHARLIE THE OONICRON! i wan a unicorm
i dunno. i wonder what hes done now.
This is GB again... Wow...KG7 said weird things on my account!
putting in his sig for him...don't get TOO use to me. lol!
HAHA! GUESS WHO!? Kglory hacked this account!
Sorry...I went to McDonalds to get fries...then they mixed it up and stuffs x.x
he says hed die of embarrasment.... what a weenie >.>
yes thats hem. he is chekin in i gess. he says sumthin but says its kinda personal and not 2 say it...shuld i? >.>