werewolf, kg says to scale your image down. or he'll do it for ya.
-dances to "no ordinary love"- AIN'T NO ORDINARY LOVE!
-dances like an idiot- weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
kg says: "Look at my sig..."
hey guys. ian wants me to check his acc for sec. brb
alright -gets ultima weapon gun- die.
*laughs* i mene *cries and laughs at sam time*
no wut bugs me? yaoi
Werewolf, kg says to scale your image to make it smaller cuz they super big!
hi people!
pff i dont get no hugs?
ian left a comint on it.
it autoupdated sum how o.O he changed the "Don't just fade away!" part what ya thnik?
seeya. he finishd a new namine sig.
he says: "No problem, making sigs a lot more now. Making a Naminé sig :D"
aw it's fin. i was jk anywayz. tmac rulz! kg says: "take it"
no one cares that kurrts back ian made this:D
-makes popping noise like donkey from shrek2- kehehhehehehehehe cheese
sup peeps? im bak for a sec.