No matter what they say.
Name: Abraham Rockwell Age: 16 Appearance: Interests: You have an absurdly huge amount of obsessions that you rarely show to everyone because of reasons even unknown to you. You do, however, have a great passion over JAPANESE ANIMATIONS and COMICS. How you love to read these MANGAS WITH OPPRESSIVELY DEPRESSING CHARACTERS, and watch ANIMATIONS THAT INFATUATES MANLINESS AND DIGNITY. You have also do have an interest among watching slice-of-life animes, like K-ON! and LUCKY STAR, though you tend to hide this fact as you feel it is too embarrassing, even though it is wide open to everyone you love these animes. You have the strangest hobby of LOOKING RIDICULOUS at the worst times possible. What? No, you do not really have the greatest mustache in the universe know to man. That is just a disguise you often wear almost everyday. You constantly make PUNS THAT ARE NOT EVEN HILARIOUS AT THE LEAST, which you are aware of yet still continue to say them. DRAWING has been your greatest interest ever since you were a child. Although, you constantly look down on your artwork. Nevertheless, you still find it decent enough to consider that you can draw. ChumHandle: pseudoIsolophilia Text Color: #4B0082 Typing Quirk: you try to type intelligently, but fail to do so, as you pause every single moment to just think of what you want to say. you have the strangest tendency to always put ._. in every post you have, it is not even funny. Strife Specibus: LANCE-KIND Personal Symbol: (will change it to something better.) Class & Power: Bard of Doom Guardian: FATHER
Nothing much changed. I'm pretty sure you mean Shiki.
I can participate, I guess. Have a lot of time to kill.
Merry Christmas AndrewTemari101. Spoiler I'm so sorry for this. I really really really am. I will scan it as soon as my most hateful scanner is un-jammed by tomorrow. Or another day. Spoiler Oh god, guilt is going to haunt me tonight. ._.
Happy Birthday, Llave.
Saya No Uterus thread?
I'm still wondering how to pronounce Zter. Is it Zeh-ter, or Zii-ter?
You guys do know it's from a hentai doujinshi, right?
Spoiler [video=youtube;J-BbzFVBXwQ][/video] It's like the good ol' WTF Boom meme again. Except backwards.
I think your avatar is at the right size.
I stole your nose a long time ago.
The Antlers - VCR (The XX Cover)
Up on melancholy hill, there's a plastic tree.
Posting here again, because I'm still interested.
I would want to watch your stream.
I heard people were hating on country music. B|
Jukebox The Ghost - So Let Us Create
I'm pretty sure that's not a slice-of-life. His and Her Circumstances. Nichijou. Azumanga Daioh. Strawberry Marshmallow. Lucky Star. Welcome to the NHK! Tatami Galaxy Kanon (the 2006 KyoAni version) My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute. Two/Three of them might not be considered slice-of-life, but they do have those circumstances of life.
Makaze is the best harem anime.