Thanks for enjoying the chapter. More will come soon.
I got mines from the book store Chapters.
I only have the Spring, but from the looks it's awesome. Mark Crilley's work is sweetness.
Sorry it's short, I didn't have much in my head. Thought I leave a cliffhanger.Enjoy, I put alot of sweat to this! Nah, I'm just kidding. Well hope the chapter is good. Son of Sora: Chapter 4 Ami took a deep breath, sucking all the air in. I could tell that she was probably thinking about it or just being a chicken. No offense. I looked at her and then looked away. It's hard to look a girls sometimes. Almost like they're about to cry of confess to you and then cry. " I don't believe anything that you're saying." Ami finally said, after a moment of silence. I looked at her in disbelief. She shrugged and turned her back on me. Now she just turned the damn fire on. How could she not believe me. I clenched my fist and gave one glare at her. " You should believe what I'm saying." " But I don't, Katsurou." Ami quietly said. " You don't believe me?" " No, not at all. Alex would never do such a thing." " Alex is crap. Your boyfriend is crap." " He's not crap! It's peer pressure he's going through! Luckily, he has me to support him!" Ami raised her voice. " I don't belive. He only likes you because of your look. Not what's inside of you" My voice began to struggle. Don't say a guy's going to cry? Better not. " He loves me, Katsurou. You... you don't. You just hate me because I'm with him. Which're jealous of me!" Quickly I turned around and placed my hand on her shoulder, turning her around. Her red cheeky face, facing mines. " I am jealous. Jealous you're with him. Why not me? I'm a good guy-" " Not today." " I'm mad, though." " So?" " There's my reason." " I don't believe you." Ami sighed and stormed off. I couldn't believe what just happened to me. Being rejected and told I'm a liar. It makes me feel like a bad person. Heck, I should feel bad. I just embarassed myself. I grabbed the hood behind me and pulled it over. I felt bad. Put my hands in the pockets and began to walk alone. * * * Days have already passed. I'm going back to school. But I'm too scared. What if Ami catches me walking by her. She could have Alex near her and she could just tell him what happened. Or maybe she already did. Hope not, I don't want to recieve other bruises. I still have marks on me. " Katsurou, get out of my house and go to school. It's fricken ten o'clock!" she yelled. Man, grandma was right. After taking a good look at my wrist watch, it was ten o'clock. I was late for like...two hours! I swung my bag on my back and slipped my feet in my shoes. I then walked over to my door and pushed it open. I walked out, there I was, standing in the hallway. Suddenly, I felt a weird wave pass by me. " What the?" I dropped my bag. Maybe something was burning-but, I didn't smell any smoke. I quickly walked down the stairs, leaving my bag behind. I turned and saw my grandma sitting on her rocking chair. The chair she sits on when she's going to read or listen to the radio. I saw her. Her head bobbed down, her body not moving. She dead? No, she just called me a few minutes ago. Or maybe she's sleeping...but, her body isn't moving. I hear nothing. I approached for her. As I reached, I stretched my hand out. Almost about to touch her. My fingers reached out, I tapped my grandma lightly on her shoulder. I figured she would jump or wake up but there was nothing. No movement, sound...nothing. I then heard a thump. It sounded very close. I spun around and saw a black thing. It jumped at me. I fell back, the back of my head hitting the hard wooden floor. I kicked my feet in the air, hoping the nasty thing would get off of me. The black thing jumped off and raised it's hand. I looked at it, it was small- also had yellow eyes! What's that supposed to mean? I sat up and saw the heartless, it's hand swinging forward to my face-
Where I got mine was at an asian mall. Pacific Mall. But where you live, you could probably get them at some Anime cons or go online to Ebay.
I have no idea but usually I'd like to hear the good news and then the bad news.
I'm abit late but I wore a RBK black sweater and a cow mask my dad bought. My first time wearing a costume...never will forget that day. Mooo
I go to Public school. Kind of bossy at my school, very strict. I'd like to go to a Private school.
The beat behind it sounds cool. It's odd to see it reversed. But pretty interesting, like a story being told backwards, giving out hints.
Yeah I've noticed that. In my school I was see a couple of students that used to be my friend, all of them flirting around being snobby and stuff. Disgust me. Most of the boys are like that in my school. The girls in my school envy them snobs, I find it stupid.
Both of them. They both went back at eachother, it's like badminton. Where the birdie keeps flying back and forth.
Never, have I been interested in video games or television. But the music of Avril Lavigne, I loved her music. So I heard of the website Youtube and went on and searched for Avril Lavigne. I went over 14 pages, ( some of the videos were bad quality). I saw a fire in the middle and four people gathered, their marbles out. ( Hayner, Pence, Olette and Roxas. It kind of looked like they were around a fire but there were sitting on the edge of the tower) So I clicked on it, watched the KH amv. Suddenly I began to like it, so every time I got a chance to use the computer I would search Kingdom Hearts. I was interested in KH. Ask my mom for a PS2 she said on Christmas. But an month before December, I took 50$ out of my piggybank and went to EB Game. In search for a new game to play, then I saw Kingdom Hearts. Bought it and read the instructions. Month later, I started playing it. My eyes were glued to the game. Now, I have action figures on my shelf, all the mangas of Kingdom hearts, kh shirt, axel plushie. Yeap. The games good, I play it still. Make a new file everytime I beat the game.
Today... I'm just handing out candy to my friends...I'll be spending my halloween at home, playing Animal Crossing. Anyways, I made a poem about halloween, you know...trick or treat ;) I kind of...rot at these poems when it comes to weather and holidays. Trick or Treat Today's Halloween, What a wonderful day! I'll be in my costume with a bag in my hand. Walking to each and every house. I will knock on the door and ring the bell. Wait until somebody comes then I'll say... Trick or Treat! They shall smile and take some candy in their hands. Drop it in my bag and give me a wave and say, " Happy Halloween" I'll nodd an wave and walk next door. Walk on their porch and knock on their door. A scarecrow jumps out the bush and I make a scream. The scarecrow will laugh and say, "Happy Halloween!" I give out a sigh and continue to the door. Then ask for some candy. All night I'll see children walking in their costumes. Each of them holding bags in their hand, filled with great goodies. When I go home I'll empty my bag. Have the candy's poured on my bed. I'll count how many I recieved. Then have them for myself and whisper to myself. " Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween" Pumpkin I look at my pumpkin it was so small! Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I have to get the smallest. I wanted to get a big pumpkin to make room for the face. But my mom said that she didn't want to see me cut myself. I grabbed the short knife and punched it through my pumpkin. I swear it was small. Even the knife. Why did I have the get the smallest? My brother noticed me and walked over. He held a big pumpkin in his hand. Bigger than me! " I'll let you carve mine." he whispered. I smiled and then frowned. " What about you?" He grinned and nudged me. I cracked a smile " I'll teach you have to carve this one... instead of this little peep." I set my pumpkin down and sat infront of him. " When you're finish it'll be apart of halloween"
I say L. =)
Yeah that's how I felt also. *sips water*
Very good chapter, Shades. Really enjoyed. Through out the reading process, I laughed at some lines you made. Really like this chapter, looking forward to more. Keep it up.
Yeah...I just realized that just now. Thanks for letting me know.
No. I live in Canada. R is review or I forgot the other one.
The only time if it's bad is a D or lower. Never... do I want to recieve another R. Although, I'm getting A's and B's at this moment. If I ever got a C then they would give me a " Meh, you could do better." If it's a D then yeah I get a lecture of how I should pay more attention or ask for help, they told me teacher won't bite me but truthfully, I don't really like asking for help. Confuses me.
Hades... didn't know how to move quick enough. I was still a beginner. But now that I look back, he's easy...