then don't o.O "Not gonna get us" TATU. good song. -dances like a ******-
Anyways...seeya later all!
in othe wrds kglory7 left and wants to kno if peple can join his kadij famil?
Friggin sweet! Thought it looks ike Sora is trying to grab her butt >.>
it diiiiiid. o Ian says to join his site's Kadaj Famiwy...for some reason.
hey chuk norrs im kurt kglory lft us. now its me :D hes an idiot hum?
riftorsanji myspace is sanjiunwound. ima leave now...unless y'all got a reason i shouldnt
wuts huddle? im leaving this site but ian wants you all to no he has myspace
hes long gone. he said somthing about hurtin or sumthin.
ian gave me this account. its kurt. jeez he is stupid sumtimes.
this is his friend kurt.
Hailee was old reason...I don't care anymore. It was another girl...SF60 is right...
it wasn't Hailee. it was someone else...but I told you! IT'S MY FAULT! MY CHOICE!
I'll whack him upside the brain so he nos. jeez i don't think people care about him leaving
naw not you. he's hurting too many and hurt inside.
mmkay but I am leaving. no one cares bout that. nyeh. so is kingdomglory7 wo no one cares much about him? im new so i understand that....but kg? i thout he haded frends
you wont email him ever? thats sad. he says "it's okay. I understand. I hurt people more than I know...I left because of that, too."
by the way KG7 email:
ya im leaving too, girls...sorry bout this.