Um... -Nintendo Wii (Sports) -Smash Bros Brawl - Ouran High School Volume 10 - $20 from aunt and grandparents.
Another for Red Maple. Just need to read five more books and I complete it, hehe. I'm reading the novel The Castaway by Iain Lawrence.
Yesh I rock. You rock too =D
Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to this game. It sounds sweetness.
I was one of them who complained on not getting on. Thanks Jettie for making the thread. Earlier the website gave me that "go daddy" link, but now it's working just fine. Thanks =D
I saw the creation, was wonderful =D
o_o I LOVES IT! *hugs Danny* Thanks Danny boy =D, I really like it. Earth and Kingdom Hearts collide, it's brilliant I say =]
Aww sure thing Danny =] Thanks for letting me know. =D
Thankyou. =] I'll try colouring it.
Decided that I should post up a drawing. This drawing was done on the It came out quite nice... What do you think? ( Kind of looks like Roxas and Namine to me. o_o) Sorry if there are still some pencil markings all over -_-'
Just a short story. It happened a month with me and my dad. The rest tells. Quite fun to be with my dad. =] Dad to Daughter In my home was roomy and cold. My parents on the first floor, having their normal spanish conversations. As for me, I was bored. Once again. Both my sisters had something to do. The little one was in her room, occupied, and my big sister was at her work. Work is hard and challenging sometimes. I never understood it much, but one day will be my day. Where I'll have to work and earn money. Here I sat on the couch, watching what ever was on. Who knows what I'm watching. For me, there was no clue. Never was. I heard the screech of the chain in the kitchen, rubbing itself against the clear white square patterned floor. Yeap, it was dad. Ready to get in the car to go and pick up my older sister. The one I respect and maybe sometimes...sometimes, look up to. My life is on a different path. Sure I walk beside them, but out choices are not alike. We're not perfect like those dumb shows. We follow by our own rules that have been set in our house. That's all. " Mi amor!" My dad has a cheerful voice put on him. I looked over my shoulder and saw him marching up to me with his cute figure of his. The way he walked made me feel warm. Perhaps because he's my father? Or maybe because of the warmth of him. Every time I would hug him, he would feel all nice. With his kind of man smell he has. Smells quite nice. I gave a weak smile, having the Rogers control in my hand, just incase if I wanted to change the channel. " Hi mister." is all I would say. Which is now my common word. Mister. Now everyday, I don't call him "papi" or "daddy"- I call him " mister". Kind of harsh in a way, but that word comes out now. The members in my family expect me to say "mister" to a female or male. But it's mostly directed to a male. " Hehe, oi- do you want to go pick up "dumbo" up from her workplace?" He asked me. Making a goofy smile at me. Why was he always cheery? Probably because his daughters and wife...or maybe that's just me. He'll always smile, as if nothing ever happened. Yeap. I gotta love the man for being my dad. " Sure, but can you ask mami if sister and I can have poutine?" Need to ask this. I miss my poutine. Haven't had it in a very long time. They're good stuff. Looks nasty but good. That is unless...nevermind. " Hmm, I don't know but I'll ask her." he turned around and patted my shoulder. I waited and heard my dad on the other side of the house. Him talking to my mom about buying poutine. Never did I understand a word. Some of the words are puzzles in my head. But one day I will be able to speak and understand Spanish liked I used to when I was a very little. English. My second language. I then heard the footsteps of my sister, coming down the stairs. She must've heard me. Well...good enough I guess. My dad called out to me, telling me that my mom only had enough money for one. We needed to save the money for other things. Clothing, food, bills and stuff. Never understood that much. I don't have a thing for clothing. Shame on me. I'm already thirteen and I don't know how to dress myself. I have my big sister and parents pick out my clothing. I'm not into fashion. The things I'm into is videogames, few sports, friends and game systems...and my stories I write. Remember having a dream about me being famous. Yeah right, like that'll happen. could but it'll take some time. " Alright negrita, let's go." my dad said, slipping one foot into his shoes. I nodded and grabbed my jacket, putting it over. Then my shoes. " Let's go-ch" he swung the door open and leaped out, leaving me behind. Guess it's a race. ~Parking Lot~ I got in the car and quickly sat down in the passenger seat. My dad got in right after me. He sat down and closed the doors. My eyes were drawn on the engines, steering wheel and pedals. Wanted to drive badly. But I shall wait. " Noemy, I'm going to teach you how to drive one day. So-ch" he stopped and put the keys infront of my eyes. Yeah dad, I'm watching. He put the key into the engine. I put my seatbelt on. " First we put the keys in here, and then we lock it in." he pressed the key in, " After that, we turn in all the way to the right, until all the lights come up-but! You have to have you foot on this pedal." he pointed to where his foot was. The breaks. " Because, when you start it, the car will give a shake for a short timing so," he turned the keys and then the car started. He chuckled a bit and turned to me. " See? Nothing. The car was stopped so, we didn't make that thing." I nodded. " So now," my dad puts his hand on the bar thingy...still me memory isn't quite good with this car stuff. " Now, we put it in reverse, because we're exiting the parking space, but! We need to fix the mirror, so it's in the position you want it to be and so that you can see what's behind you." my dad fixed the mirrow and then put the car in reverse. He then put his right hand behind his seat and looked over his shoulder to see where he was going. What a good driver, I thought. " Make sure that you're looking, ok? Ok, now we put the car in this gear, drive." he moved the handle up. " And we turn the wheel to the left, now." he spinned his hands. " See, it's like moving your arms, not crossing it like ' oh my god, this is difficult! Blahhh!!!' no, you have to keep it in a good motion. Don't rush, the car isn't going anywhere." my dad turned the wheel, until it went straight. My dad let go of the wheel and gave me a suprised I-did-it look. I smiled and gave a small laugh. " You let the wheel go, ok? Let the wheel go back to where it was in the beginning." " Ok papi-" "Ah! But when you're driving don't have your back so hunched and looked like your a new kid driver! You would look like those drivers in the highway all like ' oh hello? Martha! Oh baby it's you! Oh nothing, I'm just driving' alright?" I laughed. His impersonations made me laugh. Make me laugh all the time. " Oh, and when you're driving with the wheel don't have your hands at the top. Have them right here- like...the normal way of havng your hands on the wheel." I don't get it. " See? There are two ways. One is 9-15 and the other one is 10-10." Hmm...makes a bit sense. " Ok, pretend that this clock. You know, those clock in schools? Yeah, anyways, 9-15 and 10-10. Your hand on the place where the ten would be and your right hand on the two o'clock. Because when you'r counting, it's actually ten. Five, ten, fifteen? Yeah, that thing." Makes more sense now. Thanks mister. " And same goes for 9-15. Your hand on the place where nine would be with your left hand and the right hand will be on the three, which is on the middle left. Say if you want 9-30. Your hand on nine and the right at the bottom middle. Which is six." " Ok mister." " And that concludes the lesson of me drivin'" my dad grinned and gave me a play smack on my left arm. Kind of painful. The rest of the ride was silent. Until we listened to the song " Womanizer" We were listening to the radio so ... " Who sings this?" "Britney Spears?" " Oh, that blonde naked one?" " Hahaha, not exactly." "Wwwwhhhhaaat?" My dad gave his confused faces while driving. " She's that one that people used to hate and still do, she came back with her womanizer song." " Oh! So she's not that lip singing one?" " No papi, that was Ashley Simpson." " Oh...hehe, just kidding!" Doubt that. ~Arrival at big sis workplace~ We both got out of the car and entered my sister's work place. She was at the cash counter, waiting there. The restaurant was dead. Store was about to close so, fair enough. My big sister perked up and smiled. " Hi daddy! Hey sisterina." " Do you have the poutine thing-y?" My sister nodded and handed him the brown folded bag. He took it from her hand and gave her five dollar bill. " There's two." "Huh? I ask for one though" "I know." "Then?" " I paid for the other poutine" " Good! Well then, we wait outside." " Come on " My dad walked off and I followed. Wonder where I'm going to eat. In the car or home...Depends if I'm that hungry. " That was fun." he said, outside the store. As we settled in the car he looked at me and smiled. " Now let's go to Tim's!" "Huh?" " Going to get me coffee." "Double sugar, double milk." we said together.
For my theory, I think there was meant for a last name, but just didn't decided of putting it up. But for same answer... maybe it was no importance. In later games it could reveal the last name. Showing full data.
Chapter's already posted up Danny-boy:D ( sorry...I was reading a book)
Yeap. Group two is next. I'll begin typing tomorrow though, my hands are in rest for a long typing. ( I need to get out of my lazy chair) sora is cute: Yeah sorry for having your part short, but surely I will edit it. My time limit on the computer was up an I had to get off. No worries though, editing shall begin in your part. Akua WaterDragonKing: Worth a wait indeed =D. I feel like I paid off my debt. Victory.
Note: I finally get to post the new chapter up! After a month (or two) I finally get to have chapter 10 up. Due to all the homework I had in Term 1, it was hard. Never liked it one bit. But now that term 2 has started, it’s seems much easier. Anyways, sorry for having the chapter not posted. It’s posted today! December 6th. Well, anyways, if you have any requests for your upcoming character or something…then pm me. I started re-playing Kingdom Hearts two, to find out some little details about some things. (trying to make it sound real) Thou shall scroll thy mouse. ( Something I heard from my grade 7 teacher) And sorry for double-posting this. Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth Chapter 10: New Paths Roxas nodded to Rexmildd. What he felt from behind, neither of the females felt it. Mexony shrugged and looked over her shoulder. “ Well…all I feel is a breeze.” She said, looking back at Roxas and Rexmildd. Roxas gave an un-sure face. It could be his imagination or it could be real. The question remained unanswered. “ You know what’d be good?” “What?” “Shoes…” “Huh?” Roxas and Rexmildd both said aloud at the same time. Mexony smiled and pointed to Roxas’ shoes and Rexmildd’s. “I mean…what if we were in a castle and we jumped- and then this fireball hit us! I mean, we could be knocked down and when we land, we’ll have a vibration going up our legs!” Mexony exclaimed. The two tilted their heads to the side, not understanding a word Mexony had just said. “ Nothing like that is going to happen, Mexony.” Rexmildd shook her head in disbelief. Roxas agreed and put his hand on Mexony’s shoulder, letting out a sigh. “ You sick-I mean…high?” Roxas asked. Mexony shook her head and gave out a weak laugh. “ No. Just something that came from my head. You know…imagination. Always get to your head eventually.” She narrowed her eyes, looking away from the two. Roxas grinned. “ Alright then. Well, we should head out. Fight more heartless.” Rexmildd gave out a frown. “ Something wrong?” Roxas asked. Rexmildd nodded. “ In the video game ‘Kingdom Heart 2’ there were always heartless in your way, and when you’re in ‘ The World That Never Was’ somebody tells Sora that every time he makes a heartless go away, the heart goes to Kingdom Hearts. Wouldn’t that be the same if we killed the heartless into ashes?” “ No. That’s different. The whole story is true but the video game isn’t. I mean, if we killed heartless then the hard would- oh never mind. You’re right. No matter what, Kingdom Hearts is right outside Earth. Any heart could make it’s way to Kingdom Heart. Unless you can catch it.” “By ‘catch it’ what do you mean by that? My thesis is if a heart goes to Kingdom Hearts, then it’ll grow. Enlarge its average size. Who knows, somebody might create more heartless and we’ll have to fight them. In a minute, one hundred heartless’ dark hearts are sent to Kingdom Hearts. No wonder Kingdom Hearts has it’s dark side.” Roxas looked away, his chin placed in the center of his left hand. “ So…what’ll we do?” Rexmildd had a worried look on her face. Roxas gave out a shrug on his shoulder. It was very rare for a heartless’ dark heart to be sent away. Who knows if someone finds a heart floating and then they give it one poke. Could change their whole life like other human beings. “ We do nothing about it. If we don’t fight, then the population of human beings will decrease. Which means that we’ll all become extinct. No matter which way we say it, it’ll never work. Fighting heartless is one thing, but then that’ll feed darkness to Kingdom Hearts. One day it might burst and then it’ll all be over.” Mexony muttered under her breath. “ So…we fight them no matter what?” Rexmildd asked, her voice sounding a bit bitter. Mexony nodded, “ If we come across some smart person, then we’ll create something. Something that will prevent dark hearts from going into Kingdom Hearts, heart.” “ So, we keep fighting?” “Yea.” “What if we come across a person that’s a nobody. We eliminate them?” “ No. We leave them alone and let them kill themselves from some accident.” “ You’re a nobody.” Roxas said. So are you. We are all. Rexmildd though to herself, she grimaced. “ Yeah, but if we’re stupid then we’ll commit suicide. No way that’s going to happen to me. I’ll only fade. My weakness is me, and the people who hold great weapons.” Mexony said, she ran her fingers than her hair. Roxas looked over at the center of his palm. There was a speck of dirt planted on it. From the fierce fighting in the past. It remained there for a long time. After the long hard fighting a year ago, it returns. Only with more challenges. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ Hurt it? Ship’s don’t having feelings , Tybic. Unless yours does.” Saix leaped over to Tybic, with his Claymore held in his hands. Saix’s Claymore was glowing with a bright blue. Charge magic. The new one that has recently been discovered. In Kingdom Hearts History. The Claymore touched Tybic on his stomach. Quickly, an electric shock came in, shocking Tybic right through. Saix laughed and walked up to the lying Tybic. He bended down and grabbed him by the collar with a tight grip. “ Practice boy.” He hissed. Tybic cringed and let the member tightly hold his collar. By name, the back of his neck would have had mark or a bruise. Which ever way it was. “ So? What’ll it be?” Saix grinned and let go of his collar, having the back of Tybic’s head drop on the wooden surface. Saix stood up and made his Claymore disappear. Tybic sat up and glared at Saix. “ What happens if I don’t practice?” Tybic asked, rubbing the back of his head, trying to make the pain go away. The scarred man walked over to the edge of the ship. He put his into the pockets of his black cloak. “ Still wearing that cloak?” the teenaged boy joked. Saix looked over his shoulder and slowly nodded. “ We still need Hearts, but at this time…it’s not right. If we do take a heart, then we take your human’s hearts. Which in our world, very rare.” Tybic raised his left eyebrow, staring at the back of Saix. “ How are our hearts rare? I mean, it’s just a heart that is apart of the circulatory system, which takes in oxygen and pump the blood through the vessels. Nothing special- well it is but you know…” he bit his lip. Saix lifted his head up, his hair blowing through the wind. How silky it was, yet un-real. Saix turned around and stared into Tybic’s eyes. Behind his cloak was a hood. And that hood was pulled over his head. His face shrouded, as if Saix was now invisible for the face. “ In the made up video game world, our hearts are illusions. But to us, they seem so real. Your hearts are pure and real. They actually produce for your body. If we took one of your hearts, then you would’ve suffered as a nobody. If a human is a nobody, then that would mean that they have an illusion heart like the characters. It’s simple and difficult at the same time.” Tybic tilted his head to the side and gave a short grimaced. “ So… our hearts are real and yours isn’t?” “Yes, catch on, Tybic. This is the real world-“ “Planet. It may be a world to you folks, but this is a planet. Apart of the system-.” “ You know a lot, kid.” “When you sit in class with a boredom look on your face and think the subject means nothing…eventually it’ll be in handy. Like the planets for instance!” He lit his face up and then stared out the dark ocean. “ You’re right. This is a planet and ours is the world. Separate locked worlds.” Saix slowly approached Tybic. The boy turned around and gave a puzzled look. “ I get the feeling that you’re going to do something to me.” He took a few steps back. “ No, you just need to go back to where you ‘really’ lived. Like say…Port Royal? The place where those ships sale with those men in baggy, puffy clothing?” Saix gave Tybic a little poke on the chest. “ Ah, Port Royal. Was a great place to live in. So much adrenaline!” he happily said with a cheerful face. Saix nodded. “ Well, maybe you should go back there and fix it.” Saix raised his foot up and gave a hard kick in the stomach. Tybic took steps back, from the kick. Reaching the rails of the ship, his whole top body was swaying. Was he going to fall or just sway back and forth and let the damage be done. Saix jumped over and gave him one poke, pushing him off ship. Without making a move, Tybic fell right off. His body about to hit the drowning water. “ Make sure all heartless are eliminated.” A with a big splash, Tybic fell in the water. He sunk down in the water, going beneath it. What the heck is that guy’s problem! Instead of fighting and explaining, he ends up pushing me into the ocean! He’s crazy I say! CRAZY! Tybic was underwater. The whole place was a blur. Under the water, you needed goggles in order to see. Tybic sunk in the water, bubbles were beginning to appear under. It was probably the ship of Tybic’s. I got to swim up now, and if I do…I can curse that nobody for pushing me overboard! Tybic flapped his feet so that he can swim his up to shore or opening. As he swam up, there was a sounding of men laughing, faint laughing. Probably Saix had a crew of his own. As Tybic reached the top, his head was the first to breath. Tybic coughed out the little bits of water that has entered his mouth and nostrils. “ Are you crazy,” he sounded furious with Saix. Tybic looked around and saw about three ships settling in at the dock. Some old bearded men looked at Tybic with a curious face. “ Quiet boy! No people’ wanna hear yer’ stinkin’ stories!” The man hollered out to Tybic. “ Oh man…” he grinned and took a whiff of the atmosphere. It was the smell of pirates and ships. His true homeland. The place with no snow or changing climate. Tybic looked around, his eyes filled with glee. “ Sweet, sweet Port Royal.” He floated in the water, just staring at the men unpacking the crates that were laying in the ship. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ So?” Karla was in a rush now. Zexion peered up at her and sighed. “ So, that means somebody wanted to go to this Earth planet again. To take over or have a another adventure,” Zexion said, he ran his fingers at the front of his hair. Still was still in the blue grayish colour. Karla looked disappointed. Right when the adventure was over from last year, it just had to come back. But by the year, people had convinced others that there was a war going on. But people declined it, not knowing what had happen. Kingdom Hearts took their memories, so that they wouldn’t remember anything but for the people who has fought their lives for it. Example: Karla. “ It’s un believable for someone to re-wish this again.” She crossed her arms, her left side hip standing out. Like she was waiting for someone to arrive but was very late. Zexion whispered a few words to himself, without the female noticing. “ So…you have any idea?” “More detail,” Zexion said. “ I mean…do you know who was the one who –“ “ I was joking.” Karla raised her eyebrow and gave Zexion a puzzled look. “ That was a joke? Zexion, no offense buddy, but you need to be a little more bright and funny.” She giggled, torturing Zexion with the bright words coming out of her mouth. As Karla laughed, Zexion was looking shyly at her. Embarrassed that he still didn’t know much about the human world. OR, the humans. As the two had a moment of silence and sudden explosion came from behind. Karla gasped and spun around, looking for the explosion. There was no smoke or anything. “ Watch out!” Zexion raised his voice a bit higher than before. Karla looked down, her left foot slipped, causing her to fall on the edge of the ground. Karla looked down, her slipping into the crack on the ground. The more she sat there, the crack got bigger. “ Ah,” Karla slipped down, her whole body coming along down. She fell down, the first thing that hit her was the wall of the ground. Was she dying? A fall like that could knock anybody out. Her right elbow hit a tiny cliff, hearing a crack right there. Yea, she broke. As Karla was falling, all the memories that came to her head was the past. How everything was all normal before all the danger came. There was already danger enough. Heartless’ were a weapon. Them taking a heart away. It’s bad enough to have guns and knives used as their key but heartless are much worse. A stab or shot gun in their body, won’t affect them. You would need a real weapon to have them heartless fade away. Karla landed to the ground, the flat surface. She was still awake, surprisingly. Was a miracle people would say. A long hard fall like that would’ve killed somebody. But because she has a spirited, strong heart, Karla’s alright. Karla didn’t move but look ahead of her. It was dark and cold. Most of all, lonely. She moaned, the pain must’ve really gotten to her. “ I need hi-potion,” is what she would’ve said, but instead, Karla said with a weak voice “ Cure me.” Why wouldn’t Karla cure herself with her magic? Truth is, there wasn’t a way. A body that injured, somebody would have to cure her. Have her being healed. It would’ve been much easier. “ Cure me,” she repeated. She was laying on the ground, trying to make a move. All a move could do would cause pain. Pain hurts, sure enough it hurts when the words are said in a wrong way. That’s one way of pain. Kingdom Hearts is affected by that, but it’s also affected by it’s own giant heart. With doubts and dark hearts entering, huge amounts of pain enters inside. Thinking, “ Hey, let’s have a party in Kingdom Hearts, I’m sure it wouldn’t mind!” It’s dirty to have darkness crushing the light. Especially when victims have their hearts taken away for no reason. “ Some one…cure me.” Is what she repeated. Karla knew that she was in danger, but the danger she was in wasn’t danger. Was a caution to her. A close warning to her death. Who knows what will happen next. A saying from Kingdom Hearts. Always a new path, darkness will rue one day. Having to be forgotten. But as said. Darkness will never be taken away. Never in history. There will always be darkness anywhere. As for light, it will one day disappear. Having to be forgotten to those who once believed in the power of light. Believing is the truth, or could it be the lie. Who knows. What if it’s been said to choose either one. It’s been said already. And once there was once an oath. And oath that would say that light will always be carried in the high ground, but darkness would be shoved into the bottom dirt. So many sayings to know which one was true. Each power has their lies. Beautiful lies you could say. Karla has her eyes open, hoping to be able to live. Hoping, that she had a bit of her stamina. As she stared to the darkness, Karla figured that a heartless would pop out and steal her heart away. She hopes to have the heartless turn her into a nobody. That way she could keep living and that way she could go kill the nobodies and heartless to go steal her heart back. That was one way. There were plenty more, but it could risks others life’s. Karla breathed deeply, again she was wanting to say again. “Cure me.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The unknown man had kicked Keath in the guts, sending him flying and then landing hard on the ground. Keath scowled and looked up. He had though that he finally defeated the damn guy. “ What’s the matter boy? You thought that you had already finished me off,” He laughed with a high voice. The evil kind of laugh. Victory for him of course. “ Shut-up.” Keath stood up and held out his weapon properly. The unknown man looked at him and smiled. “ Aw, the poor boy doesn’t want to cry. I know! He’s probably holding it so that he could cry to his DEAD mom!” He hysterically laughed more, bullying Keath. “ I said, shut-up.” He said once more, keeping his temperature to a cold climate. The unknown man looked at Keath and shook his head. Refusing to do what he had just said. Also known as disobeying. “ No, not the boss of me. Nor’ am I. Well actually yes but you? No! Anyways, as I was saying! You have no strength, you’re just a weakling!” Keath stood up, teleporting over to the unknown man, dunking him hard on the ground. The hard ground made a short vibration. Keath was violently staring at the unknown man. He had a rusty look on him. Like Keath was about to beat the hay out of him. Keath put his foot down on the unknown man’s chest. “ I don’t want to hear from you again. You and your filthy words, tore half of me!” The unknown watched him, smiling straight at him. As if he was proud of what he has done. “ You’re very smart, actually. You have guts to make a move like that. I was very close to dying. You know, I think you should join my team. I mean…our team? Keath looked at him, still with the violent- I’m-about-to-crush-your-face look. “ By ‘our’ what do you mean?” he gripped his hands together. “ I mean that, you could join my group. We collect hearts and take them to our secret capsules. We help get humans hearts back. We aren’t the bad guys here.” He lied. Keath let his foot off of his chest and sighed. “ You took me as a target.” He deeply said. The unknown man stood up and wiped the speck of dust that was still hanging onto his clothing. “ True, but I thought you took me as an enemy.” He frowned. Keath grinned at him and put his weapon away. “ So what? The words that you said sounded hollow to me.” The unknown man looked at Keath and laughed. How dumb did the unknown man do. Taking a truth memory from Keath and exchanging it to a bad lie. “ So? Am I forgiven?” “Give me a hint.” “ Hint of what?” “ Hint of your hearts.” “ Huh? Oh! I…um…well it starts off with the heart going in to a human body. We take it and exchange it with- gah,” The unknown man gave out a tiny yelp like a dog that has just been pinched on the skin. Keath beat the man with his weapon, striking him on the sides of his stomachs. “ How stupid do you think I am?” Keath rolled him over and dropped his weapon, getting down to punch him straight in the face. Then unknown man tried to take a good look at Keath but couldn't. "A-alot." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Luke couldn't believe that his father was actually saying this. Most parents wouldn't understand about this kind of stuff. But Luke's father did. " Once again, thank dad." Not most sons had ever done this much, maybe because it was a bit embarassing. Luke ran to his father, wrapping his arms around. " Incase I don't see you again or if something ever bad happens. I'll miss you dad." Luke calmy said to his father, but his voice was a bit shaky at the beginning of his words. Luke's father put his left hand on his head, landing on his messy smooth hair. Then his other hand on his back. " Don't forget about your family," his father said, wanting his own son to remember him of who he was. This was a moment to remember now. Forgetting would take bits of your heart away. The two released from eachother, breaking free. Luke waved to his father and so did he. Before he said a word, a portal opened. A light corridor, with purple and sky blue mixing together. Perhaps an adventure to a new world? Who knows, it was the corridors choice or the strong hearted. It could take Luke to a wonderful world, being seperate from Earth. He needs to save a world. No slacking for sure. " Bye." is all Luke said. Soon enough, he turned around and headed straight for the corridor. It became to go bright the closer he got. Maybe he was destined to go in that corridor. A message probably. When Luke entered the corridor, fully, the corridor's entrance quickly closed. Luke's father had a sad face put on him, yet full of pride coming through his heart. He believed that his son would make it for sure. Luke looked around, the whole place was bright white. There was nothing, no sound. Each step he took made a soft echo. Up ahead of him was a dark purple tiny sphere, and there plenty more of them. A choice to connect a world? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " Well I hope you're happy with yourself. You actually defeated me with your whole magic. We may meet again...who knows? But if we do, I'll be the stronger one." Remoll disappeared just like that. The ashes flew up to the air, taking every piece of Remoll away. Jorrell looked at the palm of his hand. It was sweating. Because of the shock? " I didn't know it was that powerful," he quietly repeated to himself. The magic he uses go out of control. This lightning power was a big mistake. Jorrell sighed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, panicing too much going on. His heart was beating quickly,non-stop. Maybe that was the after shock. Jorrell sat alone quietly. He looked back on the fight. How Remoll was creaming him badly, until Jorrell had to use to strong magic. Jorrell was now known as a tool. With that hard strength, people would have little difficulties to try and defeat him. " I wish for Kingdom Hearts..." Those were the words that were stuck in his head. What have he'd been thinking? The truth? Or the lie? Jorrell shook his head twice. 'All of this was nonsense' is was he told himself. Soon enough, Jorrell stood to his feet. Again came another memory. It bursted right into him, sending electrical movings through his strings and vessels. Must've been alot of pain. Almost liked a shock of lightning. " That's right...wish. Somebody wished for this and got Earth all messed up. Twice! Huh, I guess this person didn't enjoy the last and only adventure. How pathetic." Jorrell gave a mean stare to the ground. Ground: Earth. Another element that was apart of the Organization. It was Lexeaus' power. He controlled that element, but not well enough. Our planet Earth is controlled on how we use it. Maybe if we keep having heartless destroy our world, then the Earth will turned black and become extinct. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ginji took the bottle in her hands, and examined it once more. It was such an odd bottle. Never has there been a bottle that looked very odd. Ginji lifted her head and saw nothing in sight. She was in a different world. All there was the colliseum that once used to exist. It was the place where the real Kingdom Hearts war began. Where all strong hearted and nobodies helped to fight and bring peace back to Earth. The most magnificent thing you could see. Almost like a movie. Only real life movie, historic. History was written all over the Kingdom Hearts Heart. This was very good. An experience no one can ever forget. Half the world almost died, but young heroes went one and saved the planet Eartn. History it should be ,and shall remain to be. " She's gone. Just like that." Ginji said hopelessly. She couldn't believe, right after she had returned, Kairi quickly disappeared, mysteriously. " Silly, I'm over here." Kairi said. Ginji turned around and saw Kairi. Her body as faint as a ghost. " What the heck happened to you!?" " I gave you my strength. In that bottle." Kairi pointed to the bottle that Ginji held in her hand. " Oh...but why do you have a faint body? You're not dying are you!?" Ginij looked as if she was about to freak out. Kairi giggled. " Of course not. It's just that I'm a princess of the hearts. I'm not fully functioned to enter the Earth world. I have to give up half my energy to be able to see what has happened so far." " Um...little more explanation please." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eden smiled to Valerie. Oh the joy it was. Old friends once meet again. Such an experience they had together. This should be very fun! " Oh," "My," "GOSH!" The two girls yelled together in joy. The two jumped on eachother, embracing and locking their arms. " Been a long time." Eden pulled away from Valerie. Valerie smiled to Eden. " Y'know, this adventure has been very tough!" Valerie sighed. "Tell me about it." Eden moved her hand up and down like a japanese fanning fan. "'s the fighting going so far?" " Um...pretty many heartless coming in my way, attacking me like a total maniac!" The two looked at eachother, both laughed once more. Sora stared out at the two that were laughing with eachother. " So girls...we're going to be back on track right," Sora had asked, releasing his keblade out and examining it. Eden cover her mouth with her hand and looked at Sora for a moment. " Sure thing." She looked away, a bothering happening in the head. Valerie stopped her giggles and looked out to the clear sky. Something telled her that Kingdom Hearts would appear in the dark. Would reveal. Would show how Kingdom Hearts was being treated. A slave it would be. A slave that was trapped by darkness, with a dust of light. So much there was. Sora looked over to the side. He had sensed that there were more heartless approaching. " Heartless are coming, " he said, throwing two potions to each of the girls. " I can feel it. They're not shadows or clones. They're those rare ones." Valerie said, taking her weapon out for fighting. Eden nodded. " They're those talking heartless. The ones who taunt you. The new created ones. Born from a heart that has been formed to darkness." Sora agreed with the two. Both of them were right. Them talking heartless were very rare and mean. They would get to you and somehow, make you surrender. Here they would come on Earth and try to kill you. More then kill you. Change you. " Move out. I can feel a lot of darkness in them!" Sora commanded. Soon, Sora high jumped in the air, to disappear from the heartless who knows what his plan was. Probably something sneaky. Eden looked forward to the battle. Now was her chance to level up her skills. Re-gain her strength. It was a year ago. All memory should be gone for every strong hearted. Re-learning the steps in fighing. Valerie held her weapon firmly. Anytime the hearless would come. Attack her while she would try to defend herself. Blood would be involved, or black ashes. Which ever way the humans would lose half of themselves. Suprisingly, over ten heartless appeared. After fighting these odd looking heartless, the boss will come. Just like in the good ol' days when playing the video game. But this was real. You would try to keep yourself alive. If you died and ran out of stamina or health, someone would have to cure you. They'd only have a minute. Distractions people could say. Yeah right. You have a choice if you want to save the person or not. To be continued. Sorry if it was short nearby the ending. My time has rung up. I shall edit it tomorrow. Please comment if you'd like. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! =D
The chapter will be posted hand are cold from writing. Mostly numb.
Indeed it does rule *sparkles*
The DS version is quite nice. I played the game an hour ago. At some times, there would be some slow downs, where the game would slow down for a few seconds. Playing on wii speak would sound nice, but to watch other videos and see if it's worth buying the wii speak. But buying the game would be fun o_o.
Although it could be stopped with avoiding it. I don't really recommend nicotene, from looking at commercials, it'll be a daily basis. Buying and buying. But using a food to avoid it would be great. Having to chew gum for some time when ever you have the craving for a cigarette. Addiction could go away, just having something to chew or eat.
I am a fan of Animal Crossing. It's a good game to play. I've played all of them except for the new one that has recently came out. It sounds like a great community game. With new features and with a same side on Wild World and GC. I'd buy it, from the looks of it, it has good graphics and new animals to join in the long life story. It's an all day game that keeps going whether your there or not. Depends if you want to keep playing this game for a long time. Year probably.