Search Results

  1. Mexony
    6. I don't own a psp, don't have the money. But the game might be interesting.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Mexony
    Not all of them, but I've shown my dad this website. My parents tell me that there could be strangers online and that it's not really safe, don't really care though. Been here for a year.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. Mexony
    My usual, I go to school early and end late.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. Mexony
    Currently I'm in Canada, and I've only experienced a one week in the US. But there are three countries I'd like to live in, just to see how it would be like.

    1) Guatemala, my parents and big sister went there, from looking at their videos... it sounds like a very cool place. Picking strawberries...

    2) Japan. It looks like a fun place, I'd like to learn some Japanese.

    3) USA. Busy place, but I like it's buildings. Such a cool place to live in.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Mexony
    It's not an Rp, it's actually the real thing, xD. But, for a reason I'm posting... there will be no chapter today but there will be one on Monday. Saturday I got to do some plans, Sunday is a 15 party for my cousin and Monday...I'll have time. I'm....S***y for disappointing you member's that were going to appear in this chapter and to others who were looking forward to reading the new chapter.
    Post by: Mexony, Oct 11, 2008 in forum: Archives