this sux im a leav soon
join the club.
my sis got food poison months ago anmd wuz pukin fro 4hours
mh? i thnik i sen him b4 is namine namine4.0?
huh. weerd. what's her husbands name?
o.o i see. she seems nice tho
shes that old? i thot she was his age or sumtin
why duz he like namine? why doesn't he just tell her or ask er out or anythin?
cya ive a qestion
boring now. ima leave sono
okay. he will talk you ther. he says so much bout you o.o is something...naw. lol anyone got ANY email?
namine, ian asks you to join him on myspace or msn or sonething. like, add him or sumthin.
add ian
im bored now. ima leave anyone got msn?
tmm is kewl its werid tho
yaoi sux ---ill stop ther anywayz ian is an emo idiot!
NAMINE! THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD! that was good subbing! That show is cool. Weird at times...makes the guys seem like girls or gay or something. I'm leaving cuz ian did. and ian had his reasos. u.u hes an idiot.
I hate yaoi >.> it sickens me how people base things on two scenes.
BAH! AKUROKU! KIIIIIIIIIILL -kills the relationship- BWAHAHA!
mhm. im leaving and just wanted to chek my pm box befor i left and said goodbye to peole...i mean seeya later >.>?