View attachment 33008
I think Pico is hot as hell.
It doesn't hurt to watch 17 episodes in a day.
You should stay.
I was expecting Jeremy Renner to be fat.
Sorry, I was absent for a few months, but I probably will have free time to spare this time around. May I join again?
You could spam the space bar right before the period or anywhere in the sentence to passby that rule. Like this . Or this.
Surprise me ?
LLAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I missed you guys.
Wild guess: Why did you ever think it was a good idea to post Mara in this site?
It really has been a long time, hasn't it? It feels really nice to see some familiar members around. Also, Whaaat. You were one of the coolest members in this site. How can I not remember you. Yeah, I'm terrible at portraits from imagination. I'm mostly terrible at noses, though. A little bit of both. It started out as a preliminary sketch in my moleskine sketchbook. It had more characters in it, but Karkat alone seemed to appeal to me the most. So I drew it again, with the flying red ball added. I missed you and all of KHV as well.
I am a god, and a tsundere.
Spoiler: These are huge images Ssssssssaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii.
I love those Kantoku designs.
It's like I'm really playing Mass Effect 3.
That's because nobody actually talks about you but yourself.
Exactly. Though, I don't want to end up like some of those comic book artists who draw their women literally posing to the audience in every single panel, acting like a bunch of strippers. I sort of took a break on that. Mindfang is too hot for me to handle. So I drew Jeanne d'Arc. Hot. Sure, I've got some time.
Sadly, yes. I work way better with a pencil, though. Frankly, I'm also not really sure what my style is at the moment. I just draw circles. Then lines.
Roses are red, Violets are blue. Omae wa mou shindeiru.