you drew from pot of greed? impossible.
So many D's! What manner of man are you? I guess we've found our.. Spoiler ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My Raidraptors are greater than all of you combined and none of you shall stop me! Bahahaha!
All Accepted.
Okay, both Joker and Spiderman are accepted.
Why is Hulk not level 8? Also, can you explain what you're thinking this neutrality act is? My sources are telling me different than how you're explaining it.
I don't think this is SOPA.. this is the neutrality act where is passed, internet service providers can't charge more for internet trafficking. Like.. they can't charge a streamer of a game more than someone who just serfs Youtube despite them sending more information than the guy serfing youtube.
Screwed if it doesn't pass, or..?
hmm.. baning Exodia would make sense in that situation.. I was thinking like how we have it now. too many if left at all 3s, too few if all limited. Anyway, that was my original argument. Nightwing is indeed a weaker card than Robin.
Indeed Nightwing is fine. It's just that Robin equates to Pot of Greed in terms of the pluses, and you know why we limited that... Right now, Robin is splashable. He can be used in many equip decks. I just proposed the Only Search Archetype Equips thing so that he would both be unsplashable and makes more sense overall. Would Robin pull a megamorph from another world because he felt like it? I don't think something that random would ever happen in his world.[DOUBLEPOST=1424743008][/DOUBLEPOST] upgrading is a -1 and Robin was the one searching. Would you ban exodia because there were too many draw cards?
1700/1500, sure it's stronger in terms of stats.. but Robin with only a 300 difference in atk and 200 difference in def searches any equip and can be normal summoned unlike what I assume to be its alternate form. Nightwing doesn't even stop monster effects that activate when destroyed by battle and whatnot.. and who would activate any traps during the battle phase against the attack of a 1700 atk beatstick unless they were about to lose anyway? Surely, that effect combined with its atk/def total cannot be compared with Robin's effects and stat total.
Also, to be honsest, the guy who can only be special summoned by tributing robin is weaker than robin. doesn't really make sense..
Perhaps make it search specific Vigilante equip spells. That way, Robin wouldn't just pull a random Axe of Despair out of nothing and act as thought that was normal.
Both accepted, although Robin I'm worried about a little.. United we stand OP with the swarm power.
Accepted, but need the votes of one more to pass.
Hm. Once per turn restriction. Powerful, but too OP. I accept it.
Oh, right.. There's that.[DOUBLEPOST=1424639229][/DOUBLEPOST] Wait.. The Joker is also a level 4 with no summoning restrictions? Wow. That's even worse. You don't even need harley.
pot of greed>harley quinn>Joker>appropriate>dark world dealings>*hand 5*>dark world dealings>*hand 6*>Dark wold dealings>*hand 7*>hand destruction>*hand 8*>hand destruction>*hand 9*>hand destruction>*hand 10*>card destruction>*hand 11*.. if you don't use broww. if you use brow, your hand becomes 14. If you further go and use the beginning if the end, your hand becomes 16 and your opponent would may still only have 5 cards in their hand. Seeing your deck is most likely DARK, you're probably going to be able to use The Beginning of The End anyway. We can count out the browws and you'd still have hand 13. Well, 12, with the new rule of whoever goes first skips their draw phase. Regardless, you can probably use two beginning of the ends seeing the amount of cards you dropped getting your hand that high.. Assuming you can use triple beginning of the end, you'd end up with a hand of 16 excluding broww. All you have to do after that is gryphon wing, set 5, and watch as your opponent tries to get over 5 face-downs and then next turn you still have 7 cards in hand. Note that you would have to drop 4 cards during your end phase if you just do the above, but you can easily find ways of doing whatever you want with 4 cards like burn your opponent or summon some more monsters. But yeah, the Joker allows one to fill literally every card slot on your side of the field and still have 7 cards left to burn next turn.[DOUBLEPOST=1424637977][/DOUBLEPOST]
In some cases, certain traps would need to be banned from the non-random game if you want Joker to be legalized.