-sits up against wall- im bored now. anyone got a peproni sandwich?
it was just a suggestion. didnt mean to piss ya off, dp
hihi allz! i was looking at sum sigs nad i thought they wer al good! 2 pointers: Naminé-maybe go over the white texzt with black, thought it IS good signature! Love it! Werewolf-kg said this before. SCALE IT DOWN! It's too big.
kg makes me sigs. he said hed get mine doner
I am godsboy! i am the prtoector of this family until kg comes back!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
brb all im here but not
bwaha. i ish back and boreder than evber!
o its naruto_uzu_kyubi@hotmail.com brb
-grabs all and runs inside- kg made me a new sig!
it is Kg he left a minute ago thoughz. HE MADE A NEW SIG:
KHCHICK! YOU STOLE IANS THINGY! -shoots with paintball gun- you weenie!
oi vay means....something in greek...i think....i duno wht it means. anywayz...kg says to use dark text on light backgrounds and on't put words on your "focal point" (ie Naminé)
he said he didn't wanna come back for while
Namine did you hear anything i said? -anime sweatdrop- oi vay -falls on ground dead-
hes my friend in real life lol
-is facefirst in ground- ow.
im bored now. no one shoots me at all. namine kg says to make text dark on light backgrounds
it's WAY too big