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  1. Mexony
  2. Mexony
  3. Mexony
    Profile Post

    I see you... hey. =}

    I see you... hey. =}
    Profile Post by Mexony for Aura, Oct 22, 2008
  4. Mexony
  5. Mexony
    Yosha, that was a very good beginning. What drew my attention were the letters. Seeing how the story is going, I'm looking forward to reading more of this. Keep up the good work. But...not to be a pain but it looks like you rushed through it in the beginning because there were spelling mistakes. But I don't blame you...happens to me alot too..( no one points it out for me...hehe) But overall, it's all good.

    If you don't mind... I'd like to join also.

    user name: Mexony
    OC name: Mexony Isavai Hafitle
    what he/she looks like: Dark brown hair,tied in a pony tail. Maroon eyes, scar on neck. Tan-ish skin. White sweater, skinny ripped jeans at the knee, stripe socks. Earring on the cartilage?? ( not sure if it's spelt right)
    attidued: Quiet, Smart and Dumb at times. Gives out opinions...sometimes. Sneaky. Mental at times.
    weapon(that will come later in the stroy): fifty centimeter sword, with sharp blades at the sides ( like a knife) a buckle wrist band. ( tied around when holding weapon)
    bad/good: Bad. (Tehee)
    where does he/she come from: Was born in the East of Karo's location. Raised like normal ways. Kicked out the house at the age of twelve.
    She's now seventeen, trying to get some revenge from getting kicked out. She see's no reason in being kicked out of her home. A starved child, will do anything now for money, a home or sitting object.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. Mexony


    My dad's like that's cute to watch him ( in my opinion) But yeah...I used to be one too...T_T.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony

    Windy day

    A fun poem I came up with. I see this in a boy/girl's image. At a very young age.

    Windy day

    I wore my hat, my coat and my backpack.
    All ready to go to school.
    But when I looked out the window...
    I saw...
    The wind, the leaves, the trees...
    And plenty more.

    I took a deep breath and held the knob.
    Turned it 'round until it made a "click" sound.
    I said my goodbye's before I left off.
    Stepped outside..boy what a rush!

    A gust of wind hit my cheek.
    The leaves flying like they were surfing.
    The trees blowing, almost as if they were dancing.
    As for me... I was freezing!

    I took a few steps and felt a chill.
    Never thought the day would be this windy.
    I looked around and saw some other residents, walking up along the sidewalk.
    Most of them were walking to school.

    I joined in, I didn't want to be late.

    As I walked and walked.
    The wind blew harder and harder.
    Almost as if it hated me.
    I shrouded in my coat, hiding my mouth.

    I wanted to breath out, and let my warm breath reach out.
    Only for warmth.
    That's all.

    From what I've experienced, the weather was windy.
    Although I don't read the news.
    That doesn't mean I shouldn't dress appropriatly.

    Thread by: Mexony, Oct 21, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Mexony
  9. Mexony
    Sweetness! And by aced it's good? Nah, I'm just teasing. Congrats * gives mountain dew* -_-...I know you.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Mexony


    Easy? Now that I think of sounds easy. You need a complicated one =].
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mexony
    I've read in once in a shonen jump magazine( which my friend gave me). It seemed pretty interesting. I'll probably watch the anime.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Mexony

    ...hehe, mountain dew.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Mexony
    That was good. I kind of laughed through the whole way when reading (probably because of your other fictions) Keep it up. :)
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Mexony
    Well, here's my entry. Not my best but I like it.


    _ ___ ____________________________________________________
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  15. Mexony
    KHRtE: Thanks everyone for the support. May be the wrong place to post this but...for KHRtE members, I've been putting the story on a hold. Due to my suprise I'm putting ( might as well) a combo chapter. I haven't started because I'm working on my Scrapbook, yes.

    SoS: I'm glad you all enjoy the story, I'll be continuing this story until I've reached the end of my ideas for this story. I appreciate the fact that members like the stories I create. Contains some bad got me into the mood.

    Son of Sora: Chapter 2.

    What my teacher is saying it possibly true? No... the only war I know is me and my grandma's! But what ever my History teacher is saying, sounds innocent. Damn, she get's me all the time.

    I raised my hand, hoping she would notice me. I had a question. The History teacher turned her head, she gave me a smile and nodded me me. " Yes, Katsurou?" her smile was so warm. It made me feel a little nervous.

    " Um miss...who were these warriors? Also, why is there such thing of an anniversery?" It had to be let out. I could hear some students starting a conversation and others gasping. But all this was true. My History looked up to the ceiling and then down.

    " That's a good question. The warriors were mostly male but there were females. Now exactly were five or over. It was like a huge group but small. But they sure did fought their lives to save us. Some of you were very young at this time. This anniversery is to remember the brave warriors who fought. If they hadn't have won then we wouldn't be alive at this time." my History teacher had a serious look. Perhaps she experienced it or... someone related to her had fought. Everything it very confusing to me.

    " Miss, do you know the name of some warriors?" asked a student, sitting in the back of the class. His think glasses on and messy blonde hair. She nodded.

    " I can name only two. Sora and a female. I do know her name but can't remember properly. It starts with a K though, sorry." I felt a shock in my heart, it was like I knew this person. But never met. I wish I knew more about this war. If I did, I could learn so much.

    * * *

    In the afternoon, I've asked my grandma permission to stay at the Library after school. She laughed at me and accepted. Telling me that I need to experience many more things.

    I walked down the aisle of books. All lined up, alphabetically by last name. If I ask the librarian about the war then she would direct me to the aisle. But no, I enjoy hunting the book then being brought to it. Annoys me.

    " Your Katsurou... from Math class?" asked a soft female voice. I turned around and saw a Ami. The girl I cared for but never noticed me, now...oh joy! She had dark brown hair with tiny maroon streaks. She had black eye liner, heart earrings. She wore...well, her school uniform. I nodded to her, hesitated for a moment. I have never spoken to her outdoors except for a group assignment.

    " Yeah, that's me." I said, heat was rising up in my body. She smiled and walked up to me.
    " What are you doing here in the Library? I hardly ever see you in here." That suprised me.
    "Well, I'm here researching about the war that happened years ago." Ami needs to know this, she might know. But the other reason is because I like her, alot.

    " Oh, the war. It's sad but yeah. I know where the books are, stay here. It may take me a couple of minutes because it's on the second floor." Ami gave me a rosy smile and skipped off. Cute. I stood and examined the books standing on the shelf. All about the history of hearts. It could give me information but only the heart.

    " Hey, Katsurou. What's happening?" I jumped, startled. It was Alex Nileshite. He was captain of the soccer team, many more. I gave him a wave. He looked at me, his eyes frowning. " So...what were you doing with Ami?" he stomped closer to me. Oh gosh. I may like her, but she isn't single. She has a boyfriend. The one standing infront of me is her boyfriend. Great. He'll probably beat the cra-

    " Listen buddy, I don't want you near my girl!" Alex growled, he grabbed me by the collar. He then dragged me over to the wall, and pushed me against it. My back and head hit the wall, the sound echoed. " I didn't do anything!" I said, it was true. Well...I'm just tricking him.

    " Yeah right! You're trying to get to her. Anyone who interfere's with my girl get's a beating! Like you. You don't even know what it's like to get beaten up, try not to. My gang and I don't want to ruin your face." He coldly said. That made me mad, ruin my face? His insults are nothing but crap.

    " I'm not getting to Ami. She's just a girl I know in Math class. If you ruin my face then you'll see what'll happen to your face, ptut!" I spat at him. My spit hitting his right cheek. I was so pumped up with my short speech that I haven't realized what I've just done. Alex wiped the spit off and then pulled me by the collar. He was dragging me to...the exit!?

    Aw man! I was done for. Alex kicked the door opened and dragged me. I tried to hold back, but damn was his strong. No wonder he was captain.

    " What're you going to do? Take me to the fair? Tell me your feelings?" I was teasing. Alex gripped on my collar tightly, he glared at me. As he dragged me, we met a dark alley. Dead end. He threw me to the wall and punch his fist into his palm.

    " Why so serious dude?" I laughed a little, he would'nt possibly beat me up.

    " Shut up." he said. His punch raised, with a swing-

    * * *

    " Quick moving Katsurou!" hollered the old woman. My grandma. I had a bruised eye, scratches on my arms, legs. Bruises on my back and neck.

    " It's your fault for getting in this mess! I'm not letting you go to the Library no more! If this is what your saying then hell no!" she said. My grandma stood up, finally finish bandaging me. I was sitting on the stool, it hurts to move. My grandma walked over to the counter, opening the cabinet. I watched her take something out. Watching, she opened the small box and pulled out a cigar. WHAT? Reaching to her pocket, she pulled out a lighter. Moving her finger quickly, a tiny flame came up. Already my grandma had the cigar in her move, she moved in closer until the flame touched the cigar.

    " Grandma what the hell!?" I was suprised, I had never seen my grandma smoke before. Unless... unless she was hiding it from me or I never seen it. She looked at me, putting the lighter away. She used her two fingers, the cigar inbetween her middle and index finger. She blew out an air or smoke, in the color of blue and dark gray. The atmosphere was beginning to smell bad. The form of liquir and other alcohols involved. This was such a nasty smell.

    " What're you looking at? What? You suprise that I smoke?" she raised an eye brow, her bored eyes and wrinkles. I nodded.

    " Grandma, you could get lung cancer, have a disease!" I was pointing out the facts. Haven't she ever thought about the consequences!?

    " So? I'm old already, I'm near my death. Old people don't live long kid. Katsurou... you don't have to be suprised. Besides, the cigar to me it sweet." She put the cigar back in her mouth and walked off. Her slippers dragging on the floor. It made an annoying noise, like sandals walking on the wooden floor with sand on top.

    " Sweet?" I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the pack of cigars. I examined them, they were plain but the original. No wonder she never let me take out her garbage. She's hiding things from me. I grabbed the stool over and stood on it. Looking in the cabinet, I wanted to see what else she was hiding from me. Great, alcohol. A bottle of wine, great Sicanders beer? What is she doing? Trying to kill herself. But...I'm curious. What did it taste like?

    I opened the pack and took out a cigar, it felt some odd. It was like wraps of hard tissue with such a mineral end. I opened the drawer below and saw a lighter. Heh, my luck. I slipped on hand quickly and then saw a flame. I put the cigar in my mouth and moved in closer for the flame. There it goes. The flame touched the end of the cigar. Right away came a heat inside. I put the lighter away and felt a rush in my mouth. I then felt it covering my whole mouth. Obviously, I did the same like my grandma did. I took the cigar out of mouth and coughed out the smoke. It tasted so nasty, it was like the black crust inside your mouth with gasoline. my opinion.

    Post by: Mexony, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. Mexony
    That was a very good chapter. I really enjoyed it, it's decription was very well done. I'm looking forward to more of your work, Shades.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    You're 13 now? ( no clue..) and theme song? Sweet..wonder what it'll be.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Mexony
    Thanks everyone, changing the date, I'll probably have the new chapter next week or in a few days. I'm currently catching up on KHRtE. Thanks for the comments, really appreciate it.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    Sweetness! Yesterday there was a party at my place and there were so many drunk people o_O. But...yay Shades club.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Mexony
    I'd like to join, seems fun. *thumbs up*
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families