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  1. Aurangzeb56
    Thanks Kuxir. Now just have to defeat Vanitas Remnant and No Name and hen i'll check on he play as Riku code.

    EDIT :
    Ummm okay weird.... Tried to port thew code, but Riku is in his Sidecar Stance mod and is unable to move or anything. o_O Kuxir were you able to make him move like normal?

    This is the code, but he is in his sidecar stance.

    Play as Riku (WIP)
    0 027F6A88 089B
    0 028220E7 00
    0 028220E8 00000000
    0 028220EC 00000000
    0 02822100 505F4548
    0 02822104 3030302E
    0 02822108 6D736574
    0 0282210C 00000000
    0 02822110 00000000
    0 02822127 05
    0 0282212E 0002
    0 00765205 8A
    0 0076554C 00010200
    0 02808ABF 13
    0 0283E758 575F4548
    0 0283E75C 30303000
    0 0283E760 00000000
    0 0283E764 00000000
    0 0284D840 0000077B
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 5, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Aurangzeb56
    Seems like an Animation or a texture mod(Can't remember exactly because its been so long), but the values in PS2 were basically reversed. For codes like these, you have to try both of the ways. Normal as well as reversed to find the code. But to be honest, i think the code is already present there. Just copy and paste the address thas getting showed on the same same address of the PS3 version.[DOUBLEPOST=1465128893][/DOUBLEPOST]Man the offsets are way different. I think because i converted the EUR version to US, maybe thats the issue. Anyway guys here are the rest of the codes I hacked for myself.

    Birth By Sleep Final Mix codes US

    Attack Modifier
    0 05069402 ??
    Magic Modifier
    0 05069403 ??
    Defense Modifier
    0 05069404 ??
    Fire Resistance Max
    0 0506940A 0000
    Blizzard Resistance Max
    0 0506940C 0000
    Thunder Resistance Max
    0 0506940E 0000
    Dark Resistance Max
    0 05069410 0000
    Synthesis Material & Flavor 83
    0 0506DE28 53
    0 0506DE2C 53
    0 0506DE30 53
    0 0506DE34 53
    0 0506DE38 53
    0 0506DE3C 53
    0 0506DE40 53
    0 0506DE44 53
    0 0506DE48 53
    0 0506DE4C 53
    0 0506DE50 53
    0 0506DE54 53
    0 0506DE58 53
    0 0506DE5C 53
    0 0506DE60 53
    0 0506DE64 53
    0 0506DE68 53
    0 0506DE6C 53
    0 0506DE70 53
    0 0506DE74 53
    0 0506DE78 53
    0 0506DE7C 53
    0 0506DE80 53
    0 0506DE84 53
    0 0506DE88 53
    Level 2 Finisher Full EXP
    0 05070150 0008
    0 05070158 07D0
    0 05070160 03E8
    Level 3 Finisher Full EXP
    0 05070168 270F
    0 05070170 0FA0
    0 05070178 1B58
    0 05070180 270F
    Level 4 Finisher Full EXP
    0 05070188 270F
    0 05070190 270F
    0 05070198 270F
    Level 5 Finisher Full EXP
    0 050701A0 270F
    0 050701A8 1900
    0 050701B0 270F
    Venus Level 6 Finisher Full EXP
    0 050701B8 270F
    Aqua Level 6 Finisher Full EXP
    0 050701C0 270F
    Battle Command 1-8 Full EXP
    0 0506941C 270F
    0 05069424 270F
    0 0506942C 270F
    0 05069434 270F
    0 0506943C 270F
    0 05069444 270F
    0 0506944C 270F
    0 05069454 270F
    Shotlock Command Full EXP
    0 05069464 270F
    Action Command All Full EXP
    0 0506946C 270F
    0 05069474 270F
    0 0506947C 270F
    0 05069484 270F
    0 0506949C 270F
    0 050694A4 270F
    0 050694AC 270F
    0 050694B4 270F
    0 050694BC 270F
    Super Glide
    0 05069470 01030900
    Super Air Slide
    0 05069478 00FF0900
    Well thats it folks. Also i'm using this Eboot by "slimozis" for BBSFM while playing it on US
    BLUS31460-[KINGDOM HEARTS HD 25 ReMIX] (Just search on google)

    If the codes don't work, download this fix and ONLY REPLACE THE BBS.SELF FILE from this fix. Codes might also work for the EUR with this SELF file.

    EDIT :

    Guys i attached my .NCL file to this post. i have ported the codes to the normal version for which you don't have to download the above mentioned FIX. Just download this file and change the extension from .txt to .ncl. then import it your netcheat and all the codes should be present. I have also added the codes made by Hiei-YYH to this NCL file. All the credit goes to Hiei-YYH for the codes hacked by him.
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 5, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Aurangzeb56
    I think the problem is that Riku is having Finals moveset, resulting in the floating keyblade. Rikus hand weapon mod also has the change to his hand for the keyblade to stuck to his hand. I'll try porting my code for this version as soon as I'll complete BBSFM. Also, I think the reason the game is crashing when you go to TWTNW, is because 2 Riku appear there at the same tim . Try using the party mod and switch the party for that world to Donald and goofy , or goofy and riku (The normal one).

    EDIT: I also noticed you gave Riku ally his final playable moveset. You can give him the normal move set as the ally one since that won't crash the game. Playable Riku needs Final moveset for not T-stancing.

    Also I gave Sora a shield and a keyblade like the warriors code from PS2 and they worked . I'll post those codes too after I end BBSFM. Probably have to re hack the whole code for the PS3 version since I didn't saved the warrior code and was just using it for testing and seeing if it would work in PS3 . :-P
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 3, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Aurangzeb56
    Nice work. :-D I gave Sora Alladins voice when I was playing the game. :-P To activate the voices of the characters, you have to go to that specifics worlds from which the characters belong from. In this case, you would have to visit TWTNW, to give Donald Rikus voice.
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 3, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Aurangzeb56
    Well the game ID for Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix is BLUS31460, and the game ID for Birth by Sleep Final Mix is ULJM05775. Both are for the US Region.
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 2, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Aurangzeb56
    Thanks Kuxir. Also i've hacked the codes for Super Glide, Finisher EXP MAX (Just get 1 point to unlock it),Action Commands EXP Full and etc. for Birth By Sleep Final Mix. I'll post them as soon as i end the game. Only Aquas story is left.
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 2, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Aurangzeb56
    Some codes for the game Birth By Sleep. I hacked them as I played them, though the offsets were way off than I expected. Anyway i tried porting Hiei-YYH codes to the US version, but since i didn't had the Japanese version of the game I was unable to port them. If anyone has a Japanese version of KH 2.5 HD Remix, make a dump and send it to me. I'll try porting them.

    Max Munny
    0 050704D4 000F4230
    Focus and D-Link Refill (Change Area)
    0 050693F2 00640064
    Character Level Mod
    0 050704DD ??
    Max HP Mod (Max 180 (B4))
    0 050704E0 00B4
    EXP Mod (Max 9999999)
    0 050693D0 00??????
    Arena Level Mod (Max 30)
    0 050704ED ??
    Hide HUD (Movie Style)
    0 04BA238C 00
    Command Board Total GP 99999
    0 05075A58 0001869F
    Command Board Opponents GP 0
    0 05075AA0 00000000
    0 05075A7C 00000000
    Max Medals 99999
    0 050704D8 0001869F
    Weapon Mod (Max 2B) (Change Area)
    0 05069405 ??
    Weapon Stats Mod (Equip Any keyblade you want, but get the stats of another keyblade) (Digits starts from 01,02,03 etc.)
    0 050704EF ??
    Super Jump
    0 05069468 00FA1C00
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, May 29, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Aurangzeb56
    Finally hacked it. Here is the 60 FPS code for the US version. Might work on the EUR version. Haven't tested yet.

    60 FPS
    0 020D1017 00
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, May 22, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Aurangzeb56
    Heres the room mod code everyone. The digits are in the attachment.

    Room Mod (Constant Write)
    0 00783382 XXYY0000
    EDIT: Just ended the game guys, these were some codes I ported from the PS2 version while playing the game.

    DW Sora
    0 0280E9CF 0A
    0 0284E678 575F4558
    0 0284E67C 30313000
    DW Anti Form (Drive into Wisdom)
    0 027F6A92 0059
    0 0280EBAF 0A
    0 0284E798 575F4558
    0 0284E79C 3031305F
    0 0284E7A0 554C5446
    0 0284E7A4 5F520000
    0 0284E7B8 575F4558
    0 0284E7BC 3031305F
    0 0284E7C0 554C5446
    0 0284E7C4 5F4C0000
    0 00775304 00000065
    0 007754BC 021F     ---->(Second Weapon)
    DW Wisdom Form (Drive into Wisdom)
    0 0284E6F8 575F4558
    0 0284E6FC 3031305F
    0 0284E700 554C5446
    0 0284E704 5F520000
    0 007752FC 0220     ---->(Second Weapon)
    DW Limit Form Normal (Drive into Limit)
    0 0284F6B8 575F4558
    0 0284F6BC 3031305F
    0 0284F6C0 4B483146
    0 00775334 01EA     ---->(Second Weapon)
    DW Limit Form Final (Drive into Limit)
    0 0284F6B8 575F4558
    0 0284F6BC 3031305F
    0 0284F6C0 554C5446
    0 0284F6C4 5F520000
    0 00775334 01EA     ---->(Second Weapon)
    Roxas and DW Roxas can perform Reactions
    0 0280EBBF 01
    0 02818ABF 01
    0 0285BB2C 003F00AC
    Dual Wielding Roxas Second Weapon Mod
    0 007754BC ????
    KINGDOM KEY MOD (Replace wih Dummies)
    0284D840 0000????
    All Growth Abilities Max
    0 0280514C 05050505
    0 02805150 050
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, May 13, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Aurangzeb56
    Profile Post Comment

    Exactly. :)

    Exactly. :)
    Profile Post Comment by Aurangzeb56, May 10, 2016
  11. Aurangzeb56
    Here are some more of the AP codes, though you have to constant write them on Netcheat.

    Slot 2 Max AP (Constant Write)
    0 02804C1F AF
    Slot 3 Max AP (Constant Write)
    0 028049B7 AF
    Slot 4 Max AP (Constant Write)
    0 02804E87 AF
    These are for the US version, but I think these codes will work on EUR version also (Since all the EUR codes as well as US codes are working for me).
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, May 9, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Aurangzeb56
  13. Aurangzeb56
  14. Aurangzeb56
  15. Aurangzeb56
  16. Aurangzeb56
  17. Aurangzeb56
  18. Aurangzeb56
  19. Aurangzeb56
  20. Aurangzeb56