I'd watch it. Every. Single. Episode.
I love watermelons. So refreshing.
Um. Freedom (that Katsuhiro Otomo OVA), Kino no Tabi, Serial Experiments Lain, Nichijou, Genius Party, Akira, Haibane Renmei, Millenium Actress, Birdy the Mighty, Read or Die, Mushi-shi, Paprika, etc. I can't think of anything else.
Andrew Bird - Plasticites
YACHT - It's Boring/You Can Live Anywhere You Want
What book are you on?
Laurie Anderson - O Superman (For Massenet)
I think Kingdom Hearts is a great Pixar movie.
I must be dyslexic. I'm still unsure what that thread was about. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangeeeeeeeeers.
At first, I thought of Radiohead. Then, it just became ridiculous.
I creeped you out for the rest of your life
I find you both equally great. =)
Aaw, geez. Maintenance. =(
Forsaken, I bought a jar of pickles. Is that what being a pimp means? =\
I have an intimate love relationship with eggs, but my heart has been scrambled knowing that she has been cheating on me with another egg that doesn't even look all that hot in the frying pan. v_v Please help me win back her beautiful sunny-side heart to my plate of warm love. =(
Aaw, that's so sweet! =D I'm not that great of an artist, but thank you for saying so! And don't cry! I will PM you back, don't worry! D=
I thought that was for a dare, not for a friendly act of appreciation.
Because .
Heyoooooooooooooooooo!! Kanra-chan desu!