You watched it o_O? I haven't watched it yet...never will until it comes on Rogers cable. *waits* I'm getting a wii for christmas...might join you fellows =].
Last Song- Gackt.
...^_^ (Gosh I'm so lonely)
.... Thoughtful.
Quick. =}
There is bullying somewhere at the school. I have two bullying poems.At school, it's bullying week. On annoucements they tell us Myths and Facts. Quite interesting. are the poems. Just watching I was walking in the hallway when I heard a laugh. It was big group. Mostly they were all boys. They were laughing, over and over again. I was curious ofcourse. Afterall, if it's a laugh... Then it must be funny. I stretched my head to see what was going on. I understood now. They were laughing. At a hopeless boy. He layed on the ground, embarassed. Him yelling at the boys to stop. They laughed and laughed, pushing the hopeless boy around. They called him names and laughed. I didn't. It wasn't funny. It was serious. I wanted to yelled and tell them to stop. But if I interferred. Then I would become a victim too. I didn't help at all but watch. Watching him suffer from all the laughs. It's not funny, it's sad. Imagine someone laughing at you. It wouldn't be funny sitting in the red light. I turned away with my head down. Thinking about what the boy was thinking. How sad it was to see him suffer. I walked off and went to my next class. Wanting to forget. That whole scene wasn't right. __________________________ Mean bullies. I sat on my desk with my chin on my head. Class was boring. I had no interest at that time. Until when the teacher left...everything changed. I heard some guys and girls, whispering. I head a sound of paper hit the ground. Suddenly, I looked up. I can see paper being thrown at a student. One. The rest were after him. I watched, with my back rested. The poor fella, doesn't know what hit him. Maybe because of the way he smells, dress or anythings. Probably his academics. I'll never know the answers. Unless I become one of their targets. We'll wait and see.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I'm Mexony....=]
Smart. =]
True. The Legend of Zelda is sweetness. Riding the horse n_n
My mom said that she'll get me a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. But the games are fun. *walks in circles*
Um... WiiMusic and Animal Crossing City Folk. They're very interesting to me ^_^ *woof*
I'm fine, just watching some videos. ^_^
Yesh, I remember youu *purrs back*
Give it a shot...*glance* heart of darkness x your future <3 Not sure why but it sounds good.
That was a good chapter. Whole way kept my eyes glued to the screen. I'm curious for the ending. Keep up the great work, Shades. =]
Well these are very good shots. Makes me wanna play the game. Thanks for the shots.
Thanks you two. I should really start the new chapter o_O. I've been meaning to type a new one two months ago , but I have no idea to what happened... I found Death Note Chapter 2 Renjiro looked at the Death Note, the one he held in his hand. He didn't understand it much but he knows that it means danger. Or maybe not. It could be a book that's just tricking others, probably trying to get them scared of the stupid note book. " This means nothing." Renjiro said, examining the book carefully. There wasn't anything interesting. No name, no interest, nothing. Renjiro sighed and opened the notebook. The very first page was a "How to Use" rule. After that were pages with lines running across. It seems like an ordinary notebook, heck, I bet the people who saw me picked up the notebook must've thought I'd taken the joke, he thought. But it could be real to others. Suddenly, the door knocked. Renjiro gasped and closed the note book, then stuffed it in his school bag. He then took a deep breath, who ever would be knocking the door could be someone important. Renjiro looked at his school bag and snatched it away from the edge of the bed, putting it behind his back. " Who's knocking," he asked. Renjiro needed to know the answer, who knows... that person might want something or just came to visit. " Well, I'm the only one in here so it must be someone...say...Suki?" There was a giggling voice on the other side of the door. Renjiro gave out a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes and sucked in some air. He need to calm down. To stop thinking about "Death Note" , and look to the timing now. It's over, now's the time to focus on something else. "Sure, come on in, Suki." he calmly said. The door knob twisted, then a swing. The door swung open, revealing Renjiro's little sister. She gave an innocent smile and skipped over towards her brother. " Hey!" Suki jumped onto her bed, the matress shook. Renjiro felt a panic now. What if Suki looked behind her brothers back and notice his school bag. " Anyways, I was wondering if you could take me to my friends house." " Do I have to?" "Yes! I called mom a few minutes ago and she said it was fine." " You didn't call your friend?" "I already did! Gosh, you don't have to be a pain , Renjiro!" " Sorry, I'm just looking after you." Suki smiled, her eyes going up, squished together. She moved towards her brother and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hugging him. What a moment. Renjiro didn't move but wait for Suki's joy to be over. After, she let go and leaped off her brothers bed. She waved and began to run down the hallway, leaving the doorway open. Renjiro cracked up a tiny smile. He was glad that Suki didn't see the Death Note. Otherwise, he'll be in a huge dilemma. * * * Renjiro had brought his school bag with him to go drop off his little sister. " Why're you carrying your school bag?" Suki looked up to her brother while they were both walking. Renjiro tick-tocked his head side to side. " I'm carrying it for no reason. When I drop you off I might go buy myself a soda-" "And you need a bag?" she cocked her head. It made no sense. Renjiro's plan was stupid. " Well yeah, I might buy some more stuff or-" "Save it, I already know." " What?" Renjiro felt a heat up go in his body. It was making him uncomfortable.What could she know? " You're hiding your Death Note." " What!? How do you know it was a Death Note?" " Easy, when I hugged you I saw that book slipping out." " And you didn't even bother saying anything?" "What? It was a good moment. My big brother accepting my jobs!" Renjiro stopped and pulled Suki's arm back. Suki squeeled for a short time. She didn't realize her brother pulling her back. Renjiro frowned and looked in Suki's eyes. " Tell no one." he coldly said. He let go of Suki and gave her a dirty look. Suki almost looked terrified. Renjiro began to walk ahead. "Come on-" "Brother!" Suki said, her hands clutched. " What!?" he turned around and saw Suki standing there. Her legs shaking. " Why're you so mad? Why? Is it so wrong to look at the Death Note?" " Yes! It means much to me! Why the hell would you do that?" " But I never opened it!" " Yeah because-" " It's your diary, I know. Just because you carved Death Note on it, I know it's your personal diary." A crack on the step. Renjiro stared at her. Suki had thought it was his diary. Pathetic. Renjiro spazzing out on her sister, when she thought it was something else. Very clever. " Sorry, I thought you-" "Trust me brother, I would never touch your things. Only if I asked permission." " Well...I'm glad you told me. I thought you would tell mom or something-" " I wouldn't. It's your diary! Afterall, it's yours to keep. Parents don't need to know." "Thanks-" "Yeah, yeah, whatever! Take me to my friends place!" "Roger that...crackspine." he mumbled under his breath. * * * Renjiro was walking back home. After he had dropped off her sister, he stopped by the Public Library. There he sat in the reading corner. Renjiro slipped the Death Note out on his lap and looked around. No cameras, no one looking at him. Good. " Alright Death Note, I need to see what you do. Let us just pretend that it's a Science experiment. He flipped it open and grabbed out his pencil. He looked around and saw the librarian stacking some books on the shelves. Now was his time. He put his pencil on the paper, above the first line, beside the fainted margin that he had imagined. " S-a-V-il- done." Renjiro placed his pencil down and watched the librarian stack her books. She noticed Renjiro and gave him a warm smile and a short wave. Renjiro waved back and pretend to focus on the notebook. He looked at her carefully. A minute has passed and a few seconds. Renjiro blew out some air, his hand under his chin with his elbow rested on the notebook. Suddenly there was a choking voice. She screamed out "HELP" at the beginning. Renjiro jumped up and saw the librarian fall to the ground . "Uagh!" The librarian was struggling, her body was twitching. Her hands in a twisted form. Saliva dripping out. Renjiro gasped, eyes wide open. " No, no , no, no, NO!" Renjiro grabbed his pencil and flipped it the other way quickly. The pink eraser touching the written letters. He moved his hand back and forth, trying to erase her name. But it was to late. The librarian stopped struggling. Renjiro dropped his jaw. He was in shock. His body was shaking, he felt a squirmish feeling in his stomach. He felt bad. " I-I..." he froze. His body paralyzed. Renjiro didn't know what to do, he was in terrible shock. He didn't think well enough. " I...murdered her." End of chapter 2.
Be my Last- Utada Hikaru.