Hmm well yup we can make the tools but for that we have to know C++ and the basic system for Kingdom Hearts 2 . ^^"
Hopefully is careyy ever decides to realease it's tools. XD
yup,that's true. :P
Lol,i didn't posted in a long time so i thought why not just make a video of them fighting with their selves and upload it. :P
Thanks. ^^
Hey guys,I'm gonna post the vid for all the possible Organization XIII Boss battles with their doubles here,so stay tuned to keep watching adding new vids here. ;) No: XIII Roxas: [video=youtube;JhbqOsSleSI][/video] No: XII Larxene: CRASHED ALOT No: XI Marluxia: [video=youtube;6bnw3ge59m8][/video] No: X Luxord: [video=youtube;a0hvWlHCKx4][/video] No: IX Demyx: [video=youtube;cUpVg_Jxfuo][/video] No: VIII Axel: [video=youtube;3vIVoRa3gEs][/video] No: VII Saix: [video=youtube;KErsSkVKhH4][/video] No: IV Vexen: [video=youtube;5vh2xKKCpI4][/video] No: III Xaldin: [video=youtube;fDDaTg-4X4M][/video] No: II Xigbar: [video=youtube;-1_kLOzpKn0][/video] No: I Xemnas(1st battle): [video=youtube;8Z8eViO5dl4][/video] No: I Xemnas(Final form): [video=youtube;iSmdT5yOzFA][/video] COMPLETE Soras dream about DW Keyblade Master: [video=youtube;bx9l8cLmx8c][/video] The Lingering Spirit Terra Vs Terra: [video=youtube;TkBQFzQZVLU][/video] Showdown In Throne Room: [video=youtube;DAbTC8vGxkk][/video] Disaster In Throne Room: [video=youtube;6hLQy7gt188][/video]
[video=youtube;ALBFenQAdQU][/video] Hey guys got alot of requests to reupload this video so,here it is again. ;) ENJOY.
Lol,i remember making my Sora into 8 weilder. XD
[video=youtube;WO5-m4plfP8][/video] Hey guys this video features the song from CUT BY SID.This video is a battle among the three friends,Ven(Roxas),Lea(Axel) and Isa(Saix).ENJOY. ;) KINGDOM HEARTS BIRTH BY SLEEP FINAL MIX BOSS BATTLES [video=youtube;YpaqF_Ua8rI][/video] [video=youtube;K13_8IXfAqM][/video] [video=youtube;Fi4Ycy4LuPg][/video] [video=youtube;vXe6fvYvlqM][/video] [video=youtube;AEMSjflBoC0][/video] [video=youtube;QG33IPBySpY][/video] [video=youtube;GIodfK6UApI][/video] [video=youtube;He02AZXq0ik][/video] [video=youtube;RPDRd8e4_9A][/video] These Battles are available for download here too.
lol kk sure,my msn has changed so add me here you can just manually write it,i'm sure i would understand it. XD
I forgot how to make the weapon target mods again. ^^"
The code will have to get rehacked totally.It's not that heard to make it yourself either.You just need master form with Antis model and replace master left hand with goofys hand.Thought it's a bit complicated but not impossible. ^^"
He's telling the truth,even a slight change can cause the code not to work.Best opion is that you make a dump of the game yourself and hack it and then test it like every other coders do.
Lol thanks,i'll upload it. ^^
haha that's cool. :P
hmmm well none here,what about you?
Yo,long time. ^^ Yeah i'm good,what about you?
Lol,that's great. XD
Good,what about you?
Yo. ^^ ......