Placement holder for the list of what I will watch, since I'm too lazy to check the picture for what I would watch. Busou Shinki Moon Angel Boku wa tomodachi ga Sukunai UN-GO Guilty Crown Persona 4: The Animation Fate/Zero WORKING'!! Shakugan No Shana III Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam Lupin III Mardock Scramble: The Second Combustion Note for those who want to watch Fate/Zero, you still need to either read the VN, "Fate/Stay Night", which is the best option, or watch the series, which is not recommend for other reasons.
The Golden Girls.
Will you marry me? Don't worry, my body is better than a 3rd grader's.
Ah, no worries. Games are usually easy to quit most of the times. ....Sort of.
Kamijou Touma?
Everybody walked the dinosau- Aw.
If gaming market had apples, I'd buy my groceries from it.
I don't think you're using the word 'proxy' right.
[My house is on fire. What do I do?]
I'm pretty sure there would The World Ends With You characters in the 3ds game now.
The Flaming Lips - The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (The Twelves Remix)
Snake, do you like my sunglasses?
He should really take those stickers off his skin.
Oh hey, look.