The move scared me alot... I kept having bad thoughts. Scariest movie I seen and won't again is Wrong Turn. Watched it when I was six or seven...and they told me it was a good movie. T_T
1. Sobbing friends who don't get over their stupid boyfriends. 2. Sibling problems. 3. Fights 4. Force 5. Seeing Love all over me, god it's annoying. 6. Not being able to be alone 7. Being annoyed. 8. Getting a lecture. 9. Friends vs. Friends 10. Holding up all the emotions.
Heat it up. Daa daaa.......-_o
And what do you mean by...impossible? o_O? Nah, just kidding. Anyways, because I had some little free time, I decided to post up Chapter three. Enjoy. Son of Sora: Chapter 3. Today was the weekend. I finished all my chores that my grandma had asked me to do. Now, there was nothing to do but lay around the house. But there were two options: Go to my room and research the war, or go out and find Ami's house. Ha! I'd rather go search for Ami's place, she's cute and smart. Quickly, I hopped off the couch that I was sitting on. Looked at my wrist watch, 2:34 p.m. Good enough. I have the only day to go search for her place. Maybe... I'll go to a small gift shop I saw the other day and buy myself a small box. No reason. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I looked up, the day was getting dark. And you know what I did the whole time? I was walking and happen to see a Pet Shop. Fricken' spent two hours there! I'm ashamed of myself. But whatever, least I killed some time for fun. " Now... if only Ami was here then- oh. Great, there's my luck." I smiled. There was Ami, wearing a white sweater and skinny blue jeans. Her brown boots. Ofcourse it was quite cold but...ah , nevermind. I began to head straight for Ami. Her nice hair hanging down, so nice. " Hey, Ami." I gave her a wave. I saw Ami, she looked up at me and gave me a warm smile, but then immediantly changed her mood and gave me a stare. " What?" I asked. Ami took her left index finger out and pushed it against my chest. " I went searching for the books on the war. When I came back with loads of books, I just saw my boyfriend sitting on the table reading a fictional book. Where were you? I thought you and I were going to read the books together. But my boyfriend had told me that you left off to do something else." Ami sighed. That was a total lie, the guy got jealous and pushed me out the Library and beat the crap out of me. How could Ami be with that guy and not me? I'm good looking too... but bad at being leader. " Ami, I never left," I had to tell the truth. Ami needs to know about her damn boyfriend. "Alex got jealous of you talking to me and decides to beat me up." " After the words you said!" " I did say some rude things but I never beat the crap out of him or got him jealous!" Now Ami's just acting ridiculous. I thought she would believe me. " Sorry." I muttered.
That was good, skittles. A few mistakes but it's all good. But there's one question... how did I scare you? *curiousity* Oh, thanks for adding me in your story, enjoyed the whole way. Keep it up, looking forward to your next chapter.
I have never kissed another, but I know I kissed my daddy for bye's and goodnights. ( God I'm a dork) =D
That was good, really liked it. Keep it up.
Hehe, thanks. *pokes*
I'll show a piece of me...hand. I was playing withmyself for a couple of minutes before I left to go out somewhere. Nya...
Thanks for the comments, members. I really appreciate having my story noticed.
Good..just about to log off...going to bed. You?
I suggest that you return it and get a normal PS2 memory card. It works for my PS2. You can get them at BestBusy, HMV or EBGames. ( From what I've seen in the stores I walk in once)
If you saw three muffins on a table...which flavour would you describe the middle?
Xephos...I see you.
Sweet...thanks:D *pokes*
That was truly good. I really liked it...good job. With it's word I see some images in my head...use of imagination. Keep it up..looking forward to more of your catchy work.
How you doing? Oh...sorry for no chapters... making a chapter's (yes chapter's) suprise. :)
I just want to let you know...I'm sorry...never meant to be late for the chapter.'s a suprise I'm doing. Forgive me. So...what's up?
Xaale... I need to catch up to your username colour. I want to get to 1,000 goal for kh-vids. But..hey. What's happening my friend?