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  1. Mexony
    Well, I've been practicing for a while...think I've gotten better.

    Thread by: Mexony, Nov 10, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Mexony
    I'd say Alternative, it seems to get me in the music mood.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 10, 2008 in forum: Music
  3. Mexony

    I'm in the middle. One is 11 and the other is 18. I'm 13. I don't tell me parents about anything much, I keep it all mostly to myself. My parents know alittle of this, and they do the best that they can like...trying to break a fight. They tell me to split if I fight with someone, it kind of helps.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 10, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Mexony
    Yeah... very unusual that I tell my fights on this website...

    Anyways, it's between my siblings. I don't know what I do or say but they get pissed off at me. Not sure why but it hurts me. And one of them comes at me and hits me hard. Whatever I say seems to get them mad at me and start cursing me, telling me how stupid I am. They always get to me, whatever they throw at me affects me, but I won't show them but bite my lips and look at them with a " I don't care" look.

    But...I don't want the same incident I had at school. Month ago, I had an arguement with my sister and my sister swore at me and hoped I was dead. So...all morning I thought about my sister, what she said affected me. Stabbed me in the heart. I hope my sisters realize what they're saying to me, they're lucky I don't come at them and punch them in the face. So, then my teacher started talking about bullying, and it brought me to the memory of the hitting and name calling which got me teary. Kind of hard to hold my doesn't happen much. I keep my tears inside. Hate crying.

    Then, during French class one of my classmates annoyed me alot and I bursted out, throwiing my pencil at him and pushing my desk forward, dropped to my knees and cried like a fricken baby. Luckily, I stopped when I went to the Retreat Room and calmed down.

    Went to the office, never told my story but saying it was a sister problem, teacher called home and I dealt with it there.'s whatever I say or do, they seem to give me crap. So I'm asking, to learn how to say something or not. I can't keep my mouth shut when they say something to me or ask me. The hell with it I'd cut my lip off to stop it all. I want to learn to quit saying "just kidding" to my sister's, or some stupid comment. do I defend myself from getting a fricken punch on my face or stomach. I don't want to hurt them...but I want to... I feel the need to not, there are serious consequences if I even punch one.

    And my friends, I seem to be ignored. Whatever they ask me I always give them a seems to affect them. But I can't stop from saying the real truth.
    Thread by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Mexony

    Your mom

    Yeah, I've heard of them...I just don't get why "mom" has to be put in it. Wouldn't it offend somebody?
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mexony
    Lo Siento- Fabiola and Maria.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony

    Your mom

    The joke makes sense...but I don't get the "mom" part... ( not trying to be rude or anything)
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mexony

    Your mom

    xD, nice joke...I can see the image in my head.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mexony
    I have Guitar Hero for DS, it's a good game. Perhaps the next GH might have some same songs or new ones that were in years ago or so..
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. Mexony
    I lost the game T_T....*eats cereal*
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mexony
    Hannah Montana.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. Mexony

    The Riddles of Epsilon:

    Robyn Hunter series is about Robyn, running into trouble, where there deals crime. She solves things, as she finds more things about the truth. ( My point of view)
    But it's a really good book. There are five of the Robyn Hunter books I think.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Literature
  13. Mexony
    What about the Riddles of Epsilon? It's by Christine Morton-Shaw.
    Or the Robyn Hunter Series, By Norah McClintock.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Literature
  14. Mexony

    Thankyou. I really appreciate it. I found Trick-or-treat a sweetness one. :) Thanks for commenting.
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony
    I hope this one works out...put some effort in it.

    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  16. Mexony
  17. Mexony
    Dropped my chips today...hey people...master Shades *bow*
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Mexony
    This is quite quick, but a friend of mine read the story (guest) and ask to write more. I feel pleased. Anyways, this chapter goes to you, Diya. Please enjoy the chapter. Also, sorry for KHRtE...haven't had time. I usually get a week to type it but when homework comes, it can't get done. So, I'll expect the new chapter in December. Sorry if it's short.

    Son of Sora: Chapter 5

    Wait...did I just say heartless? How could I know it's a heartless. This is the first time I've seen something this weird! Well...except for that time I went to the new years festival and this man came up to me and- nevermind that! There's a huge thing right infront of me!

    " Ah!" I turned my head away. The heartless had just scratched me on the cheek. Boy did it hurt, I began to feel a burn. I wasn't bleeding was I? I then placed a finger on my cheek, where I had been scratched. I pulled my finger back and took a close look. On my finger was nothing but my clear finger. How come I wasn't bleeding?

    " What the heck man," I glared at the heartless and pushed my left foot against it, kicking it away from me. I stood up quickly and ran over to the wall. The heartless began to leap, I can hear it. I took a quick look over my shoulder, I saw the heartless, knocking down the glass wares my grandma had collected her whole life. Boy would she be mad, probably beat the hell' outta the heartless! I'd pay to see that. " Get away!" I yelled. The heartless just kept on following me, I don't know why.

    I turned the corner and jumped on the first stair steps, hoping it would'nt follow me. I then ran as fast as I could up the stairs. Suddenly, I tripped over on one the stair steps. I fell down flat, my chin hitting the edge of the stair step. I felt pain, and I also felt the pain of having the heartless rip me in pieces. But not yet, I can hear it leaping up the stair steps, one by one. I laid there motionlessly. Was it my end? Or was I going to survive. No answer to that.

    " Go away!" I yelled once more. Not in a million years did I want to deal with a crazy creature. Finally, the heartless reached me. It placed its claws on my leg. I felt it's claws scrape down. It hurts so much. I turned over and watched it rip my leg. But why the hell would I watch? When I could stand up for myself. Heck, I could earn some muscle.

    I turned over and sat up on the stair step and kicked the heartless off. Without one look, the heartless grabbed me and pulled me down the stairs. My whole body fell on the steps, laying flat. The heartless dragging me down the stairs. I can feel my head bumping to a new step, I knew that there would be damage. Reaching the end, my head was already aching. I struggled to move. The heartless jumped on me, sitting on my stomach.

    " Get off of me!" I yelled, raising my right arm. A flash of light appeared in my hand. The light shone in my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I opened my eyes quickly and saw a huge key in my hand. Quickly shutting them, I waited for the light to disappear. It was too bright. When I saw no red going through my eyelids I knew there was no longer any bright light. Opening my eyes, I saw nothing but myself lying on the ground. And then...

    " What the f*** happened here!?" The voice was loud. My grandma. And never have I heard her swore. I gasped and turned around, and saw my grandma. Her jaw dropped, her eyes wide open. Yeap, she was seeing the real thing.

    " H-Hey grandma." I struggled to my words. My grandma looked at me. Her wrinkles squished together. Her eyesbrows narrowed. Oh crap...I was in trouble. " You son of a-" I stood up quickly, even though the pain startled me.

    " I didn't do it! It was a fricken heartless!" I said, telling the truth. She must've seen it. Even though she was motionless. My grandma stood up and walked to the corner, where there was basket laying there. Neat and tidy. I saw her bend down and dig in the basket. I can hear metal chains hitting eachother and wooden things knocking on eachother. I got the feeling that she was going to attack me. I was right. She pulled out a wooden stick, with a metal chain dangling.

    " I didn't think you'd actually go this far but...this is the last straw!"
    " No-no! Grandma! I didn't do it!"
    " Come over here boy! Imma' about to teach you a lesson!"
    "I knew I should've sended you to the orphanage-"

    I stopped and looked at her.

    " What?"
    Post by: Mexony, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
  20. Mexony
    Profile Post

    Hello. *waves*

    Hello. *waves*
    Profile Post by Mexony for Akua WaterDragonKing, Nov 3, 2008