hmm sorry but nope. :/ Also i figured out that problem of mine so no need now. ^^ I left hacking. ^^"
Also can you do me a favor?After you download it and play it,tell me if your BBSFM ISO loads slowly like this:...
Anytime. ^^
well i just search google for the ISOs. ^^"
i doubt that would work. ^^" EDIT: It's cool i figured out how to fix it. :D
they are already at max. ^^"
[video=youtube;xnBHvvW5sXo][/video] Hey everyone,as you can see in the video,my game is loading really slow. :/ So can anyone tell me how to fix this thing?
Walkthrough (With SUBS) [video=youtube;s4NpCXKFuYg][/video] Playlist with Battles and Etc.
did and it's still loading slow. :/ EDIT: It's cool i figured out how to fix it. :D
hmmm,nope. :/ It didn't worked with Prometheus either. :/ The Clean(untouched) ISO doesn't work with Prometheus. :(
i record it using an emulator,plugins and etc. :)