imagine you can make any trap card turn into a quick-play spell card. Traps are traps for a reason.
Kuri- oh, right.. even they can OTK. Nvm. I think it's just the level of easiness your deck can achieve an OTK at. haven't really look through them in depth yet, but I must say.. your latest Joker seems kind of silly. Please nerf. There have been many times I've went across cards that would be pretty ridiculous if used on the first turn of the duel and from the hand. Joker is just too abusable even with his effect limitations, the way he is now. This is why I shall give it my disapproval.
Goblin attack force doesn't have 2k defense, I believe. nor does it special summon things and then give them all 300 atk. Captain america is the same way, except after you attack, not only does he resist destruction, but since he's in defense position, you no longer take damage from battles involving him unless someone does piercing damage. Black Widow and Hawkeye are still stronger than Cyber Dragon even without the extra special summon. I guess they could be accepted into the anime exclusive catagory though.. as for Assemble, it's still a +1 fill up your entire field with monsters. I would like a second opinion on this though.
Assemble, hawkeye, captain america, black widow, marco diaz, princess star butterfly, and star butterfly are still unaccepted until someone gives me a good argument why they should.
Welp, I was honestly being a bit generous with that one, but since you're giving it a no, I'll change it to a no too. Black Widow and Hawkeye currently stand unaccepted.
Marco Diaz is a monster with atk of 2000 while he can special summon cards from your hand your princesses which give him 300 atk boost while he gives them 300 atk boosts.. that's pretty OP already. Not just that, but he still has 2000 defense when he switches to defense position. Marco Diaz also does not have any limitations on his summoning effect. you can summon him any way and he can SS a princess from hand. It's not even limited to once per turn, giving you OTK potential like crazy.
Yeah, they're approved with the once per duel limitation. I would say only for non-random still as they're more powerful than monarchs. Like you said, monarchs are 2400 and both hawkeye and black widow are 2300; only 100 lower than a monster you can normally summon summon by tributing one monster. you can summon them for free if you control no monsters. Even Cyber Dragon only has 2100 atk and can only be special summoned like that if you control no monsters while your opponent controld at least one.
Marco Diaz, Princess Star Butterfly, Star Butterfly, Assemble, and Murica are unaccepted. The rest, I do accept..
a bit sick, so can't really focus on much right now.. but Yakumo does have a point. Murica is too strong since he has too high a stat total for a monster that can resist destruction of any kind. it's like Des Toy Chain Sheep but slightly different and can be normal summoned costlessly. Assemble is like A Hero Lives on steroids.. still feel like saying no to black widow and hawkeye as they equate a costless +1 field of 2300 atk x2 mons. Even monarchs can't summon that easily and their normal atk is 2300. I would accept those two for non-random though, but not for random. it's just too easy to swarm the field at no cost to you and still gaining a card off of it. The fact that they can overlay into an Xyz after they're done attacking is another plus. Copperman is okay since he can easily be destroyed before he can ever use his effect, unless you can't destroy a 1800 beatstick.. which I would say you'd probably lose anyway regardless of his effect activating to drop your opponent's cards. Even less or an excuse to not be able to destroy Copperman in non-random since you can choose whatever you draw. Edit: in conclusion, I accept all except Assemble, Murica, hawkeye, and black widow. Need someone to double check if I missed anything else.
All accepted.
I should probably start paying attention to later effects.. right now I'm just disapproving cards that have complete opponent effect immunity without reading whatever else they do, following the patterns. That last effect really was a surprise. Nice catch.[DOUBLEPOST=1424413201][/DOUBLEPOST] Your monsters are now Z-One tiered. Worse than my apocalypse deck.. you have unstoppable harpies feather duster to devastate the opponent's field, drop their hand at will, and can easily destroy everything else the opponent dears by sending a mighty bolt of Raigeki onto their lands. True despair. I would like them if those effects weren't so obvious, but would still otherwise disapprove them.
That makes all members of the CCG for the disapproval of Smokebomb's customs.
What have you done.. accepting those customs means he can raigeki the opponent's field.. there would literally be no skill involved. every turn, he can just go avengers assemble after summoning dodger dragon and he would win that turn's battle + leave the opponent with basically nothing they can do against him in the later turns because they can't destroy his monsters by any means.. or inflict damage. he's pretty much invincible.
Indeed it should be banned. Well, unless Jaden sees it as still the first turn.
That card isn't of OCG or TCG. We don't usually do manga/anime/video game exclusives. I guess since it does exist though, there's no reason not to ban it..
Plays heroes>robs others.
I propose a ban on Gateway of the six as it gives the opponent the power to infinite loop the opponent's deck turn one so they deck out during their first draw phase via Number 104 looping and sending their entire hand to the graveyard with Ouroboros.
In addition to that, I wasn't even drawing my usual hands, in which case I would have summoned 2 4k beatsticks and some other monster on the first turn. There would have been little to no room to do anything before taking OTK damage.
This card shuffles mons into the deck every turn. You're going to run out of cards to shuffle and be unable to use it entirely. activating it requires 5 DHD monsters in the grave too. Unless you can set that up every turn, there is no reason that getting its effect each turn for free is an issue. You get your card for the turn as normal with the danger of it being negated as well. This card requires you to have three banished DHD monsters. Quite hard to do consistently and is a net 0. it also has an LP cost. So basically you gain on average 1k LP per turn. There are things that would make you quit yugioh if you think that's broken. -2 + 1 = -1 You don't gain anything from doing that.. your monsters are costly to summon anyway.. it'll be unpractical to go waste material just to -1 to alter your draw to DHD spell of your choice. Double summon for DHD that costs you draw to do. You probably wont be using this much. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember, DHD are costly to summon and traps are going to destroy them. These spells wont be saving anyone.
There are cards that negate cards in general. relying on wiki for such information is not a good idea.